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List of works by Ezra A. Brown

A class of planar four-colorable graphs

A theorem on biquadratic reciprocity

scientific article published in February 1971

Circularity of graphs and continua: combinatorics

scientific article published in 1981

Circularity of graphs and continua: topology

scientific article published in 1981

Class numbers of real quadratic number fields

scientific article published in 1974

Commutativity and collinearity: a historical case study of the interconnection of mathematical ideas. Part I

article published in 2015

Commutativity and collinearity: a historical case study of the interconnection of mathematical ideas. Part II

Cycles of directed graphs defined by matrix multiplication (mod n)

scientific article published in August 2001

Diophantine triplets and the Pell sequence

scientific article published in 2001

Discriminantal divisors and binary quadratic forms

scientific article published in March 1972

Doubly regular tournaments are equivalent to skew hadamard matrices

Elliptic Curves from Mordell to Diophantus and Back

Fibonacci's forgotten number

scientific article published in March 2008

Five families around a well: a new look at an old problem

Generalizing Gauss’s Gem

Hyperelliptic curves with compact parameters

scientific article published in September 2005

Kirkman’s schoolgirls wearing hats and walking through fields of numbers

Partitions of bi-partite numbers into at most j parts

Periodic seeded arrays and automorphisms of the shift

scientific article published in January 1993

Quasiperfect numbers

scientific article

Sets in which xy + k is always a square

scientific article published in October 1985

Some Euclidean properties for real quadratic fields

Some mathematical and algorithmic challenges in the control of quantum dynamics phenomena

scientific article published in 2002

The 2-class group of biquadratic fields, II.

scientific article published in September 1978

The 2-class group of certain biquadratic number fields

scientific article published in 1977

The First Proof of the Quadratic Reciprocity Law, Revisited

The Many Names of (7, 3, 1)

The class number of ℚ(√- p), for p ≡1 (mod 8) a prime

scientific article published in February 1972

The imaginary bicyclic biquadratic fields with class-number 1

scientific article published in March 1974

The power of 2 dividing the class-number of a binary quadratic discriminant

scientific article published in October 1973

Why ellipses are not elliptic curves.

scientific article published in June 2012

Why is PSL(2,7) ≅ GL(3,2)?


x4 + dx2y2 + y2= z2: Some cases with only trivial solutions—and a solution Euler missed

scientific article published in September 1989