1986 Italian comedy film directed by Luca Verdone
1991 film by Petra Haffter
1991 film
1999 film by Maurizio Zaccaro
1976 film by Marcello Aliprandi
2006 film by Antonello Belluco
1988 film directed by Michael Winner
2008 film by Sergio Rubini
1980 film
1982 film by Liliana Cavani
1981 film by Brian De Palma
1984 film directed by Brian De Palma
1976 film directed by Brian De Palma
1988 film by David Schmoeller
1978 film directed by Monte Hellman
1998 film by Claudio Fragasso
1975 film by Marcello Aliprandi
1992 film by Tinto Brass
1986 film by David Schmoeller
1978 film by Ugo Liberatore
1987 film by Herbert Ross
1980 film by Gianni Barcelloni
1987 film by Luciano Odorisio
2010 film by Claudio Fragasso
2005 television film directed by Dario Argento
2019 film directed by Brian De Palma
Italian television series
1973 film by Nicolas Roeg
1980 film directed by Brian De Palma
1985 British film directed by Anthony B. Richmond
1996 film by Pupi Avati
Italian television series
1993 Italian film directed by Giuseppe Ferrara
1987 film by Boaz Davidson
1988 science fiction and fantasy film directed by Fritz Kiersch
2005 film by Giuseppe Ferrara, based on tje story of Guido Rossa, a worker and trade unionist killed in 1979 by the Red Brigades.
1998 film by Giovanni Veronesi
1983 Italian adventure film directed by Luigi Cozzi
1988 film directed by Faliero Rosati
1982 film by José Antonio de la Loma
original song written and composed by Pino Donaggio, Bruno Pallesi
Italian police detective series
1980 film by Brian De Palma
1987 film by Cinzia Th. Torrini
1995 film by José María Sánchez
1997 film by Maurizio Zaccaro
2019 film by Antonio Padovan
2005 tv film
2003 film by Roger Young
1989 film by Antonio Margheriti
1991 film by Antonio Margheriti
original song composed by Pino Donaggio with words in Italian by Vito Pallavicini; first performed by Pino Donaggio and Jody Miller at the 1965 Sanremo Music Festival
1987 film by Daniel Schmid
1988 film directed by David Stevens
1985 film by Giovanni Soldati
song by Pino Donaggio, Vito Pallavicini and Pontiack
2016 film by Claudio Fragasso
television series
1996 film by Massimo Spano
1990 film by Charles Band
2007 film by Claudio Fragasso
1998 film by Tinto Brass
2014 film by Daniele Ciprì
2018 film by Terence Hill
1996 film by Sigi Rothemund
1995 film by Peter Hall
1996 film
1989 film by Peter Masterson
1984 Italian comedy film directed by Roberto Benigni and Massimo
1985 film by Carlo Vanzina
1994 American western-science fiction dark comedy film directed by Sam Irvin
1996 film by Sam Irvin
2001 film
2006 film directed by Sergio Rubini
1989 science fiction B-film directed by John Cardos
1984 film by Menahem Golan
1995 film by Claudio Fragasso
2012 film by Brian De Palma
2013 film directed by Mark Hartley
1988 film by Ruggero Deodato
1978 film by Joe Dante
2003 film by Giovanni Fago
1992 American film
1989 film by Aldo Lado
1985 film by Simon Nuchtern
1987 film by Aldo Lado
1992 Italian tv miniseries
2004 film directed by Don Mancini
2009 television film directed by Xaver Schwarzenberger
1979 film by Marcello Aliprandi
2002 film by Sergio Rubini
1996 film by Carlo Vanzina
1995 film by Giuseppe Ferrara
1991 film
1982 film by Tim Hunter
1985 film by Luigi Cozzi
2002 film directed by Giuseppe Ferrara
1987 film directed by Ruggero Deodato
1985 film by Liliana Cavani
1981 film directed by Lucio Fulci
1991 film by Michele Soavi
1981 film directed by Ed Bianchi
1986 television film directed by Larry Peerce
1988 film by Carlo Vanzina
1981 film by Joe Dante
2011 film by Carlo Vanzina
1986 film by Giuseppe Ferrara
1990 film directed by Kevin Connor
1996 film by Pupi Avati
2001 film directed by Sheldon Lettich
1984 film by Terence Hill
video artwork by Salla Tykkä, 2001
1979 film by David Schmoeller
2000 film by Tinto Brass
1993 film directed by Dario Argento
1994 film by Terence Hill
1990 film by Dario Argento, George A. Romero
1995 film by Michele Placido
television series
song by Pino Donaggio and Vito Pallavicini
2000 film by Philip Haas
song; Swedish language-version of "Io che non vivo (senza te)", lyrics adapted by Stig Andersson
1982 film by Marcello Aliprandi
1982 film
1993 film by Liliana Cavani
2008 film by Martin Koolhoven
translated song; adaptation of "Io che non vivo (senza te)" with words in Spanish by Artur Kaps and Augusto Algueró [Sr.]
translated song; adaptation of "Io che non vivo (senza te)" with words in English by Vicki Wickham, Simon Napier-Bell
1988 film by Tina Rathborne
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