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List of works by Stephanie T Lanza

"Buzzwords": Crowd-sourcing and quantifying U.S. young adult terminology for subjective effects of alcohol and marijuana use

scientific article published on 23 January 2020


scientific article

A Framework for Estimating Causal Effects in Latent Class Analysis: Is There a Causal Link Between Early Sex and Subsequent Profiles of Delinquency?

scientific article published on June 1, 2014

A coordinated analysis of variance in affect in daily life

journal article published in 2020

A mixture model of discontinuous development in heavy drinking from ages 18 to 30: the role of college enrollment

scientific article

A new SAS procedure for latent transition analysis: transitions in dating and sexual risk behavior

scientific article

Advancing the understanding of craving during smoking cessation attempts: a demonstration of the time-varying effect model.

scientific article

Affect relative to day-level drinking initiation: Analyzing ecological momentary assessment data with multilevel spline modeling

scientific article published on 23 January 2020

Age differences in everyday stressor-related negative affect: a coordinated analysis

journal article published in 2019

Age trends in alcohol use behavior patterns among U.S. adults ages 18-65

scientific article published on 28 October 2019

Age trends in rates of substance use disorders across ages 18-90: Differences by gender and race/ethnicity

scientific article

Age-Related Changes in Associations Between Reasons for Alcohol Use and High-Intensity Drinking Across Young Adulthood

scientific article

Age-Varying Links Between Violence Exposure and Behavioral, Mental, and Physical Health

scientific article

Age-varying associations between physical activity and psychological outcomes among rural cancer survivors

scientific article published on 12 October 2020

Age-varying associations between substance use behaviors and depressive symptoms during adolescence and young adulthood

scientific article

Age-varying associations of parental knowledge and antisocial peer behavior with adolescent substance use

scientific article published on 21 November 2019

Age-varying trends in alcohol and cannabis co-occurring use: Implications for prescription drug misuse

scientific article published on 11 November 2020

Analyzing the acquisition of drug self-administration using growth curve models

scientific article

Anhedonia: Its Dynamic Relations With Craving, Negative Affect, and Treatment During a Quit Smoking Attempt

scientific article published on June 2017

Associations between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and next-day negative affect among young adults: The role of sex and trait anxiety

scientific article published in 2021

Beyond Anal Sex: Sexual Practices of Men Who have Sex with Men and Associations with HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections

scientific article published on 4 February 2016

Beyond abstinence and relapse II: momentary relationships between stress, craving, and lapse within clusters of patients with similar patterns of drug use

scientific article published on 08 February 2021

Causal Inference in Latent Class Analysis

scientific article

Changes in children's self-competence and values: gender and domain differences across grades one through twelve

scientific article published in March 2002

Changes in gender and racial/ethnic disparities in rates of cigarette use, regular heavy episodic drinking, and marijuana use: ages 14 to 32

scientific article

College degree attainment by age of first marijuana use and parental education

scientific article published on 26 November 2018

Comparing the Performance of Improved Classify-Analyze Approaches For Distal Outcomes in Latent Profile Analysis

scientific article published on October 2016

Contemporary Patterns of Marijuana Use and Attitudes Among High School Seniors: 2010-2016

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

Contemporary alcohol use patterns among a national sample of U.S. adult drinkers.

scientific article published on 08 June 2017

Continuous-time model identification: application on a behavioural (miLife) study

scholarly article

Control Engineering Methods for the Design of Robust Behavioral Treatments

scientific article published on 28 June 2016

Daily associations between affect and alcohol use among adults: The importance of affective arousal

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Demographic and familial predictors of early executive function development: Contribution of a person-centered perspective

scientific article published on September 9, 2010

Depression and marijuana use disorder symptoms among current marijuana users

scientific article published on 18 August 2017

Designing adaptive intensive interventions using methods from engineering

scientific article

Different lengths of times for progressions in adolescent substance involvement

scientific article

Differential Effects for Sexual Risk Behavior: An Application of Finite Mixture Regression

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Does individual risk moderate the effect of contextual-level protective factors? A latent class analysis of substance use

scientific article

Drawing causal inferences using propensity scores: a practical guide for community psychologists

scientific article

Drinking Patterns of College- and Non-College-Attending Young Adults: Is High-Intensity Drinking Only a College Phenomenon?

scientific article published on 19 April 2018

Dynamic Associations of Parent-Adolescent Closeness and Friend Support With Adolescent Depressive Symptoms Across Ages 12-19

scientific article published on 26 November 2020

Dynamic Features of Problematic Drinking: Alcohol Use Disorder Latent Classes Across Ages 18-64


