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List of works by Brent A. Baker

Acute stretch-shortening cycle contractions effects on skeletal muscle morphology in young and old rats

abstract published in 2005

Adaptive stretch-shortening contractions: diminished regenerative capacity with aging

journal article published in 2008

Age affects skeletal muscle adaptation to repeated exposures of stretch-shortening contractions

abstract published in 2005

Age affects skeletal muscle response to an acute exposure of stretch-shortening contractions

abstract published in 2007

Chronic SSC-exercise results in differential physiological and morphological adaptation in young and old rats

abstract published in 2006

Chronic exposure to stretch-shortening contractions results in skeletal muscle adaptation in young rats and maladaption in old rats

journal article published in 2006

Desensitized morphological and cytokine response after stretch-shortening muscle contractions as a feature of aging in rats

journal article published in 2015

Effects of age and glutathione levels on oxidative stress in rats after chronic exposure to stretch-shortening contractions

journal article published in 2010

Effects of glutathione and age on muscle performance during a chronic exposure of stretch-shortening contractions

abstract published in 2008

Effects of glutathione depletion and age on skeletal muscle performance and morphology following chronic stretch-shortening contraction exposure

journal article published in 2010

Effects of glutathione depletion on real-time muscle performance during a chronic exposure of stretch-shortening contractions: age effects

abstract published in 2008

Impact of stretch-shortening cycle rest interval on in vivo muscle performance

journal article published in 2005

Increased mechano-growth factor gene expression following stretch-shortening contraction loading: impact of glutathione and age

abstract published in 2009

Myosin immunohistochemistry and fiber adaptation following stretch-shortening contraction loading: influence of glutathione and age

abstract published in 2009

Non-injurious stretch-shortening contractions: age effects on muscle physiology and morphology

abstract published in 2007

Quantitative histology and MGF gene expression in rats following SSC exercise in vivo

journal article published in 2006

Response of tibialis anterior tendon to a chronic exposure of stretch-shortening cycles: age effects

abstract published in 2008

Skeletal muscle adaptation and stereological indices of degeneration and inflammation in young and old rats

abstract published in 2005

Skeletal muscle morphology following chronic stretch-shortening contraction exposure: effects of glutathione depletion and age

abstract published in 2008

Stereological analysis of muscle morphology following exposure to repetitive stretch-shortening cycles in a rat model

journal article published in 2006

The effects of age and repetitive mechanical loading on systemic whole genome gene expression

abstract published in 2010

The influence of velocity of stretch-shortening contractions on muscle performance during chronic exposure: age effects

journal article published in 2007