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List of works by Alexandra Sanmark

Administrative Organisation and State Formation: A Case Study of Assembly Sites in Södermanland, Sweden


Assembly in North West Europe: Collective Concerns for Early Societies?

article published in August 2013

Court Sites of Arctic Norway: Remains of Thing Sites and Representations of Political Consolidation Processes in the Northern Germanic World during the First Millennium AD?

scientific article published in June 2011

Debating the Thing in the North I: Introduction and Acknowledgments

scientific article

Living On: Ancestors and the Soul

chapter published in 2010

Medieval Rulership and Assembly: Thoughts on ‘Practice, Power and Place’ and ‘Residence, Ritual and Rulership’

Negotiating the North: Meeting-Places in the Middle Ages in the North Sea Zone

book published in 2020

Patterns of Assembly: Norse Thing Sites in Shetland

scientific article published in October 2013

Places of assembly: new discoveries in Sweden and England

article published in 2008

Sites of Power and Assembly in the Thames Valley in the Middle Ages

article published in 2020

The Case of the Greenlandic Assembly Sites

scientific article published in January 2009

The Communal Nature of the Judicial System in Early Medieval Norway

article published in 2006

The Norse Waterways of West Mainland Orkney, Scotland

scientific article

The Pre-Christian Religions of the North. History and Structures, Volume I: Basic Premises and Consideration of Sources; Volume II: Social, Geographical, and Historical Contexts, and Communication between Worlds; Volume III: Conceptual Frameworks:…

The topography of outdoor assembly sites in Europe with reference to recent field results from Sweden

chapter published in 2010

Tingsplatsen som arkeologiskt problem

report published in 2011

Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North

book published in 2017