Early Lapses in a Cessation Attempt: Lapse Contexts, Cessation Success, and Predictors of Early Lapse

scientific article published on June 18, 2013

Effect Size, Statistical Power and Sample Size Requirements for the Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test in Latent Class Analysis

scientific article

Eliminating Bias in Classify-Analyze Approaches for Latent Class Analysis

scientific article

Emergence of electronic cigarette use in US adolescents and the link to traditional cigarette use.

scientific article published on 9 December 2016

Evaluating the effect of smoking cessation treatment on a complex dynamical system

scientific article

Everyday stress response targets in the science of behavior change

scientific article published on 28 September 2017

Flexibly modeling alcohol use disorder risk: How many drinks should we count?

scientific article published on 27 December 2018

Health and development among Mexican, black and white preschool children: An integrative approach using latent class analysis

scientific article

Heterogeneity of alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use behaviors in U.S. college students: A latent class analysis

scientific article

High-Intensity Drinking versus Heavy Episodic Drinking: Prevalence Rates and Relative Odds of Alcohol Use Disorder across Adulthood.

scientific article published on 11 August 2017

Identification and prediction of latent classes of weight-loss strategies among women

scientific article

Inverse Propensity Score Weighting with a Latent Class Exposure: Estimating the Causal Effect of Reported Reasons for Alcohol Use on Problem Alcohol Use 16 Years Later.

scientific article published on 15 March 2018

Is Young Adulthood a Critical Period for Suicidal Behavior among Sexual Minorities? Results from a US National Sample

scientific article published on 29 March 2018

Latent Class Analysis With Distal Outcomes: A Flexible Model-Based Approach.

scientific article

Latent Class Analysis for Developmental Research

scientific article published on 27 January 2016

Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis

Latent Classes of Adolescent Sexual and Romantic Relationship Experiences: Implications for Adult Sexual Health and Relationship Outcomes

scientific article

Latent Transition Analysis: Benefits of a Latent Variable Approach to Modeling Transitions in Substance Use.

scientific article

Latent class analysis: an alternative perspective on subgroup analysis in prevention and treatment

scientific article

Latent transition analysis with covariates: pubertal timing and substance use behaviours in adolescent females

scientific article published in September 2005

Latent transition analysis: inference and estimation

scientific article

Lifestyle therapy changes and hypercholesterolemia: identifying risk groups in a community sample of Blacks and Whites

scientific article published on January 2009

Measuring Early Childhood Health and Health Disparities: A New Approach

scientific article published on December 1, 2013

Modeling Relations among Discrete Developmental Processes: A General Approach to Associative Latent Transition Analysis

scientific article published on December 1, 2010

Modeling multiple risks during infancy to predict quality of the caregiving environment: Contributions of a person-centered approach

scientific article published on April 7, 2011

Modeling the age-varying link between smoking and telomere length in a large sample of US adults

scholarly article

Modeling the interplay of multilevel risk factors for future academic and behavior problems: a person-centered approach

scientific article

Negative consequences associated with daily alcohol use as a nonlinear function of number of drinks in a daily diary study

scholarly article published in March 2024

New methods for advancing research on tobacco dependence using ecological momentary assessments

scientific article published on May 2014

New methods shed light on age of onset as a risk factor for nicotine dependence

scientific article published on 11 June 2015

PROC LCA: A SAS Procedure for Latent Class Analysis

scientific article published on January 2007

Paternal Work Characteristics and Father-Infant Interactions in Low-Income, Rural Families

scientific article published on August 2008

Paternal Work Characteristics and Father‐Infant Interactions in Low‐Income, Rural Families

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and Family' published in 2008

Paternal Work Stress and Latent Profiles of Father-Infant Parenting Quality

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and Family' published in 2011

Paternal Work Stress and Latent Profiles of Father-Infant Parenting Quality

scientific article

Patterns of adolescent sexual behavior predicting young adult sexually transmitted infections: a latent class analysis approach

scientific article

Patterns of substance use onset among Hispanics in Puerto Rico and the United States

scientific article

Perceived friends' use as a risk factor for marijuana use across young adulthood

scientific article published on 13 October 2016

Personality Profiles and Frequent Heavy Drinking in Young Adulthood.

scientific article

Personality Profiles of Effective Leadership Performance in Assessment Centers

scientific article published on 4 April 2016

Personalized models of physical activity responses to text message micro-interventions: A proof-of-concept application of control systems engineering methods

scientific article published on 28 June 2018

Population heterogeneity in the salience of multiple risk factors for adolescent delinquency.

