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List of works by José-María Guilemany

A comparison of the two-way shape-memory effect achieved by stabilised stress-induced martensite training in β and martensitic Cu-Zn-Al-Co alloys

A one-cycle training technique for copper-based shape memory alloys

A review on fabrication, sensing mechanisms and performance of metal oxide gas sensors


Adhesion improvements of Thermal Barrier Coatings with HVOF thermally sprayed bond coats

An overview of intermetallics research and application: Status of thermal spray coatings

Analysis of coating gas porosity development during thermal spraying


Attrition and Cryogenic milling powder production for Low Pressure Cold Gas Spray and composite coatings characterization

Caracterización de nuevos recubrimientos biocompatibles de hidroxiapatita-TiO 2 obtenidos mediante Proyección Térmica de Alta Velocidad

Characterization of (W, Ti)C-Ni powder for thermal spraying

Coating formation, fracture mode and cavitation performance of Fe40Al deposited by cold gas spraying

Cold gas spray titanium coatings onto a biocompatible polymer

scholarly article by M. Gardon et al published September 2013 in Materials Letters

Cold spray as an emerging technology for biocompatible and antibacterial coatings: state of art

Cold spray deposition of WC–17 and 12Co cermets onto aluminum

scholarly article by M. Couto et al published November 2013 in Surface & Coatings Technology

Cold spray deposition of a WC-25Co cermet onto Al7075-T6 and carbon steel substrates

Comparative study of Cr3C2–NiCr coatings obtained by HVOF and hard chromium coatings

Comparing Two Antibacterial Treatments for Bioceramic Coatings at Short Culture Times


Comparison of in vitro behavior of as-sprayed, alkaline-treated and collagen-treated bioceramic coatings obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel spray

Comparison of the Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of WC-25Co Coatings Obtained by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel and Cold Gas Spraying

Comparison of the mechanical and electrochemical properties of WC-17 and 12Co coatings onto Al7075-T6 obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel and cold gas spraying

Comparison of two way shape memory effect for a poly, BI and single crystal of A Cu-Zn-Al-Co alloy

Corrigendum to “Thermal spraying of transition metal aluminides: An overview” [Intermetallics 24 (2012) 60–72]

scholarly article published in Intermetallics

Corrosion and Wear Studies of Cr3C2NiCr-HVOF Coatings Sprayed on AA7050 T7 Under Cooling

Corrosion behavior of WC-Co coatings deposited by cold gas spray onto AA 7075-T6

Corrosion behaviour of thermal sprayed nitinol coatings

Corrosion characteristics of cold gas spray coatings of reinforced aluminum deposited onto carbon steel

scholarly article by F.S.da Silva et al published January 2017 in Corrosion Science

Cr3C2–NiCr and WC–Ni thermal spray coatings as alternatives to hard chromium for erosion–corrosion resistance

Dense nanostructured calcium phosphate coating on titanium by cold spray

scholarly article by A.M. Vilardell et al published April 2017 in Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Deposition behavior of cold-sprayed metallic glass particles onto different substrates

Deposition mechanisms of metallic glass particles by Cold Gas Spraying

Determination of the relationship between Ms and As transformation temperatures and chemical composition for Cu-Al-Zn-Mn shape memory alloys


Differences in the singular temperatures of martensitic transformation measured by calorimetry and stress-strain methods in single crystals of shape-memory Cu-Zn-Al alloys

Effect of Heat Treatments on HVOF Hydroxyapatite Coatings

Effect of Oxidation on Droplet Flattening and Splat-Substrate Interaction in Thermal Spraying

Effect of microalloying elements on the austenitic grain growth in a low carbon HSLA steel

Effect of the spraying process on the microstructure and tribological properties of bronze–alumina composite coatings

Effect of training time on two way shape memory effect obtained by stabilised stress induced martensite

Effects of thickness coating on the electrochemical behaviour of thermal spray Cr3C2–NiCr coatings

Electrochemical and Structural Characterization of Heat-Treated Cr[sub 3]C[sub 2]–NiCr Coatings

