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List of works by Ronald Jessup

A Bronze Age hoard from Sturry, Kent

A Corpus of Early Anglo-Saxon Great Square-headed Brooches, compiled by E. T. Leeds, M. A., F.S.A. 9¾ × 6. Pp. xiii + 138 with 47 pages of plates, 3 text-figures, and 3 maps. London: Oxford University Press, Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1949. 30s

A Romano-British Settlement at Springhead, Kent

A cooking-pot from Chilham, Kent

A flint axe and two beakers from East Kent

A flint dagger and two beakers from East Kent

A. Van Doorselear: Les Nécropoles d'Époque Romaine en Gaule Septentrionale. (Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses, Vol. X). Bruges: De Tempel, 1967. 329 pp., 10 figs., 8 maps in pocket. B. Frs. 550

An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Westbere, Kent

scientific article (publication date: April 1946)

Anglo-Saxon Jewellery

book published in 1950

Archaeologia Belgica No. 100: Yvan Wautelet, La Nécropole Franque de Merlemont. Service national des Fouilles, Bruxelles 4, 1967. No price stated; private distribution

Archaeologia Belgica, No. 177. Conspectus MCMLXXIV. Brussels: Service national des Fouilles, 1975. 85 pp., 47 figs. Available from the Service national des Fouilles. Belgian Frs. 200


Barrows and Walled Cemeteries in Roman Britain

Basketwork through the Ages. By H. H. Bobart. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xv + 174. London: Milford, 1936. 12s. 6d

Bigberry Camp, Harbledown, Kent

scholarly article by Ronald Jessup published in January 1932

Design for a Journey. By M. D. Anderson. 7¾ × 5. Pp. viii + 140. Cambridge: University Press, 1940. 7s. 6d

Enkele beschouwingen over Limburg in de Romeinse tijd by J. Mertens. Brussels: Nationale Dienst voor Opgravingen, 1964. Obtainable only by exchange. (Value: 75 F.)

Excavation of a Roman barrow at Holborough, Snodland

article published in 1954

Excavations at Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham, Kent

Excavations at the Roman Fort at Brough, E. Yorkshire, 1934. By Philip Corder. 6 × 9½. Pp. 37. Hull: University College Local History Committee, by arrangement with the East Riding Antiquarian Society. 1935. 1s

article by Ronald Jessup published July 1936 in Antiquaries Journal

Excavations at the Roman Town at Brough, East Yorkshire, 1936. By Philip Corder, F.S.A., and Rev. Thomas Romans, F.S.A. 6 × 9½. Pp.69. Hull: Museum Committee. 1937. 1s

article by Ronald Jessup published April 1938 in Antiquaries Journal

Further Excavations at Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham

Historic Haven: the Story of Sandwich. By Dorothy Gardiner. 8½ × 5¼. Pp. viii + 368 and 9 pls. Derby: Pilgrim Press, 1954. 35s

J. Mertens assisted by A. Despy-Meyer: Cartes Archéologiques de la Belgique, 1-2, La Belgique à l'époque Romaine. Brussels: Service national des Fouilles, 1968. 2 maps; Notes 28 pp., 2 pls., 9 figs. B. Frs. 150

J. Mertens: Le Relais Romain de Chameleux. Brussels: Service national des Fouilles, 1968. 36 pp., 19 pls., 7 figs., maps and plan. B. Frs. 35

KENTISH ARCHITECTURE AS INFLUENCED BY GEOLOGY. By John Archibald. Ramsgate: Monastery Press, 1934. pp. 54, 75 illus. and map. 2s 6d

scholarly article by Ronald Jessup published in June 1935

L'Administration de la Province Romaine de Belgique by Walter Meyers. Bruges: De Tempel, 1964. 135 pp., 7 pls. Frs. 285

La Belgique à l'époque romaine. Sites urbains, villageois, religieux et militaires. By A. Wankenne. 10 × 7½. Pp. 208 + 24 figs. + 3 pls. + 4 plans. Brussels: Centre national de Recherches archéologiques en Belgique, 1972. Fr. 550.--- Either ISSN

La Nécropole gallo-romaine de la Thure à Solre-sur-Sambre. By R. Brulet. (Collection C. Poncelet.) 10 × 7½. Pp. 94 + 50 figs. Brussels: Centre national de Recherches archéologiques en Belgique, 1972. Fr. 225

Le relais remain de Chameleux. By J. Mertens. 8¼ × 6. Pp. 36 + 26 figs. Brussels, 1968. Fes. B. 35.Nos tumulus, splendeurs impérials. By M. Amand. 8¼ × 6. Pp. 36 + 27 figs. Brussels, 1969. Fes. B. 45. (Archaeologicum Be.gii Speculum, i and ii).L

Loom-weights from Chilham Castle

article published in 1936

M. Amand: Nos Tumulus Splendeurs Impériales. Brussels: Service national des Fouilles, 1969. 36 pp., 27 figs., including maps and 2 pls. (colour). B. Frs. 45

MAP OF THE TRENT BASIN: showing the distribution of Long Barrows, etc. Scale 4 miles to an inch, mounted and folded; text pp. 31. Ordnance Survey, 1933. 4s

