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List of works by Daichi Shimbo

2017 ACC/AHA Blood Pressure Treatment Guideline Recommendations and Cardiovascular Risk

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

2039: Modifiable risk factors Versus age on developing high predicted cardiovascular disease risk in African Americans

A pilot study identifying statin nonadherence with visit-to-visit variability of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

scientific article published on 20 February 2013

Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurement Devices in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Validation Studies

scientific article published on 11 December 2017

Adherence to antihypertensive medications and associations with blood pressure among African Americans with hypertension in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 6 July 2017

Alterations in diastolic function in masked hypertension: findings from the masked hypertension study

scientific article published on 27 February 2013

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Individuals with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

scientific article published on 16 February 2016

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Phenotypes in Adults Taking Antihypertensive Medication with and without CKD

scientific article published on 26 March 2020

Antihypertensive Medication Nonpersistence and Low Adherence for Adults <65 Years Initiating Treatment in 2007-2014

scientific article published on 28 May 2019

Antihypertensive medication classes used among medicare beneficiaries initiating treatment in 2007-2010.

scientific article

Apparent treatment-resistant hypertension and risk for stroke, coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality

scientific article

Association between 24-hour blood pressure variability and chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional analysis of African Americans participating in the Jackson heart study.

scientific article published on 18 June 2015

Association between cumulative social risk and ideal cardiovascular health in US adults: NHANES 1999-2006.

scientific article published on 6 May 2015

Association of Blood Pressure Classification in Young Adults Using the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Blood Pressure Guideline With Cardiovascular Events Later in Life

scientific article published in The Journal of the American Medical Association

Association of Daytime and Nighttime Blood Pressure With Cardiovascular Disease Events Among African American Individuals

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

Association of Reduced eGFR and Albuminuria with Serious Fall Injuries among Older Adults.

scientific article published on 18 April 2016

Association of Sleep Characteristics With Nocturnal Hypertension and Nondipping Blood Pressure in the CARDIA Study

scientific article published on 19 March 2020

Association of West African ancestry and blood pressure control among African Americans taking antihypertensive medication in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 12 February 2020

Association of left ventricular hypertrophy with incident hypertension: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis

scientific article

Associations of Blood Pressure Dipping Patterns With Left Ventricular Mass and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Blacks: The Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 5 April 2017

Associations of aortic distensibility and arterial elasticity with long-term visit-to-visit blood pressure variability: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)

scientific article published on 28 March 2013

Associations of awake and asleep blood pressure and blood pressure dipping with abnormalities of cardiac structure: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Barriers to conducting ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring during hypertension screening in the United States

scientific article

Behavioral mechanisms, elevated depressive symptoms, and the risk for myocardial infarction or death in individuals with coronary heart disease: the REGARDS (Reason for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) study

scientific article published on 2 January 2013

Blood Pressure Assessment in Adults in Clinical Practice and Clinic-Based Research: JACC Scientific Expert Panel

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Blood Pressure, Antihypertensive Polypharmacy, Frailty, and Risk for Serious Fall Injuries Among Older Treated Adults With Hypertension

scientific article

C-reactive protein level and the incidence of eligibility for statin therapy: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis

scientific article published on 09 August 2012

Calibration of blood pressure measurements in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in Adults Aged ≥60 Years According to Recommendations by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and American College of Physicians/American Academy of Family Physicians

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Cardiovascular Health and Incident Hypertension in Blacks: JHS (The Jackson Heart Study).

scientific article

Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Masked Hypertension: The Jackson Heart Study

scientific article

Chronic kidney disease and incident apparent treatment-resistant hypertension among blacks: Data from the Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 17 September 2017

Clinic and ambulatory blood pressure in a population-based sample of African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article

Combined role of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate and microalbuminuria on the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease

scientific article published in November 2009

Comparative validity of 3 diabetes mellitus risk prediction scoring models in a multiethnic US cohort: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

scientific article

Comparison of Three Devices for 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in a Nonclinical Environment Through a Randomized Trial

scientific article published on 23 July 2020

Comparison of the Framingham Heart Study hypertension model with blood pressure alone in the prediction of risk of hypertension: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

scientific article

Cumulative Incidence of Hypertension by 55 Years of Age in Blacks and Whites: The CARDIA Study

scientific article published on 11 July 2018

Development of Predictive Equations for Nocturnal Hypertension and Nondipping Systolic Blood Pressure

scientific article published on 09 January 2020

Diagnosing Masked Hypertension Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, or Both?

