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List of works by Stanislav Vacek

Adaption of Norway spruce and European beech forests under climate change: from resistance to close-to-nature silviculture

scientific article published in 2019

Afforestation suitability and production potential of five tree species on abandoned farmland in response to climate change, Czech Republic

scientific article published in 2022

Afforested farmland vs. forestland: Effects of bark stripping by Cervus elaphus and climate on production potential and structure of Picea abies forests

scientific article published on 15 August 2019

Bark stripping, the crucial factor affecting stem rot development and timber production of Norway spruce forests in Central Europe

scientific article published in 2020

Biomass productivity, forest stability, carbon balance, and soil transformation of agricultural land afforestation: A case study of suitability of native tree species in the submontane zone in Czechia

scientific article

Changes in diversity of protected scree and herb-rich beech forest ecosystems over 55 years

scientific article published on 17 January 2022

Dendrochronological data from twelve countries proved definite growth response of black alder (<i>Alnus glutinosa</i> [L.] Gaertn.) to climate courses across its distribution range

scientific article published in 2022

Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of Endangered Scree Forests in Krkonoše National Park (Czech Republic)

scientific article published in 2021

Effect of Invasive Rhododendron ponticum L. on Natural Regeneration and Structure of Fagus orientalis Lipsky Forests in the Black Sea Region

scientific article published on 26 May 2020

Effect of afforestation of agricultural soils and tree species composition on soil physical characteristics changes

scientific article published in 2014

Effect of climate and air pollution on radial growth of mixed forests: <i>Abies alba</i> Mill. vs. <i>Picea abies</i> (L.) Karst.

scientific article published on 28 February 2020

Effect of game browsing on natural regeneration of European beech (<i>Fagus sylvatica</i> L.) forests in the Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic and Germany)

scientific article published on 25 June 2021

Effect of thinning regimes on growth and development of crop trees in Fagus sylvatica stands of Central Europe over fifty years

scientific article published on 25 May 2018

Effects of environmental factors and management on dynamics of mixed calcareous forests under climate change in Central European lowlands

scientific article published in 2022

European forests under global climate change: Review of tree growth processes, crises and management strategies

scientific article published in 2023

Growth response of mixed beech forests to climate change, various management and game pressure in Central Europe

scientific article published in 2019

Growth variability of European beech (<i>Fagus sylvatica</i> L.) natural forests: Dendroclimatic study from Krkonoše National Park

scientific article published on 10 May 2019

Individual tree crown width models for Norway spruce and European beech in Czech Republic

scientific article published in 2016

Is European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) a suitable substitute for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) for agricultural land afforestation?

scientific article published in 2022

Long-term effect of climate and air pollution on health status and growth of Picea abies (L.) Karst. peaty forests in the Black Triangle region

scientific article published on 14 April 2020

Mismatch between Annual Tree-Ring Width Growth and NDVI Index in Norway Spruce Stands of Central Europe

scientific article published in 2022

Mixed vs. monospecific mountain forests in response to climate change: structural and growth perspectives of Norway spruce and European beech

scientific article published in 2021

Modelling individual tree height to crown base of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.).

scientific article published on 19 October 2017

Natural layering, foliation, fertility and plant species composition of a Fagus sylvatica stand above the alpine timberline in the Giant (Krkonoše) Mts., Czech Republic

scientific article published on 17 August 2011

Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon and climate change: A literature review of opportunities, challenges, and risks in European forests

scientific article published in 2022

Production potential, biodiversity and soil properties of forest reclamations: Opportunities or risk of introduced coniferous tree species under climate change?

scientific article published in 2021

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) demonstrates a high resistance against bark stripping damage

scientific article published in 2022

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), the suitable pioneer species for afforestation of reclamation sites?

scientific article published in 2021

Silviculture as a tool to support stability and diversity of forests under climate change: study from Krkonoše Mountains

scientific article published in 2020

The effects of climatic conditions and forest site types on disintegration rates in Picea abies occurring at the Modrava Peat Bogs in the Šumava National Park

scientific article published on 13 June 2013

Tree Rings of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Indicate the Relationship with Solar Cycles during Climate Change in Central and Southern Europe

scientific article published on 25 February 2021

Tree-ring widths as an indicator of air pollution stress and climate conditions in different Norway spruce forest stands in the Krkonoše Mts.

scientific article published in 2019

Vegetative reproduction of Picea abies by artificial layering at the ecotone of the alpine timberline in the Giant (Krkonoše) Mountains, Czech Republic

scientific article published on 26 October 2011

Windbreak Efficiency in Agricultural Landscape of the Central Europe: Multiple Approaches to Wind Erosion Control

scientific article published on 24 August 2018

Dynamika a management přírodních a přírodě blízkých lesů

book edition published in 2016

Ekologicky orientované pěstování borových porostů v podmínkách nižších až středních poloh: certifikovaná metodika

book edition published in 2017

Lesní ekosystémy a jejich management

book edition published in 2020

Metodika hodnocení účinnosti a realizace větrolamů v krajině jako nástroj pro ochranu půdy ohrožené větrnou erozí

book edition published in 2017

Obhospodařování antropogenně poškozených lesů

book edition published in 2015

Principy zakládání porostů na bývalé zemědělské půdě v rámci ploch vymezených k zalesnění: metodika pro praxi

book edition published in 2017

Pěstební a ekonomické aspekty clonné obnovy borovice lesní: certifikovaná metodika

book edition published in 2018

Pěstování lesů

book edition published in 2018

Pěstování lesů

book edition published in 2022

Pěstování přírodě blízkých lesů

book edition published in 2015

Pěstování účelových lesů

book edition published in 2017

Pěstování účelových lesů - lesů zvláštního určení a lesů ochranných

book edition published in 2022

Základy pěstování lesů

book edition published in 2020