Electrochemical behavior of thermally sprayed stainless steel coatings in 3.4% NaCl solution

Enhancing the performance of common electrode materials by means of atmospheric plasma spray coatings

Erosion corrosion properties of HVOF coatings for municipal solid waste incinerator protection

Erosion, Abrasive, and Friction Wear Behavior of Iron Aluminide Coatings Sprayed by HVOF

Evaluation of Wear Damage in Zirconia Plasma-Sprayed Coatings Using Scanning White Light Interferometry

Evaluation of residual stresses of thermal barrier coatings with HVOF thermally sprayed bond coats using the Modified Layer Removal Method (MLRM)

FeAl and NbAl3 Intermetallic-HVOF Coatings: Structure and Properties

Flattening of thermally sprayed particles

Formation of chemical inhomogeneity in the coating structure during high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying

Formation of splats during thermal spraying of composite powder particles

article published in 2000

Functional colored ceramic coatings obtained by thermal spray for decorative applications

Grain growth in Cu-Zn-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy

Grain growth of Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloy in ß phase with manganese silicide precipitates

article by F.J. Gil et al published April 1992 in Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia

Hierarchical structures of anodised cold gas sprayed titanium coatings

scholarly article by A. M. Vilardell et al published 27 February 2018 in Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing

High-Velocity Oxyfuel Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr Replacing Hard Chromium Coatings

article published in 2005

High-temperature oxidation of Fe40Al coatings obtained by HVOF thermal spray

article published in 2007

Improved, high conductivity titanium sub-oxide coated electrodes obtained by Atmospheric Plasma Spray

scholarly article by M. Gardon et al published September 2013 in Journal of Power Sources

In-flight oxidation of composite powder particles during thermal spraying

In-vitro comparison of hydroxyapatite coatings obtained by cold spray and conventional thermal spray technologies

scientific article published on 16 October 2019

In-vitro study of hierarchical structures: Anodic oxidation and alkaline treatments onto highly rough titanium cold gas spray coatings for biomedical applications

scientific article published on 24 May 2018

Influence of Cold Gas Spray process conditions on the microstructure of Fe-based amorphous coatings

article published in 2015

Influence of HVOF parameters on the corrosion and wear resistance of WC-Co coatings sprayed on AA7050 T7

Influence of grain growth on the martensitic transformation in βCuZnAl memory alloys

Influence of liquid nitrogen quenching on the evolution of metastable phases during plasma spraying of (ZrO2–5wt.% Y2O3)–20wt.% Al2O3 coatings

Influence of nanostructured ZrO2 additions on the wear resistance of Ni-based alloy coatings deposited by APS process


Influence of spraying parameters on cold gas spraying of iron aluminide intermetallics

Influence of spraying parameters on the electrochemical behaviour of HVOF thermally sprayed stainless steel coatings in 3.4% NaCl

Influence of the particle morphology on the Cold Gas Spray deposition behaviour of titanium on aluminum light alloys

scholarly article by N. Cinca et al published March 2013 in Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Influence of thermal processes on coating formation during high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying of WC-Ni powder particles

Investigation of coating porosity formation during high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying

Investigation of the development of coating structure during high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying of WC-Ni powder particles


Isothermal ageing at low temperatures of a smart material: a CuZnAlCo shape memory alloy

Kinetic analysis of the austenitic grain growth in HSLA steel with a low carbon content

Kinetic equation for the decomposition phenomena of a Cu-20.2 Zn-6.6 Al-0.7 Co shape memory alloy

Kinetic grain growth in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys

La proyección fría (CGs): Una alternativa a las tecnologías convencionales de deposición

Load and sliding velocity effect in dry sliding wear behavior of CuZnAl shape memory alloys

Martensitic transformation differences on poly and single β-Cu-Zn-Al crystals

Martensitic transformation: an approach to simultaneous study by microscopy, calorimetry and acoustic emission

Mechanical and nanoindentation behavior of TiC–NiTi thermal spray coatings

Mechanical cycles in multivariant martensitic single-crystal Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys

Mechanical performance of bioceramic coatings obtained by high-velocity oxy-fuel spray for biomedical purposes