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Differences in night-time and daytime ambulatory blood pressure when diurnal periods are defined by self-report, fixed-times, and actigraphy: Improving the Detection of Hypertension study.

scientific article published on February 2016

Effect of change in systolic blood pressure between clinic visits on estimated 10-year cardiovascular disease risk

scientific article published on 19 December 2013

Emergence of Home Blood Pressure-Guided Management of Hypertension Based on Global Evidence

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Endothelial dysfunction and the risk of hypertension: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis.

scientific article

Evaluating different criteria for defining a complete ambulatory blood pressure monitoring recording: data from the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 13 December 2017

Evaluation of Criteria to Detect Masked Hypertension.

scientific article

Gender differences in calls to 9-1-1 during an acute coronary syndrome

scientific article published on 02 October 2012

Generalizability of SPRINT Results to the U.S. Adult Population

scientific article published on 31 October 2015

Health Behaviors, Nocturnal Hypertension, and Non-dipping Blood Pressure: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults and Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Healthy lifestyle factors and risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in treatment-resistant hypertension: the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke study.

scientific article

Hypertension and alterations in left ventricular structure and geometry in African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 02 June 2016

Hypertension in Blacks: Unanswered Questions and Future Directions for the JHS (Jackson Heart Study).

scientific article

Impact of A1C screening criterion on the diagnosis of pre-diabetes among U.S. adults.

scientific article

Incident Cardiovascular Disease Among Adults With Blood Pressure <140/90 mm Hg

scientific article published on 20 June 2017

Incorporation of Biomarkers Into Risk Assessment for Allocation of Antihypertensive Medication According to the 2017 ACC/AHA High Blood Pressure Guideline: A Pooled Cohort Analysis

scientific article published on 11 November 2019

Intentional and unintentional medication non-adherence in African Americans: Insights from the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 12 March 2018

Is Isolated Nocturnal Hypertension A Reproducible Phenotype?

scientific article

Is white-coat hypertension associated with increased cardiovascular and mortality risk?

scientific article published on August 2016

Longitudinal Patterns of Change in Systolic Blood Pressure and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study

scientific article published on 4 April 2016

Low correlation between visit-to-visit variability and 24-h variability of blood pressure.

scientific article published on 20 June 2013

Masked Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Events in a Prospective Cohort of Blacks: The Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 27 June 2016

Masked Hypertension and Incident Clinic Hypertension Among Blacks in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 16 May 2016

Measurement of Blood Pressure in Humans: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

Metabolic syndrome and masked hypertension among African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 6 February 2017

Modifiable Risk Factors Versus Age on Developing High Predicted Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Blacks

scientific article published on 8 February 2017

Morning Blood Pressure Surge and Cardiovascular Disease Events and All-Cause Mortality in Blacks: The Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 03 February 2020

National patterns in intensity and frequency of outpatient care for apparent treatment-resistant hypertension

scientific article published on 19 January 2017

Nocturnal Blood Pressure in Young Adults and Cognitive Function in Midlife: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study

scientific article

Number of Measurements Needed to Obtain a Reliable Estimate of Home Blood Pressure: Results From the Improving the Detection of Hypertension Study

scientific article


scientific article published in September 2016

Out-of-Clinic Blood Pressure Thresholds for Diagnosing and Managing Hypertension, Filling an Important Evidence Gap

scientific article published on 01 December 2018

Physical Activity and Incident Hypertension in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 30 January 2017

Population-Attributable Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Associated With Hypertension in Black Adults

scientific article published on 23 October 2019

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms predict delay to hospital in patients with acute coronary syndrome

scientific article

Potential Cardiovascular Disease Events Prevented with Adoption of the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Blood Pressure Guideline

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Predicted Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Masked Hypertension Among Blacks in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on July 2017

Predictors of low clopidogrel adherence following percutaneous coronary intervention

scientific article published on 7 July 2011

Prevalence and characteristics of systolic blood pressure thresholds in individuals 60 years or older

scientific article

Prevalence and correlates of low medication adherence in apparent treatment-resistant hypertension

scientific article

Prevalence of Eligibility Criteria for the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial in US Adults Among Excluded Groups: Age <50 Years, Diabetes Mellitus, or a History of Stroke

scientific article published on 12 July 2016

Prevalence of Masked Hypertension Among US Adults With Nonelevated Clinic Blood Pressure

scientific article published on 18 January 2017

Prevalence of Masked Hypertension and Its Association With Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans: Results From the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 29 March 2016

