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List of works by Hans Christian Andersen

6 Sange

song cycle composed by Agathe Backer Grøndahl

A Leaf from Heaven

Short story by Hans Christian Andersen

A Picture Book Without Pictures

a collection of stories by Hans Christian Andersen

A Picture Book without Pictures - Tenth Evening

A Picture-Book without Pictures and Other Stories

A Story about a Darning-needle

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

A Walking Tour from Holmen’s Canal to the Eastern Point of Amager in the Years 1828 and 1829

book by Hans Christian Andersen

A string of pearls

Andersenovy pohádky 1

Czech edition from 1901 year

Andersenovy pohádky 2

Czech edition from 1902 year

Andersenovy pohádky 3

Czech edition from 1902 year


literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen


poem by Hans Christian Andersen, translated by Władysław Syrokomla

Barn Jesus i en krybbe lå

1832 Christmas hymn composed by Henrik Rung, Johann Christian Gebauer, Robert Schumann, Niels Gade with lyrics by Hans Christian Andersen

Bilderbuch ohne Bilder

book series von Hans Christian Andersen

Blockhead Hans

fairy tale told by Hans Christian Andersen

Bruden i Rørvig Kirke

1831 poem written by Hans Christian Andersen


1907 edition of the work by J. Massó

Contes d’Andersen

French edition of the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen

Císařovy nové šaty

Císařovy nové šaty

Danmark, mit Fædreland

Danish song

De to Baronesser

Detholiad o storiau Andersen

edition; published in 1929

Divoké labutě

Czech version of De vilde Svaner by Hans Christian Andersen, translated by Josef Mikuláš Boleslavský

El mago de los sueños

1966 film by Francisco Macián

En Digters Bazar

Eventyr og historier

second edition of collection of Hans Christian Andersen's works

Eventyr og historier

Eventyr, fortalte for born

Eventyr, fortalte for børn. Ny samling

Eventyr. fortalte for Børn

Everything in the Right Place

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

Fairy Tales Told for Children. First Collection.

book by Hans Christian Andersen

Fairy Tales Told for Children. New Collection

Collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

Fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

collection of fairy tales

Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen

1914, illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker

Festen på Kenilworth

Danish "singspiel" composed by Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse, librettist H.C. Andersen

Five from One Pea-pod

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen


illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Golden Treasure

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen


song by Aksel Schiøtz

H. C. Andersena Povídky a báchorky

Czech book

H. C. Andersens eventyr og historier. Jubilæumsudgave for danske børn

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales

literary work part of the Golden age of illustration collection at the Maastricht University Library

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/Everything in its Right Place

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Beetle who went on his Travels

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Farm-yard Cock and the Weather-Cock

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Mother's Love

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Pea Blossom

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Portuguese Duck

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/Under the Willow-Tree

Hans Andersen's fairy tales

Hans Andersen's fairy tales (Robinson)/The Naughty Boy

Hans Christian Andersen bibliography

published works by Hans Christian Andersen

Het kleinste sprookjesboek

Gift of the children's book week 1966

Hist, hvor vejen slår en bugt

song composed by Johann Christian Gebauer with lyrics by Hans Christian Andersen

Historier. Anden Samling. 1853

Hjertets Melodier

song cycle composed by Edvard Grieg

Holger Danske

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

I Andegaarden

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

I Sverrig

Ib and Little Christina

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Improvisatoren: Roman i to Dele

In a Thousand Years

fairy tale by Andersen

In the Children's Room

literary fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen

In the Duck Yard

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

It's Quite True!

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

Jeg elsker Dig!

musical setting of a poem by H. C. Andersen composed by Edvard Grieg


Jylland mellem tvende have

1860 song composed by Peter Arnold Heise with lyrics by Hans Christian Andersen

Každý na své místo

Czech translation of Andersen's tale "Everything in the Right Place"

Kept Secret but not Forgotten

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Kohout ve dvoře a kohout na střeše

Czech translation of Andersen's tale "The Farm-Yard Cock and the Weather-Cock"

Kun en Spillemand

Kutshit hangsashabak o kharbbakayar bibaran

Kuyov va kelin

collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen in Uzbek

La Grosse Aiguille

La Ombro

Translation in Esperanto of the book The Shadows

La Petite Sirène

Wikisource edition; French translation of "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen

La dòna d'aigua i altres contalles

1911 edition of a work by J. Massó

Le Chanvre

1876 edition of a work by Anderson, tr. Soldi

Le Sapin

Les Cygnes sauvages

French edition of The Wild Swans by Hans Christian Andersen

Liden Kirsten

opera in two acts by Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann

Little Claus and Big Claus

fairy tale

Little Ellie and Other Tales

Little Ida's Flowers

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Little Ida's Flowers

Little Mermaid

main character in Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid

Los asadores en sopa

Los zapatos colorados

Létací vak

1872 Czech edition of tale by Hans Christian Andersen


Maurerpigan : Original Tragedie i fem Akter

Min tankes tanke

composition for voice and piano by Tor Aulin

Mit livs eventyr

Mit livs eventyr

1996 edition

Moving Day

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

New Fairy Tales. First Volume

Collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

Nové báchorky

Czech book edition from 1879 year

Nye Eventyr og Historier II

collection of fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen

Nye Eventyr og Historier II

illustrated first edition from 1871 of a collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

