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List of works by Eurybiades Busenberg

A 17-Year Record of Environmental Tracers in Spring Discharge, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA: Use of Climatic Data and Environmental Conditions to Interpret Discharge, Dissolved Solutes, and Tracer Concentrations


A 19-year record of chemical and isotopic composition of water from springs of the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1995-2014


A comparative study of the dissolution and crystal growth kinetics of calcite and aragonite

scientific article published in 1986

A rapid method for the measurement of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride (SF5CF3), and Halon 1211 (CF2ClBr) in hydrologic tracer studies

scholarly article

Application of environmental tracers to mixing, evolution, and nitrate contamination of ground water in Jeju Island, Korea

Aquifer susceptibility in Virginia, 1998-2000

Chemical Evolution of Groundwater Near a Sinkhole Lake, Northern Florida: 1. Flow Patterns, Age of Groundwater, and Influence of Lake Water Leakage


Chemical Evolution of Groundwater Near a Sinkhole Lake, Northern Florida: 2. Chemical Patterns, Mass Transfer Modeling, and Rates of Mass Transfer Reactions


Chemical and isotopic composition of water from springs, wells, and streams in parts of Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, and vicinity, 1995-1999


Chemistry of unsaturated zone gases sampled in open boreholes at the crest of Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Data and basic concepts of chemical and physical processes in the mountain

Chlorofluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and dissolved permanent gases in ground water from selected sites in and near the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho, 1994-97

scientific article published in 1998

Dating groundwater with trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF5 CF3 ), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ), CF3 Cl (CFC-13), and CF2 Cl2 (CFC-12)

article published in 2008

Dating of shallow groundwater: Comparison of the transient tracers3H/3He, chlorofluorocarbons, and85Kr


Dating young groundwater with sulfur hexafluoride: Natural and anthropogenic sources of sulfur hexafluoride

article by Eurybiades Busenberg & L. Niel Plummer published October 2000 in Water Resources Research

Estimates of tracer-based piston-flow ages of groundwater from selected sites-National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 1992-2005


Estimates of tracer-based piston-flow ages of groundwater from selected sites: National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006-2010


Evidence for terrigenic SF6 in groundwater from basaltic aquifers, Jeju Island, Korea: Implications for groundwater dating


Groundwater Dating with Atmospheric Halogenated Compounds

scientific article published in 2014

Historical trends in occurrence and atmospheric inputs of halogenated volatile organic compounds in untreated ground water used as a source of drinking water.

scientific article published on April 2004

Hydrochemical tracers in the middle Rio Grande Basin, USA: 1. Conceptualization of groundwater flow

In-situ growth of calcite at Devils Hole, Nevada: Comparison of field and laboratory rates to a 500,000 year record of near-equilibrium calcite growth

article published in 2000

Influence of fracture anisotropy on ground water ages and chemistry, Valley and Ridge province, Pennsylvania

scientific article published in May 2002

Integration of stable carbon isotope, microbial community, dissolved hydrogen gas, and ²HH₂O tracer data to assess bioaugmentation for chlorinated ethene degradation in fractured rocks

scientific article

Kinetic and thermodynamic factors controlling the distribution of SO32− and Na+ in calcites and selected aragonites

scholarly article

Low-Level Detections of Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds in Groundwater: Use in Vulnerability Assessments


Measurements of HFC-134a and HCFC-22 in groundwater and unsaturated-zone air: Implications for HFCs and HCFCs as dating tracers

scholarly article

Reaction paths and equilibrium end-points in solid-solution aqueous-solution systems

scholarly article

Reply to Dr. Stoessell's Comment on “Reaction paths and equilibrium end-points in solid-solution aqueous-solution systems”

scholarly article

Testing mixing models of old and young groundwater in a tropical lowland rain forest with environmental tracers


The Geochemical Evolution of Riparian Ground Water in a Forested Piedmont Catchment

The solubilities of calcite, aragonite and vaterite in CO2-H2O solutions between 0 and 90°C, and an evaluation of the aqueous model for the system CaCO3-CO2-H2O


The solubility of BaCO3(cr) (witherite) in CO2-H2O solutions between 0 and 90°C, evaluation of the association constants of BaHCO3+(aq) and BaCO30(aq) between 5 and 80°C, and a preliminary evaluation of the thermodynamic properties of Ba2+(aq)

scholarly article

The solubility of strontianite (SrCO3) in CO2-H2O solutions between 2 and 91°C, the association constants of SrHCO+3(aq) and SrCO03(aq) between 5 and 80°C, and an evaluation of the thermodynamic properties of Sr2+(aq) and SrCO3(cr) at 25°C and 1 a

scholarly article

The use of simulation and multiple environmental tracers to quantify groundwater flow in a shallow aquifer

article by Thomas E. Reilly et al published February 1994 in Water Resources Research

Thermodynamics of magnesian calcite solid-solutions at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure

scholarly article

Tracing groundwater with low-level detections of halogenated VOCs in a fractured carbonate-rock aquifer, Leetown Science Center, West Virginia, USA

Use of chlorofluorocarbons (CCl3 F and CCl2 F2 ) as hydrologic tracers and age-dating tools: The alluvium and terrace system of central Oklahoma


Water-resources data for the Valdosta area, south-central Georgia, 1961-93

scientific article published in 1994