Prevalence of ambulatory blood pressure phenotypes using the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association blood pressure guideline thresholds: data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Projected impact of polypill use among US adults: Medication use, cardiovascular risk reduction, and side effects

scientific article

Proportion of US Adults Recommended Out-of-Clinic Blood Pressure Monitoring According to the 2017 Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines

scientific article published on 24 June 2019

Psychosocial Correlates of Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study

scientific article

Race and sex differences in ambulatory blood pressure measures among HIV+ adults

scientific article published on 25 May 2017

Race and sex differences in asleep blood pressure: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study


Racial Differences in Maintaining Optimal Health Behaviors Into Middle Age

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Racial differences in abnormal ambulatory blood pressure monitoring measures: Results from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study

scientific article published on 4 November 2014

Rates, amounts, and determinants of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring claim reimbursements among Medicare beneficiaries

scientific article

Refractory hypertension: determination of prevalence, risk factors, and comorbidities in a large, population-based cohort

scientific article

Relation between leukocyte telomere length and incident coronary heart disease events (from the 1995 Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey).

scientific article published on 29 January 2013

Relations between QRS|T angle, cardiac risk factors, and mortality in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)

scientific article published on 3 January 2012

Relations between depressive symptoms, anxiety, and T Wave abnormalities in subjects without clinically-apparent cardiovascular disease (from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis [MESA]).

scientific article

Reproducibility of visit-to-visit variability of blood pressure measured as part of routine clinical care.

scientific article published on December 2011

Response to Should More Significance Be Granted to Medication Response to Antihypertensives in Patients With Resistant Hypertension?

scientific article published on 01 April 2014

Role of Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Clinical Practice: A Narrative Review

scientific article

Sedentary behavior and subclinical atherosclerosis in African Americans: cross-sectional analysis of the Jackson heart study

scientific article published on March 2016

Sex differences in masked hypertension: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Short-Term Risk of Serious Fall Injuries in Older Adults Initiating and Intensifying Treatment With Antihypertensive Medication

scientific article published on 10 May 2016

Should Out-of-Office Monitoring Be Performed for Detecting White Coat Hypertension?

scientific article published on 11 June 2019

Should sleep blood pressure be used as a criterion to define white-coat hypertension?

scientific article

Studies comparing ambulatory blood pressure and home blood pressure on cardiovascular disease and mortality outcomes: a systematic review

scientific article published on 23 December 2015

Systolic blood pressure goals to reduce cardiovascular disease among older adults

scientific article

The 'perfect storm' and acute coronary syndrome onset: do psychosocial factors play a role?

scientific article published on 6 April 2013

The association of nocturnal hypertension and nondipping blood pressure with treatment-resistant hypertension: The Jackson Heart Study.

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

The association of reduced lung function with blood pressure variability in African Americans: data from the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 12 January 2016

The contributions of unhealthy lifestyle factors to apparent resistant hypertension: findings from the Reasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study

scientific article published on February 2013

The effects of weight loss and salt reduction on visit-to-visit blood pressure variability: results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial

scientific article

The relationship between visit-to-visit variability in systolic blood pressure and all-cause mortality in the general population: findings from NHANES III, 1988 to 1994.

scientific article published on 3 January 2011

The use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring among Medicare beneficiaries in 2007-2010.

scientific article

Thresholds for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 20 April 2017

Trends in Antihypertensive Medication Discontinuation and Low Adherence Among Medicare Beneficiaries Initiating Treatment From 2007 to 2012.

scientific article

Trends in Antihypertensive Medication Monotherapy and Combination Use Among US Adults, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2016

scientific article published on 09 March 2020

Using predicted atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk for discrimination of awake or nocturnal hypertension

scientific article published on 13 July 2020

Validation of an Albuminuria Self-assessment Tool in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

scientific article

Visit-to-visit variability of blood pressure and cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article

West African ancestry and nocturnal blood pressure in African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article published on 8 March 2018

White-Coat Effect Among Older Adults: Data From the Jackson Heart Study

scientific article

Within-visit variability of blood pressure and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among US adults

scientific article published on 24 January 2012