scholarly article from 'Stochastics and Dynamics' published in 2016
scholarly article from 'arXiv:1611.01530 [math]' published in 2017
scholarly article from 'Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems' published in 2019
scholarly article from 'Stochastic Processes and their Applications' published in 2011
scholarly article from 'Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series' published in 2006
journal article from 'arXiv:1812.09409 [nlin]' published in 2018
scientific article published on 7 November 2016
scholarly article from 'arXiv:0711.2382 [math, stat]' published in 2007
scholarly article from 'Journal of Statistical Physics' published in 2015
scholarly article from 'IEEE Transactions on Information Theory' published in 2015
scholarly article from 'The Annals of Probability' published in 2004
scholarly article from 'arXiv:0812.1016 [math]' published in 2008
scholarly article from 'IEEE Transactions on Information Theory' published in 2018
scholarly article from 'Nonlinearity' published in 2013
scholarly article from 'arXiv:1611.01530v1 [math]' published in 2016
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