scientific article

Preadolescent drug use resistance skill profiles, substance use, and substance use prevention

scientific article

Predictors of multiple sexual partners from adolescence through young adulthood

scientific article

Prepartying, drinking games, and extreme drinking among college students: a daily-level investigation

scientific article

Profiles of College Drinkers Defined by Alcohol Behaviors at the Week Level: Replication Across Semesters and Prospective Associations With Hazardous Drinking and Dependence-Related Symptoms.

scientific article

Pubertal timing and the onset of substance use in females during early adolescence

scientific article

Reasons for Vaping among U.S. 12th Graders

scientific article published on 20 December 2017


scientific article published on May 2015

Sensitivity and specificity of information criteria

scientific article published on 20 March 2019

Sexual Behavior Latent Classes Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Associations With Sexually Transmitted Infections

scientific article published on 12 August 2016

Sexual Behavior and Heavy Episodic Drinking Across the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by College Attendance

scientific article

Sexual Minority-related Discrimination across the Life Course: Findings from a National Sample of Adults in the United States

scientific article published on 16 September 2019

Sexual minority health disparities: an examination of age-related trends across adulthood in a national cross-sectional sample

scientific article published on 08 January 2019

Shifting Age of Peak Binge Drinking Prevalence: Historical Changes in Normative Trajectories Among Young Adults Aged 18 to 30

scientific article published on 15 January 2019

Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use in daily life: Implications for level of use, subjective intoxication, and positive and negative consequences

scientific article published on 23 January 2020

Syndemic Risk Classes and Substance Use Problems among Adults in High-Risk Urban Areas: A Latent Class Analysis.

scientific article published on 7 September 2017

System Identification Algorithm for Non-Uniformly Sampled Data

scientific article published on 01 July 2017


scientific article

Temporal Dynamics of Treatment Receipt in a Text Message Intervention for Physical Activity: Single-Group, Within-Person Trial

scientific article published on 22 April 2020

Testing theoretical network classes and HIV-related correlates with latent class analysis

scientific article published on June 16, 2011

The Age-Varying Association of Student Status with Excessive Alcohol Use: Ages 18 to 30 Years

scientific article published on 30 December 2016

The O*Net Jobs Classification System: A Primer for Family Researchers

article published in 2006

The language of subjective alcohol effects: Do young adults vary in their feelings of intoxication?

scientific article published on 16 July 2020

The microrandomized trial for developing digital interventions: Experimental design and data analysis considerations.

scientific article published on 13 January 2022

The shape of change in perceived stress, negative affect, and stress sensitivity during mindfulness-based stress reduction.

scientific article published on 10 January 2017

The socio-environmental context of simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among young adults: Examining day-level associations

scientific article published on 13 November 2020

Time Since First Acting on Same-Sex Attraction and Recreational Drug Use Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM): Is There an Effect of "Gay Age"?

scientific article

Time-varying effect modeling to address new questions in behavioral research: Examples in marijuana use.

scientific article published on 13 October 2016

Time-varying effects of a text-based smoking cessation intervention for urban adolescents

scientific article published on 22 October 2015

Time-varying moderation of treatment outcomes by illness duration and comorbid depression in generalized anxiety disorder

scientific article published on 04 February 2019

Time-varying processes involved in smoking lapse in a randomized trial of smoking cessation therapies.

scientific article published on May 2014

Transitions in first-year college student drinking behaviors: Does pre-college drinking moderate the effects of parent- and peer-based intervention components?

scientific article published on November 7, 2011

Trends Among U.S. High School Seniors in Recent Marijuana Use and Associations With Other Substances: 1976-2013.

scientific article

Understanding stress reports in daily life: a coordinated analysis of factors associated with the frequency of reporting stress.

scientific article published in January 2019

Understanding the role of cessation fatigue in the smoking cessation process.

scientific article

Using data augmentation to obtain standard errors and conduct hypothesis tests in latent class and latent transition analysis

scientific article

Using growth models to relate acquisition of nicotine self-administration to break point and nicotinic receptor binding

scientific article

Using the Time-Varying Effect Model (TVEM) to Examine Dynamic Associations between Negative Affect and Self Confidence on Smoking Urges: Differences between Successful Quitters and Relapsers

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

What a difference a day makes: differences in initial abstinence response during a smoking cessation attempt

scientific article

Who benefits most from Head Start? Using latent class moderation to examine differential treatment effects

scientific article