Map references

NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT ROADS AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION. By R. J. Forbes. Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Stichting, 1934. pp. 182 and 35 text-figures. Price not stated

Notices of Archaeological Publications

scientific article published on January 1936

Objects from Bigberry Camp, Harbledown, Kent

PROGRESS OF ARCHAEOLOGY. By Stanley Casson. Bell, 1934. pp. 111 and 24 plates. 6s

scholarly article by Ronald Jessup published in September 1935

Par la chaussée Brunehaut de Bavai à Cologne by M.-E. Mariën. Brussels: Musées Royaux d'art et d'Histoire, 1962. 95 F

R. Laurent and D. Callebaut: Cartes archéologiques de la Belgique, 3: L'habitat rural à l'époque Romaine. Brussels: Service national des Fouilles, 1972. 51 pp., 1 map. B.Frs. 150


article published in Antiquity, June 1936

Repertorium van de Begraafplaatsen uit de Romeinse tijd in Noord-Gallië by André Van Doorselaer. Brussels: National Centrum voor Oudheidkundige Navorsingen in België, 1964. 2 vols., 310 and 393 pp., and outline distribution map. Frs. 450

Roman Barrows

Roman cemetery near Sittingbourne

article published in 1935

Répertoire archéologique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. By Ch.-M. Ternes. 10 × 6½. Vol. I, pp. 207 + 6 maps. Vol. II, pp. 255 + 404 figs, on 228 pls. Brussels: Centre National de Recherches Archéologiques en Belgique, 1970. B. fr. 750

S. J. De Laet, A. Van Doorselaer, P. Spitaels and H. Thoen: La Nécropole Gallo-Romaine de Blicquy, Vol. XIV (Hainaut-Belgique). Bruges: De Tempel, 1972. Text: 173 pp., 19 figs. Plates: 152 (I pull-out). B. frs. 2,400

SYMBOLS FOR DESIGNERS: a handbook on the application of Symbols and Symbolism to Design. By Arnold Whittick. Lackwood, 1935. pp. xvi, 168, 15 plates and text-figures. 12s 6d

article published in 1935

THE BEAUTY OF BRITAIN, introduced by J. B. Priestley, with contributions by Edmund Barber, Harry Batsford, George Blake, the late J. S. Fletcher, Charles Bradley Ford, Charles Fry, Clive Rouse, A. G. Street, Will F. Taylor, Sir William Beach Thomas,

article by Ronald Jessup published March 1936 in Antiquity

THE KING'S ENGLAND: KENT. Edited by Arthur Mee. Hodder and Stoughton, 1936. pp. XII, 506, 226 plates. 10s 6d


THE OLD STONE AGE. By M. C. Burkitt. pp. XIV, 254, 9 plates and 30 text-figures. PRIMITIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS. By R. U. Sayce. Cambridge Press, 1933. pp. XIII, 291, I plate and 58 text-figures. Each 8s 6d

THE RE-EXCAVATION OF THE DÉHUS CHAMBERED MOUND AT PARADIS, VALE, GUERNSEY: together with studies of the pottery and human remains recovered in this and the earlier excavations, and an investigation of the cult responsible for megalithic burials and

article by Ronald Jessup published March 1936 in Antiquity

THE SPIRIT OF LONDON. By Paul Cohen-Portheim. B. T. Batsford, 1935. pp. XII, 116, and 144 plates. 7s 6d

article published in 1936

The Barrow on Fawley Mount

The English Castle. By Hugh Braun. 8½ × 5½. Pp. viii + 120. London: Batsford, 1936. 7s. 6d

The Follies of Kingsgate

scholarly article by Ronald Jessup published in January 1957

The History of Meopham, a Kentish Village from Saxon Times. By C. H. Golding-Bird. 8½ × 5¼. Pp. 313. London: Williams & Norgate 1934. 15s

scholarly article by Ronald Jessup published July 1936 in Antiquaries Journal

The Lying Stones of Dr. Johann Bartholomew Adam Beringer. Translated and Edited by Melvin E. Jahn and Daniel J. Woolf. 9×6. Pp. xiv+ 221+24 pls. and line drawings. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press; London: Cambridge Universit

The Map of the British Isles of 1546, by Edward Lynam. Portfolio containing 2 Sheets 18 × 20¾ in. and Memoir, pp. 7 + ii. Jenkintown, Penn., U.S.A.: The George H. Beans Library. 1934. $ 2.50

The Skeleton of British Neolithic Man. By John Cameron. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 272. London: Williams & Norgate. 1934. 15s

The Streets of London through the Centuries. By Thomas Burke. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 152 + viii. London: Batsford, 1940. 10s. 6d

article published in 1942

The common place book of Heneage Finch, F.S.A., fifth Earl of Winchelsea, d. 1726

Trial Excavations at Bigberry Camp, Harbledown, Kent

article by Ronald Jessup published July 1934 in Antiquaries Journal

Two Early Bronze Age Beakers

With a Spade on Stane Street. By S. E. Winbolt. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. xi + 240. London: Methuen. 1936. 10s. 6d