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List of works by Shirsendu Sikdar

A Generic Framework for Application of Machine Learning in Acoustic Emission-Based Damage Identification

A deep‐learning approach for health monitoring of a steel frame structure with bolted connections

A global-local damage localization and quantification approach in composite structures using ultrasonic guided waves and active infrared thermography

Acoustic emission based damage localization in composites structures using Bayesian identification

Acoustic emission data based deep learning approach for classification and detection of damage-sources in a composite panel

An optimized data fusion strategy for structural damage assessment using electromechanical impedance

Bag of visual words based machine learning framework for disbond characterisation in composite sandwich structures using guided waves

Damage-induced acoustic emission source identification in an advanced sandwich composite structure

Damage-induced acoustic emission source monitoring in a honeycomb sandwich composite structure

Deep learning for automatic assessment of breathing-debonds in stiffened composite panels using non-linear guided wave signals

Effects of debonding on Lamb wave propagation in a bonded composite structure under variable temperature conditions

Electromechanical impedance based debond localisation in a composite sandwich structure

Guided Wave Propagation Based Analysis of Non-linear Debonding Effects in a Composite Structure

Guided wave propagation in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure in presence of a high density core

scientific article published on 31 May 2016

Identification of disbond and high density core region in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure using ultrasonic guided waves

Multi-level nondestructive analysis of joint-debond effects in sandwich composite structure

Nondestructive Analysis of Debonds in a Composite Structure under Variable Temperature Conditions

scientific article published on 07 August 2019

Nondestructive analysis of core-junction and joint-debond effects in advanced composite structure

Nonlinear elastic wave propagation and breathing-debond identification in a smart composite structure

Numerical Simulation Techniques for Damage Response Analysis of Composite Structures

Online detection of barely visible low-speed impact damage in 3D-core sandwich composite structure

Study of disbond effects in a jointed composite structure under variable ambient temperatures

Ultrasonic Guided Wave Signal Based Nondestructive Testing of a Bonded Composite Structure Using Piezoelectric Transducers

Ultrasonic Lamb wave-based debonding monitoring of advanced honeycomb sandwich composite structures

Ultrasonic guided wave propagation and disbond identification in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure using bonded piezoelectric wafer transducers

Ultrasonic guided wave-based debond identification in a GFRP plate with L-stiffener

Vibration data‐driven machine learning architecture for structural health monitoring of steel frame structures

Wave Propagation in a Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Structure in the Presence of High-Density Core Using Bonded PZT-Sensors