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List of works by Martin Luther

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Frederic Henry Hedge

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Christian hymn with lyrics and melody by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Frederic Henry Hedge

A Sermon on Indulgences and Grace

book by Maarten Luther

A safe stronghold our God is still

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Thomas Carlyle

Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein

Lutheran chorale of 1524

Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2

chorale cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Against Henry, King of England

book by Martin Luther

Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants

1525 pamphlet by Martin Luther

Ah God, from heav'n look down, and see

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth

Ah God, look down from heaven and see

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Richard Massie

Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 260

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

American edition of Luther's Works

collection of Martin Luther's works in English translation

Aus Tiefer Not

hymn tune composed by Martin Luther

Aus dem Gedenkbuche der Gartenlaube

German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1860, no. 3

Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, ach Gott, erhör mein Riefen

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir

Christian hymn text written by Martin Luther

Bardejov Catechism of 1581

Slovak translation of Small Catechism

Book of Concord

Lutheran doctrinal standard of 10 authoritative credal documents: Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian Creeds; Augsburg Confession; Apology of the Augsburg Confession; Small and Large Catechisms; Smalcald Articles; Melanchthon’s Tractate; Formula of Concord

Castelo Forte é o Nosso Deus

translated hymn; Portuguese adaptation based on the Spanish translation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott"

Castillo fuerte es nuestro Dios

translated hymn; Spanish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott", translated by Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars

Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Richard Massie

Christ lag in Todes Banden


Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 277

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 278

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 279

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4

church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christ lag in Todesbanden

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 280

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7

church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Christum wir sollen loben schon

Lutheran Christmas hymn with a text by Martin Luther, based on the Latin hymn A solis ortus cardine

Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 121

chorale cantate by Johann Sebastian Bach composed for the second day of Christmas

Chvalmež Boha, ó kresťané

Confession Concerning Christ's Supper

book by Maarten Luther

Croatian Catechismus

Croatian Catechismus. Edna malahna kniga.

Da pacem Domine

sacred Song

Den lilla katekesen

Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226

motet by Johann Sebastian Bach

Der du bist drei in Einigkeit, BWV 293

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Die beste Zeit im Jahr ist mein

song with lyrics by Martin Luther

Dies hat er alles uns getan

chorale from the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach

Dies sind die heilgen Zehn Gebot

Lutheran hymn

Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot, BWV 298

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Disputation against Scholastic Theology

Original version of Martin Luther's theses attacking scholastic theology, written for his doctoral student to defend in disputation.

Disputation against Scholastic Theology

Translation of Martin Luther's theses attacking scholastic theology, written for his doctoral student to defend in disputation.

Ein Feste Burg

hymn tune composed by Martin Luther

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 302

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 303

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Ein neues Lied wir heben an


Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott

hymn by Martin Luther

Erfurt Enchiridion

second Lutheran hymnal

Erhalt uns


Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl

lutheran hymn of 1524

Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl, BWV 308

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Es woll uns Gott genädig sein

1524 sacred Song with lyrics by Martin Luther

Es woll uns Gott genädig sein, BWV 311

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Es woll uns Gott genädig sein, BWV 312

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein

Loersfeld edition of the Protestant hymnbook published in 1524

Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein

Maler edition of the Protestant hymnbook published in 1524

Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein

Protestant hymn book

Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn

Lutheran hymnal by Johann Walter, Martin Luther

First Lutheran hymnal

first Lutheran hymnal

Folkefrelsar til oss kom

Christian hymn; Norwegian-language version of "Veni redemptor gentium", translated by Bernt Støylen

From Heaven Above

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth

From Heaven Above

Christian hymn by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth and set to the tune Von Himmel Hoch

Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert zu Wittemberg

1535 edition of a choral-book by Martin Luther

Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ

Christmas carol by Martin Luther

Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 314

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Gott der Vater wohn uns bei


Gott der Vater wohn uns bei, BWV 317

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet


Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet, BWV 322

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Herr Gott, dich loben wir

Lutheran hymn written by Martin Luther in 1529

Herr Gott, dich loben wir, BWV 16

church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Herr Gott, dich loben wir, BWV 328

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach


Martin Luther work

Hrad přepevný jest Pán Bůh náš

Czech translation of Ein Feste Burg

Jesaia, Dem Propheten

hymn tune composed by Martin Luther

Jesaia, dem Propheten, das geschah

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

Jesus Christus

Lutheran hymn

Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 363

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 364

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand

1524 sacred Song

Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist, BWV 370

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott

Lutheran hymn for Pentecost


hymn tune composed by Martin Luther and Joseph Klug

Luther Bible

German-language translation of the Bible by Martin Luther

Luther rose

widely recognized symbol for Lutheranism

Luther's Large Catechism

catechism by Martin Luther

Luther's Small Catechism

catechism by Martin Luther

Luther's canon

biblical canon attributed to Martin Luther

Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters

English translation of letters by Martin Luther and his contemporaries

Lutheran Marian theology

Lutheran views on Mary, mother of Jesus

Lutheri Catechismus : ofwersatt på American-Virginiske språket.

