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List of works by Roger Ling

(C. M.) Robertson A shorter history of Greek art. Cambridge etc.: University Press. 1981. Pp. xi + 240, [300] illus. (incl. plates, text figs), 1 map. £28.00 (bound), £9.95 (paper).(D.) Haynes Greek art and the idea of freedom. London: Thames and H


(N.) Himmelmann Alexandria und der Realismus in der griechischen Kunst. Tübingen: Wasmuth. 1983. Pp. 93, [69] plates (5 col.). Price not stated.(E.) La Rocca L'eta d'oro di Cleopatra: indagine sulla Tazza Farnese. (Documenti e ricerche d'arte alessa

A Collapsed Building Facade at Carsington, Derbyshire

A Note on Five Inscriptions in Swansea

A Relief from Duke Street, Aldgate, Now in the Museum of London

Brading, Brantingham and York: A New Look at Some Fourth-Century Mosaics

article by Roger Ling published 1991 in Britannia

Building Mk 1 at Oenoanda


Die romischen Mosaiken aus Augst und Kaiseraugst

Domestic Religious Themes in Pompeian Painting Thomas Fröhlich: Lararien- und Fassadenbilder in den Vesuvstädten: Untersuchungen zur ‘volkstümlichen’ pompejanischen Malerei. (Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung,

Ellen Macnamara: Everyday life of the Etruscans. London: Batsford; New York: Putnam, 1973. 214 pp., 112 figs. £2.25, $5.50

Excavations at Loughor, Glamorgan: buildings in the western part of the Roman fort

article published in 1979

Excavations at Loughor, Glamorgan: the north-east and south-east angles of the Roman fort

article published in 1973

Excavations at Zeugma Conducted by Oxford Archaeology. Edited by William Aylward. 3 vols, 305mm. Vol I: pp xii+279, 2 folding plans, col and b&w ills, 169 col and b&w pls. Vol II: pp 258, col and b&w ills, 109 col and b&w pls. Vol III: pp 449, col an

scholarly article by Roger Ling published in August 2015

Food for the Gods: new light on the ancient incense trade. Edited by David Peacock and David Williams. 250mm. Pp xiv + 151, 76 b&w ills. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2007. ISBN 9781842172254. £35 (hbk)

Further Thoughts on Fourth-Century Mosaics

article by Roger Ling published 1981 in Britannia

German approaches to Pompeii. P. ZANKER, POMPEJI. STADTBILDER ALS SPIEGEL VON GESELLSCHAFT UND HERRSCHAFTSFORM (Trierer Winckelmannsprogramme, Heft 9, Von Zabem, Mainz 1987). Pp. 46, 18 figs., 4 plates. ISBN 3-8053-1056-0. W. EHRHARDT, CASA DELL'ORSO

Greek Sculpture: functions, materials, and techniques in the Archaic and Classical periods. Edited by Olga Palagia. 253mm. Pp xvi + 326, 8 col, 94 b&w ills. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0-521772-67-9. £55 (hdbk)

Hadrian's Wall. A Life. By Hingley Richard. 240mm. Pp xx+394, 109 b&w ills. Oxford University Press, 2012. isbn 9780199641413. £75 (hbk).Hadrian's Wall and the End of Empire: the Roman frontier in the 4th and 5th centuries. By Collins Rob. 240mm. Pp

Hadrian's Wall: history and guide. By Guy de la Bédoyère. 248mm. Pp 160, 65 b&w ills, 27 col figs, 8 maps. Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010. ISBN 9781848689404. £18.99 (pbk).Empire Halts Here: viewing the heart of Hadrian's Wall. By Stan Beckensa

Inscriptions on Romano-British Mosaics and Wall-Paintings

La Peinture murale antique. Restitution et iconographie. Actes du IXe séminaire de l'A.F.P.M.A. Paris, 27-28 avril 1985. Edited by Alix Barbet. 29.5 × 21 cm. Pp. 100, text figs. + 3 col. pls. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (D

London’s Roman Amphitheatre: Guildhall Yard, City of London. By Nick Bateman, Carrie Cowan and Robin Wroe-Brown. 297mm. Pp xviii + 241, 176 col and b&w ills, 12 tables, cd-rom. London: Museum of London Archaeology Service, MoLAS Monograph 35, 2008.

scholarly article by Roger Ling published in September 2009

Monumentality and the Roman Empire: architecture in the Antonine age. By Edmund Thomas. 280mm. Pp xxvi + 378, 178 b&w ills, 6 maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780199288632. £120 (hbk)

Mosaics in Roman Britain: Discoveries and Research since 1945

scientific article published in 1997

Pompeii: art, industry and infrastructure. Edited by Eric Poehler and Miko Flohr and Kevin Cole. 247mm. Pp xvii+181, 89 b&w ills and maps. Oxford: Oxbow, 2011. ISBN 9781842179840. £35 (pbk)

Recueil general des peintures murales de la Gaule

Roman Architecture. By Frank Sear. 24·5 × 18×5 cm. Pp. 288, 183 figs. London: Batsford Academic and Educational, 1982. ISBN 0-7134-4097-x. £9.95 (p/b). H/b edn. available.

