Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Frederic Henry Hedge
Christian hymn with lyrics and melody by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Frederic Henry Hedge
book by Maarten Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Thomas Carlyle
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
Lutheran chorale of 1524
chorale cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
book by Martin Luther
1525 pamphlet by Martin Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Richard Massie
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
collection of Martin Luther's works in English translation
hymn tune composed by Martin Luther
German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1860, no. 3
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
Christian hymn text written by Martin Luther
Slovak translation of Small Catechism
Lutheran doctrinal standard of 10 authoritative credal documents: Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian Creeds; Augsburg Confession; Apology of the Augsburg Confession; Small and Large Catechisms; Smalcald Articles; Melanchthon’s Tractate; Formula of Concord
translated hymn; Portuguese adaptation based on the Spanish translation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott"
translated hymn; Spanish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott", translated by Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Richard Massie
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lutheran Christmas hymn with a text by Martin Luther, based on the Latin hymn A solis ortus cardine
chorale cantate by Johann Sebastian Bach composed for the second day of Christmas
book by Maarten Luther
Croatian Catechismus. Edna malahna kniga.
sacred Song
motet by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
song with lyrics by Martin Luther
chorale from the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lutheran hymn
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Original version of Martin Luther's theses attacking scholastic theology, written for his doctoral student to defend in disputation.
Translation of Martin Luther's theses attacking scholastic theology, written for his doctoral student to defend in disputation.
hymn tune composed by Martin Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
hymn by Martin Luther
second Lutheran hymnal
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
lutheran hymn of 1524
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
1524 sacred Song with lyrics by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Loersfeld edition of the Protestant hymnbook published in 1524
Maler edition of the Protestant hymnbook published in 1524
Protestant hymn book
Lutheran hymnal by Johann Walter, Martin Luther
first Lutheran hymnal
Christian hymn; Norwegian-language version of "Veni redemptor gentium", translated by Bernt Støylen
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth
Christian hymn by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth and set to the tune Von Himmel Hoch
1535 edition of a choral-book by Martin Luther
Christmas carol by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lutheran hymn written by Martin Luther in 1529
church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Martin Luther work
Czech translation of Ein Feste Burg
hymn tune composed by Martin Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
Lutheran hymn
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
1524 sacred Song
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lutheran hymn for Pentecost
hymn tune composed by Martin Luther and Joseph Klug
German-language translation of the Bible by Martin Luther
widely recognized symbol for Lutheranism
catechism by Martin Luther
catechism by Martin Luther
biblical canon attributed to Martin Luther
English translation of letters by Martin Luther and his contemporaries
Lutheran views on Mary, mother of Jesus
Stockholm: Tryckt vthi thet af Kongl. Maytt. privileg. Burchardi tryckeri / af J.J. Genath / f., 1696.
English Bible
church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
hymn by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Luther's translation of "Media vita in morte sumus"
German plainsong melody, as adapted to a hymn tune by Martin Luther
disputation by Martin Luther on indulgences
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lutheran hymn by Martin Luther
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Christian hymn, Martin Luther's translation of "Veni redemptor gentium"
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by William M. Reynolds
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Caroline Fry
book by Martin Luther
book by Martin Luther
book by Martin Luther
book by Martin Luther
antisemitic treatise by Martin Luther
book by Martin Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English for Evangelical Lutheran Worship in 2006
Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth
1524 sacred Song
Slavonic incunabula
1976 film by Georg Brintrup
Latin Christian hymn attributed to Ambrose of Milan, as set to the German plainsong melody Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland
church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
sacred Song
Summary of Lutheran doctrine, written by Martin Luther in 1537
book by Martin Luther
book by Maarten Luther
scholarly edition of the Book of Concord
American Edition version of Martin Luther's treatise on Christian Liberty
original version of Martin Luther's treatise on christian freedom
The historical setting of Martin Luther's treatise along with excerpts from the author's new translation of the work.
book by Maarten Luther
book by Maarten Luther
edition; published in 1926
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
hymn tune attributed to Martin Luther
Christmas song
sacred Song with lyrics by Martin Luther
translated hymn; Danish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott"
translated hymn, Swedish-language version of "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" by Olaus Petri
translated hymn; Swedish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott" by Zachris Topelius
work by Martin Luther
German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into Polish by Edward Romański
The authoritative collection of Martin Luther's works in their original German and Latin (1883-2009)
Lutheran hymn
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach
Polish translation of German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther
Protestant doctrine that God rules the worldly or kingdom through secular government by means of law and the heavenly kingdom through the gospel or grace
book edition published in 2017
book edition published in 2017
book edition published in 2017
book edition published in 1901
book edition published in 2017
book edition published in 2017
motet composed by Felix Mendelssohn
book edition published in 1987
book edition published in 2019
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