Stockholm: Tryckt vthi thet af Kongl. Maytt. privileg. Burchardi tryckeri / af J.J. Genath / f., 1696.

Matthew Bible

English Bible

Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, BWV 10

church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin


Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 382

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Mitten wir im Leben sind

hymn by Martin Luther

Mitten wir im Leben sind, BWV 383

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Mocný Bože, při Kristovu

Mytten wir ym leben synd

Luther's translation of "Media vita in morte sumus"


German plainsong melody, as adapted to a hymn tune by Martin Luther

Ninety-five Theses

disputation by Martin Luther on indulgences

Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist, BWV 385

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein

Lutheran hymn by Martin Luther

Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein, BWV 388

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

Christian hymn, Martin Luther's translation of "Veni redemptor gentium"

Oh God! Look down from heav'n, we pray

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by William M. Reynolds

Oh Lord our God, from heaven look down

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Caroline Fry

Om kyrkans reformation

Om kyrkans reformation

On War against the Turk

book by Martin Luther

On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

book by Martin Luther

On the Bondage of the Will

book by Martin Luther

On the Councils and the Church

book by Martin Luther

On the Jews and Their Lies

antisemitic treatise by Martin Luther

Operationes In Psalmos

book by Martin Luther

Otče náš, jenž v nebesích dlíš

Out of the Depths

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English for Evangelical Lutheran Worship in 2006

Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee

Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into English by Catherine Winkworth

Out of the depths I cry to thee

1524 sacred Song

Postila To Est

Slavonic incunabula

Rules For a Film about Anabaptists

1976 film by Georg Brintrup

Savior of the Nations, Come

Latin Christian hymn attributed to Ambrose of Milan, as set to the German plainsong melody Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland

Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36

church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach

Sie ist mir lieb

sacred Song

Smalcald Articles

Summary of Lutheran doctrine, written by Martin Luther in 1537

Snesli jsme mnohé těžkosti

Table Talk

book by Martin Luther

The Adoration of the Sacrament

book by Maarten Luther

The Book of Concord: the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

scholarly edition of the Book of Concord

The Freedom of a Christian

American Edition version of Martin Luther's treatise on Christian Liberty

The Freedom of a Christian

original version of Martin Luther's treatise on christian freedom

The Freedom of a Christian (1520)

The historical setting of Martin Luther's treatise along with excerpts from the author's new translation of the work.

The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics

book by Maarten Luther

To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation

book by Maarten Luther

Traethodau'r diwygiad [1520]

edition; published in 1926

Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 416

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Vom Himmel Hoch

hymn tune attributed to Martin Luther

Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her

Christmas song

Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar

sacred Song with lyrics by Martin Luther

Vor Gud han er så fast en borg

translated hymn; Danish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott"

Världens Frälsare kom här

translated hymn, Swedish-language version of "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" by Olaus Petri

Vår Gud är oss en väldig borg

translated hymn; Swedish adaptation of "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott" by Zachris Topelius

Warnung vor den Juden

work by Martin Luther

Warownym grodem

German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther, as translated into Polish by Edward Romański

Weimar edition of Martin Luther's works

The authoritative collection of Martin Luther's works in their original German and Latin (1883-2009)

Wir glauben all an einen Gott

Lutheran hymn

Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV 437

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BWV 257

chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach

Z hlubokosti volám tobě

Zachowaj nas przy swym Słowie

Polish translation of German Christian hymn text by Martin Luther

doctrine of the two kingdoms

Protestant doctrine that God rules the worldly or kingdom through secular government by means of law and the heavenly kingdom through the gospel or grace

Bůh je rozpálená pec plná lásky: malý slovník od almužny po život

book edition published in 2017

Dopisy blízkým

book edition published in 2017

Jak se modlit: rada pro dobrého přítele ; Modlitby

book edition published in 2017

Malý katechismus

book edition published in 1901

Martin Luther: výbor z díla

book edition published in 2017

Menší a Větší katechismus

book edition published in 2017

Mitten wir im Leben sind, Op. 23, No. 3

motet composed by Felix Mendelssohn

O dobrých skutcích

book edition published in 1987

O zotročené vůli

book edition published in 2019