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List of works by Lee Amoroso

Age calibration of carbonate rind thickness in late pleistocene soils for surficial deposit age estimation, Southwest USA

Bedrock and surficial geologic map of the Satan Butte and Greasewood 7.5’ quadrangles, Navajo and Apache Counties, northern Arizona

scientific article published in 2013

Color shaded-relief and surface-classification maps of the Fish Creek Area, Harrison Bay Quadrangle, Northern Alaska

scholarly article published 2007

Paleoseismology and Neotectonics of the Shivwits Section of the Hurricane Fault, Northwestern Arizona

scientific article

Preliminary Surficial Geology of the Dove Spring Off-Highway Vehicle Open Area, Mojave Desert, California


Preliminary bedrock and surficial geologic map of the west half of the Sanders 30' x 60' quadrangle, Navajo and Apache Counties, northern Arizona

scientific article published in 2014

Recent Seasonal Variations in Arid Landscape Cover and Aeolian Sand Mobility, Navajo Nation, Southwestern United States


Reevaluation of the Crooked Ridge River—Early Pleistocene (ca. 2 Ma) age and origin of the White Mesa alluvium, northeastern Arizona

scientific article published in 2016

Surficial Geologic Map and Geodatabase of the Cuddeback Lake 30' x 60' Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, California


Surficial geologic map of the Cuddeback Lake 30' x 60' quadrangle, San Bernardino and Kern counties, California


The Willow Beach Beds—A Pre-Colorado River Axial-Basin Deposit

scientific article published in 2011

Vegetation, substrate, and eolian sediment transport at Teesto Wash, Navajo Nation, 2009-2012

scholarly article in Scientific Investigations Report, 2012