Mechanical-property relationships of Co/WC and CoNiFe/WC hard metal alloys

Mechanism of bainitic transformation in compacted graphite cast irons

Microstructural and fatigue behavior of cold sprayed Ni-based superalloys coatings


Microstructure and mechanical properties of near-eutectic ZrO2–60wt.% Al2O3 produced by quenched plasma spraying

article published in 2009

Microstructure characterization of WC-Ni coatings obtained by HVOF thermal spraying

article by José-María Guilemany et al published July 1995 in Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia

Milestones in Functional Titanium Dioxide Thermal Spray Coatings: A Review


Modelling of particle movement and thermal behaviour during high velocity oxy-fuel spraying

Nanoscale characterization of FeAl-HVOF coatings

New procedures for building-up the active layer of gas sensors on flexible polymers

NiTi thermal sprayed coatings characterization

On the formation of metallic glass coatings by means of Cold Gas Spray technology

On the mechanism of two way shape memory effect obtained by stabilised stress induced martensite

Optimisation of HVOF thermal spray coatings for their implementation as MSWI superheater protectors

Optimization of 316L stainless steel coatings on light alloys using Cold Gas Spray

Ordering kinetics evaluation of FeAl powders

Osteoblastic cell response on high-rough titanium coatings by cold spray

scientific article published in February 2018

Oxidation Behaviour of Stainles Steel Matrix with TiC and TiC+TiB 2 SHS Powders in a Thermal Spray Process

Photocatalytic Activity of Nanostructured Anatase Coatings Obtained by Cold Gas Spray

scholarly article by M. Gardon et al published 14 March 2014 in Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Photocatalytic abatement of NOx by C-TiO 2 /polymer composite coatings obtained by low pressure cold gas spraying

Plexiform ameloblastoma presenting as a sinonasal tumor

scientific article published on October 10, 2003

Porous titanium-hydroxyapatite composite coating obtained on titanium by cold gas spray with high bond strength for biomedical applications

scientific article published on 24 April 2019

Powder particle structure formation during solidification in the process of metal atomization

Prediction of powder particle behavior during high-velocity oxyfuel spraying

Proceso de molturación mecánica en medio seco, húmedo y criogénico de polvo de hierro dúctil nanoestructurado

Production and Characterization of Metastable ZrO2-Al2O3Coatings Obtained by APS + Quench

Prognostic significance of surgical margins in transoral CO2 laser microsurgery for T1-T4 pharyngo-laryngeal cancers

scientific article

Protection behaviour of surface films formed on AZ91D magnesium alloy in nitrogen/1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane atmospheres

scholarly article by M. I. Barrena et al published July 2014 in Metals and Materials International

Pseudoelastic hysteresis in Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory single crystals

Real-Time Protein and Cell Binding Measurements on Hydroxyapatite Coatings.

scientific article

Recubrimientos de materiales compuestos metal-cerámico obtenidos por nuevas tecnologías de proyección térmica: Proyección fría (CGS) y su resistencia al desgaste

Recubrimientos micro/nanoestructurados de aleaciones ligeras mediante proyección fría para la protección y reparación de componentes de elevado valor añadido: Estado del arte

Relationships between microstructure and properties of unalloyed compacted graphite cast irons

Residual stress development in cold sprayed Al, Cu and Ti coatings


Role of external applied stress on the two-way shape memory effect

Role of three-body abrasion wear in the sliding wear behaviour of WC–Co coatings obtained by thermal spraying

Shape memory properties of a CuZnAl multivariant martensite single crystal under stress and its mechanical behaviour

Single Impact Bonding of Cold Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Powders on Different Substrates

Stabilised stress induced martensite - its use in two way shape memory training processes

Structural Characterization of Intermetallic NiTi Coatings Obtained by Thermal Spray Technologies

Structural and properties characterization of stellite coatings obtained by cold gas spraying

Structural changes in compacted graphite cast irons arising from thermal fatigue cycles obtained by the resistance polished surface technique


