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The Wild Swans

Image Image of The Wild Swans.
Description Fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

author: Hans Christian Andersen 

Publication date October 2, 1838
Language Danish
Country of origin Denmark
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Access work

Lebedele (Wikisource Romanian)

The Wild Swans (Wikisource English)

Contos de Andersen/Os cisnes selvagens (Wikisource Portuguese)

De vilde Svaner (Wikisource Danish)

Дикие лебеди (Андерсен; Ганзен) (Wikisource Russian)

Dzikie łabędzie (Wikisource Polish)

Fabeloj de Andersen (Zamenhof)/Sovaĝaj cignoj (Wikisource Esperanto)

Дикі лебеді (Андерсен) (Wikisource Ukrainian)

Copyright status

public domain in United States.

public domain in countries with 100 years pma or shorter.

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