Nye Eventyr og Historier. Første Række. Første Samling

book by Hans Christian Andersen

O. T.

Ole Lukøje

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Only a Fiddler

1837 novel written by Hans Christian Andersen

Only a Fiddler: and O. T., A Romance

Andersen, Hans Christian 1845


Peiter, Peter, and Peer

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Philosopher's Stone

fairy tale by Andersen

Pictures of Sweden

Poets' Bazaar: A Romance

Andersen, Hans Christian 1846

Putrashokatura duhkhini mata eband nayakshokatura duhkhini nayika

Pět pohádek

Czech book

Pět v jednom lusku

Czech translation of Andersen's tale "Five from One Pea-pod"

Reiseschatten von einem Ausfluge nach dem Harz, der Sächsischen Schweiz im Sommer 1831

German travelogue


1872 poem written by Hans Christian Andersen

Sagor och berättelser

Samlede digte

book with poems of Hans Christian Andersen in Danish

Samlede digte

second edition of Samlede digte, collected poems by Hans Christian Andersen, published 2005




tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Soup on a Sausage Peg

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen


2001 edition

Storiau Hans Andersen : four Hans Andersen stories adapted for Welsh learners

edition; published in 1972

The Angel

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Beetle

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Beetle

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Bell

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Bird of Folklore

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Bishop of Börglum and his Men

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Bottle Neck

The Buckwheat

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Butterfly

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Candles

The Candles

Tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Child in the Grave

The Cripple

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Daisy

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Darning-Needle

The Elf Mound

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Elf of the Rose

The Elf of the Rose

work by Hans Christian Andersen

The Elfin Hill

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Emperor's New Clothes

fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Emperor’s New Clothes / Kejserens nye Klæder, 1837

The Fairy Tale of My Life

H.C. Andersen's autobiography

The Fairytaler

1998-2003 Danish animated television series

The Farm-Yard Cock and the Weather-Cock

The Fir-Tree

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Flax

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Flea and the Professor

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Flying Trunk

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Galoshes of Fortune

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Garden of Paradise

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen first published by C. A. Reitzel in Copenhagen, Denmark on 19 October 1839

The Garden of Paradise

edition of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Gardener and the Noble Family

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Gate Key

The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf

tale by H.C. Andersen

The Goblin and the Grocer

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Goblin and the Woman

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Great Sea Serpent

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Happy Family

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Ice-Maiden

Literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Improvisatore

novel by H.C. Andersen

The Improvisatore: or, Life in Italy

Hans Christian Andersen 1845

The Last Pearl

fairy tale by Andersen

The Little Elder-Tree Mother

story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Little Green Ones

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Little Match Girl

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Little Mermaid

fairy tale by H. C. Andersen

The Little Mermaid

1992 film

The Little Mermaid universe

fictional universe

The Marsh King's Daughter

1858 short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Most Incredible Thing

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Naughty Boy

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The New Century's Goddess

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Nightcap of the Bachelor

The Nightingale

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Nightingale

book by Hans Christian Andersen

The Old Church-Bell

fairy tale

The Old House

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream

story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream

The Old Street Lamp

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Phoenix Bird

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Porter's Son

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Princess and the Pea

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Psyche

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Rags

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Red Shoes

fairy tale Hans Christian Andersen

The Seven Swans

1917 film by J. Searle Dawley

The Shadow

fairy tale by Andersen, published in 1847

The Shadow

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Shirt-Collar

The Silver Shilling

literary fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen

The Snail and the Rosebush

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Snow Queen

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Snow Queen (2003 film)

2003 musical film by Maksim Papernik

The Snowdrop

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Snowman

fairy tale by Andersen

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Storks

fairy tale by Andersen

The Storm Shifts the Signboards

literary fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen

The Story of a Mother

1947 short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Sweethearts; or, The Top and the Ball

fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen

The Sweethearts; or, The Top and the Ball

short story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Swineherd

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Tallow Candle

literary fairytale

The Teapot

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Tinderbox

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Toad

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Travelling Companion

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Travelling Companion

1835 short fantasy story

The Two Baronesses

1848 novel by Hans Christian Andersen

The Two Baronesses: A Romance

Andersen, Hans Christian 1848

The Ugly Duckling

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Ugly Duckling

1999 adaption by Jerry Pinkney of a story by Hans Christian Andersen

The Wicked Prince

Hans Christian fairy tale

The Wild Swans

Fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Will-o'-the-Wisps Are in Town

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Wind's Tales

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Windmill

literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The metal pig

fairy tale by Andersen

The storks

This Fable is Intended for You

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen


fairy tale by H. C. Andersen


Twelve by the Mail

fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

Ubohý Jeník — Starodávný domek

Czech book

Under the Willow-Tree



fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen


short story by Hans Christian Andersen

Výbor veškerých povídek a báchorek H. C. Andersena

Czech book edition from 1872 year

What the Old Man Does is Always Right

fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

What the Old Man Does is Always Right

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Y blwch tân

edition; published in 1980

la princesa i el pèsol

Čarovné zjevy

Czech book

Andersenovy pohádky: světové vydání

book edition published in 1923–1924

Císařovy nové šaty

book edition published in 1925

Formens evige Magie

Historien om en Moder

edition (da)

Křesadlo a jiné pohádky

book edition published in 1936


book edition published in 1961

Nejkrásnější pohádky H. Ch. Andersena

book edition published in 2016

Nejlepší pohádky a povídky

book edition published in 1930

O dívce, která šlápla na chléb

book edition published in 2018

Ošklivé káčátko

book edition published in 2016

Palečka a jiné pohádky

book edition published in 2017

Pasáček vepřů

book edition published in 2016


book edition published in 1946


book edition published in 1934


book edition published in 2007

Při nejzazším moři

book edition published in 2016

The Story of a Mother

edition (en)

Vybrané Andersenovy pohádky

book edition published in 1939