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List of works by Petr Rapant

A review of the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)

A spatial data infrastructure model from the computational viewpoint

An initial formal model for spatial data infrastructures

Automatic Open Water Flood Detection from Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal Imagery

Czech Republic Standard ISVS pro strukturu a vymenny format metadat informacnich zdroju Standard for Structure and Transfer Format of Metadata on Geo-data Sets 011/01.02

Deformations of Highway over Undermined Ostrava-Svinov Area Monitored by InSAR Using Limited Set of SAR Images

Dynamic Pluvial Flash Flooding Hazard Forecast Using Weather Radar Data

scientific article

Early warning of flash floods based on the weather radar

Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)

scientific article published on 15 July 2019

Monitoring Non-Linear Ground Motion above Underground Gas Storage Using GNSS and PSInSAR Based on Sentinel-1 Data

Overview of the complex and modular system FLOREON + for hydrologic and environmental modeling

Overview of the complex and modular system FLOREON + for hydrologic and environmental modeling

Radar Interferometry as a Comprehensive Tool for Monitoring the Fault Activity in the Vicinity of Underground Gas Storage Facilities

Regionální a blesková povodeň jako limitující faktor rozvoje

Spatiotemporal Visualisation of PS InSAR Generated Space–Time Series Describing Large Areal Land Deformations Using Diagram Map with Spiral Graph

Support system for the training of crisis management group members

Visual System for Metric 3D Data Gathering and Processing in Real Time

Scénáře podpory krizového řízení geoinformačními technologiemi: optimalizace aktivit při přívalové povodni, při ohrožení svahovými pohyby a toxické havárii na silnici a železnici

book edition published in 2015

Zpracování prostorových dat a tvorba statistických map pro potřeby analýz trhu práce

book edition published in 2017

Zpracování prostorových dat a tvorba statistických map pro potřeby analýz trhu práce

book edition published in 2019