Structure characterization and wear performance of NiTi thermal sprayed coatings

article published in 2010

Studies of Fe–40Al coatings obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel

Study by SEM-EDS of the in situ dynamic leaching of mercury ores

Study of Adhesion Relationship of Hydroxyapatite-Titania Coating Obtained by HVOF

Study of Ti deposition onto Al alloy by cold gas spraying

Study of interface interactions for metal-metal and metal-ceramic coatings obtained by plasma and HVOF spraying

Study of stellite-6 deposition by cold gas spraying

Study of the HVOF Ni-Based Coatings’ Corrosion Resistance Applied on Municipal Solid-Waste Incinerators

article published in 2008

Study of the high temperature oxidation performance of Thermal Barrier Coatings with HVOF sprayed bond coat and incorporating a PVD ceramic interlayer

Study of the mechanical properties of low carbon content HSLA steels

TEM study of β and martensite in CuAlMn shape memory alloys

TEM study on the microstructure of Cu–Al–Ag shape memory alloys

The Gibbs free energies of thermal and stress-induced martensite formation in Cu-Zn-Al single crystal shape-memory alloys

The application of photoluminescence piezospectroscopy for residual stresses measurement in thermally sprayed TBCs

The determination of the electron to atom ratio interval corresponding to the change in the martensitic structure from α′ to β′ in Cuznal shape memory alloys

The determination of the influence of heat treatment on the martensitic transformation in Cu-Zn-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy by calorimetry and acoustic emission techniques

The enhancement of the properties of WC-Co HVOF coatings through the use of nanostructured and microstructured feedstock powders

The influence of WCCo HVOF thermal spraying on the microstructure of an Al4%Cu alloy substrate

article by José-María Guilemany et al published October 1995 in Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia

The influence of deformation imposed during training on the two-way shape-memory effect obtained in a Cu-Zn-Al-Co alloy by the stabilized stress-induced martensite training method

The influence of feedstock powders on the CGS deposition efficiency of bond coats for TBCs

The influence of grain boundaries on the transformation temperatures of Cu/1bZn/1bAl shape memory alloys

article published in 1990

The influence of stress-stabilized martensite on the martensitic transformation in Cu-18.10Zn-7.44Al shape-memory single crystals by compression tests

The influence of the electron-to-atom ratio on the martensitic transformation enthalpy and entropy values in CuZnAl shape memory alloys

The influence of training on the two way shape memory effect obtained by stabilised stress induced martensite

The martensitic transformation entropy values of thermal and mechanical origin in shape memory Cu-Zn-Al single crystals

The relationship between chemical composition and transformation temperatures, Ms and As, in polycrystals and single crystals of Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory alloys


The relationship between the stress to induce martensitic transformation and chemical composition in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory single crystals


The thermodynamics of Cu-Zn-Al-Mn shape-memory alloys

The topology of hard metals (binder phase or filler phase?)

article by J. Nutting et al published January 1993 in International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials

Thermal interaction between WC-Co coating and steel substrate in process of HVOF spraying

article by José-María Guilemany et al published October 1994 in Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia

Thermal spraying methods for protection against wear

Thermal spraying of transition metal aluminides: An overview

Thermal stability of the martensitic transformation of Cu–Al–Ni–Mn–Ti

Tribological Behavior of Bronze Composite Coatings Obtained by Plasma Thermal Spraying

Tribological characterization of biocompatible HAp-TiO2 coatings obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel spray

Tribological study of NiCrBSi coating obtained by different processes

Two way memory effect due to stabilized martensite

Two-way shape memory effects after the training of bicrystalline Cu-Zn-Al-Co by stabilized stress induced martensite

Use of scanning white light interferometry in the characterization of wear mechanisms in thermal-sprayed coatings

Wear of NiTi coatings obtained by thermal spraying

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Titanium Carbonitride 30/70 and 70/30 Solid Solutions

scholarly article by José-María Guilemany et al published March 1992 in Powder diffraction

X-ray microtomographic characterization of highly rough titanium cold gas sprayed coating for identification of effective surfaces for osseointegration

scientific article published on 01 October 2019