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List of works by Richard L. Dart

Characterization of Quaternary and Suspected Quaternary Faults, Regional Studies, Nevada and California

scholarly article

Contour mapping of relic structures in the Precambrian basement of the Reelfoot rift, North American midcontinent

scientific article published in April 1998

Data for Quaternary faults in western Montana

scientific article published in 2000

Database and Map of Quaternary Faults and Folds in Peru and its Offshore Region

scientific article published in 2003

Database and map of Quaternary faults and folds of Ecuador and its offshore regions

scientific article published in 2003

Earthquakes in Arkansas and Vicinity 1699–2010

scholarly article by Richard L. Dart & Scott M. Ausbrooks published 2011 in Open-File Report

Earthquakes in Mississippi and vicinity 1811-2010


Earthquakes in Ohio and Vicinity 1776-2007

scholarly article by Richard L. Dart & Michael C. Hansen published 2008 in Open-File Report

Earthquakes in South Carolina and Vicinity 1698-2009

scholarly article by Richard L. Dart et al published 2010 in Open-File Report

Earthquakes in the Central United States, 1699-2010

scholarly article published 2010

Landslides triggered by Hurricane Mitch in Guatemala -- inventory and discussion

scientific article published in 2001

Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in New Mexico

scientific article published in 1998

Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in Oregon

article by Stephen F. Personius et al published 2003 in Open-File Report

Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in Washington state

scientific article published in 2004

Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in Wyoming

scientific article published in 2001

Map and data for Quaternary faults in West Texas and adjacent parts of Mexico

scientific article published in 1996

Map and data for quaternary faults and fault systems on the island of Hawai`i

scientific article published in 2007

Map and database of Quaternary faults and folds in Colombia and its offshore regions

scientific article published in 2000

Map and database of Quaternary faults and lineaments in Brazil

scientific article published in 2003

Map and database of Quaternary faults in Bolivia and Chile

scientific article published in 2000

Map and database of Quaternary faults in the vicinity of Managua, Nicaragua

scientific article published in 2000

Map of Quaternary faults and folds of Panama and its offshore regions = Mapa de fallas y pliegues Cuaternarios de Panama y regiones oceanicas adyacentes

scientific article published in 1998

Map of Quaternary faults and folds of Panama and its offshore regions; a project of International Lithosphere Program Task Group II-2, major active faults of the world

scientific article published in 1998

Maps of major active faults, Western Hemisphere, International Lithosphere Program (ILP), Project II-2; guidelines for U.S. database and map, June 1993

scientific article published in 1993

Paleoseismology of the Nephi Segment of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Juab County, Utah - Preliminary Results From Two Large Exploratory Trenches at Willow Creek

Principal stress directions on the Atlantic continental shelf inferred from the orientations of borehole elongations

scientific article published in 1987

Rock fall simulation at Timpanogos Cave National Monument, American Fork Canyon, Utah, USA

Seismic-reflection investigations of the Texas Springs Syncline for ground water development, Death Valley National Park

scientific article published in 2000

Seismicity map of south-central South Carolina, May 1974 to December 1977, with cross section showing Depth distribution of hypocenters projected into plane A-A'

scientific article published in 1978

Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2007, Caribbean Plate and Vicinity

scientific article published in 2010

Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 Aleutian arc and vicinity

article published in 2011

Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 Mexico and vicinity

scientific article published in 2011

Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 New Guinea and vicinity

scientific article published in 2011

Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 eastern margin of the Australia plate


Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2010 Australia plate and vicinity


Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2010 Middle East and vicinity

scientific article published in 2013

Seismotectonic map of Afghanistan, with annotated bibliography [USGS Afghanistan Project Product No. 011]

scientific article published in 2005

Suggestions on the analysis of 16-mm seismic data from local networks

scientific article published in 1980

The Effect of Complex Fault Rupture on the Distribution of Landslides Triggered by the 12 January 2010, Haiti Earthquake

scientific article published in 2013