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List of works by Paul C. Schlecht

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1993

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in February 1994

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in August 1993

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1994

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in March 1994

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in August 1994

ELPAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1995

ELPAT program: background and current status

journal article published in May 1995

ELPAT program: background and current status

journal article published in 1995

ELPAT program: background and current status

journal article published in January 1996

Interlaboratory and Intralaboratory Variabilities in the Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing (ELPAT) Program

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

Laboratory and analytical method performance of lead measurements in paint chips, soils, and dusts

journal article published in 1996

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods 5th Edition: new resources and direction

journal article published in 2011

Obituary: Paul Baron (1944-2009)

publication published in 2009

PAT program

journal article published in 1994

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in June 1991

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in March 1991

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in September 1992

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1992

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in September 1991

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1991

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in June 1992

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in March 1992

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1993

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in June 1993

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in March 1993

PAT program report: background and current status

journal article published in 1994

PAT program: Proficiency Analytical Testing program

journal article published in 1994

PAT program: background and current status

journal article published in March 1995

PAT program: background and current status

journal article published in 1995

PAT program: background and current status

journal article published in June 1995

Performance of laboratories analyzing organic solvents in the Proficiency Analytical Testing program

journal article published in 1996

Phase contrast microscopy asbestos fiber counting performance in the Proficiency Analytical Testing Program

journal article published in 1995

Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program

journal article published in 1993

Proficiency Analytical Testing program

journal article published in 1994

Selecting isocyanate sampling and analytical methods

journal article published in 2002

Ultrasonic extraction and portable anodic stripping voltammetric measuremnt of lead in paint, dust wipes, soil, and air: an interlaboratory evaluation

journal article published in 1999

Validation of a standardized portable fluorescence method for determining trace beryllium in workplace air and wipe samples

journal article published in 2006