Roman Furniture. By A.T. Croom. Tempus, Stroud, 2007. Pp. 192, col. pls 24, figs 75. Price: £18.99. ISBN 978 0 7524 4097 2

Roman Life and Art in Britain: A Celebration in Honour of the Eightieth Birthday of J. Toynbee

Roman Mosaics in Britain. An Introduction to Their Schemes and a Catalogue of Paintings

book review published in 1982

Roman Painting

book published in 1991

Roman Paintings and Stucco Reliefs in the Victoria and Albert Museum

article by Roger Ling published November 1981 in Papers of the British School at Rome

Roman Sculpture from London and the South-East (Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (Corpus of Sculpture of the Roman World) Great Britain, vol i, fasc 10). By Penny Coombe, Francis Grew, Kevin Hayward and Martin Henig. 276mm. Pp xlviii + 136, 64 b&w pls,

Roman Theatres: an architectural study. By Frank Sear. 276mm. Pp xl + 496, 451 plans, 7 maps, 114 plates, 34 figs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology, 2006. ISBN 978-0-19-814469-4. £195 (hdbk)

scholarly article by Roger Ling published in September 2007

Rome, Portus and the Mediterranean. Edited byKeay Simon. 280mm. Pp xviii + 439, 158 ills, 14 col pls. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 21,British School at Rome,London,2012.isbn9780904152654. £90 (hbk)

Sarah Scott. Art and society in fourth-century Britian: villa mosaics in context (Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph 53). 192 pages, 75 figures. 2000. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology; 0-947816-53-4 paperback £ 28

Some Roman Stucco Reliefs from Pozzuoli now in the British Museum

Stucco Decoration in Pre-Augustan Italy


Stucco Decorations at Baia

Studius and the Beginnings of Roman Landscape Painting

Style and Function in Roman Decoration: living with objects and interiors. By Ellen Swift. 250mm. Pp xvi+231, 18 col pls, 70 b&w ills, 2 tables. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009. ISBN 9780754663832. £55 (hbk)

Swansea Postscript

The Arch of Constantine: inspired by the Divine. By Iain Ferris. 248mm. Pp 160, 61 b&w ills, 39 col pls. Amberley Publishing, Stroud, 2013.isbn 9781445601298. £18.99 (pbk)

The Art of Roman Britain. By Martin Henig. 260mm. Pp. 224, 109 ills. London: Batsford, 1995. ISBN 0-7134-5430-X. £55.00

The Hoxne Late Roman Treasure: gold, jewellery and silver plate. By Catherine Johns, with contributions by Barry Ager et al. 305mm. Pp 278, many figs. London: British Museum Press, 2010. ISBN 9780714118178. £60 (hbk)

The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii: Interim Report

article published in 1983

The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii: Volume I - The Structures

book published in 1997

The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii: Volume II - The Decorations

book published in 2005

The Kingscote Wall-Paintings

The Marlborough Gems Formerly at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire. By John Boardman with Diana Scarisbrick, Claudia Wagner and Erika Zwierlein-Diehl. 285mm. Pp xxi+360, many col figs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780199237517. £236 (hbk)

The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture. Edited by Elise A Friedland and Melanie Grunow Sobocinski with Elaine K Gazda. 253 mm. Pp xiv+713, 154 ills (10 in col). Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015.isbn 9780199921829. £115 (hbk)

The Parthenon and its Sculptures. Edited by Michael B Cosmopoulos. 260mm. Pp xxxviii + 214, 109 b&w ills, 30 diagrams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN 0521836735. £45 (hdbk)

The Roman House with Bacchic Murals at Dover

The San Vito Tomb at Pozzuoli

The Seasons in Romano-British Mosaic Pavements

scientific article published in 1983

The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath 1: the Site. 1. Text and Plates, 2. Plans and Fiches

The decoration of Roman triclinia

chapter published in 1995

Two Silchester Wall-Decorations Recovered

Wall Paintings from the Winchester Palace Site, Southwark

‘Cylinders’ in Campanian Art