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List of works by Li Xiaowen

A Classification Method Based on Spatial Information

article published in 2003

A Hybrid Geometric Optical and Radiative Transfer Approach for Modeling BRDF of Discontinuous Canopies

article published in 1993

A Model of the Forest Gap Probability and Its Validation

article published in 1995

A Modified Genetic Algorithm and Its Capacity to Invert GOMS Model

article published in 2001

A New Method for Atmospheric Correction: BRDF─ Atmospheric Correction Loop

article published in 1996

A Test of Reciprocity in Remote Sensing with POLDER Data

article published in 2000

A priori knowledge application in the retrieval of surface albedo using HJ-1 CCD data

article published in 2013

Advances in uncertainty analysis for the validation of remote sensing products: Take leaf area index for example

article published in 2014

Advances in validation methods for remote sensing products of land surface parameters

article published in 2015

Albedo retrieved from BRDF archetype and surface directional reflectance

article published in 2015

An Algorithm for the Retrieval of Albedo from Space Using New GO Kernel-Driven BRDF Model

article published in 2002

An Analytical Thermal Emission Model on the Effect of Multiple Scattering for 3-D Structural Pixel and the Model Validation

article published in 2003

An Extension of Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method for Remote Sensing Inversion

article published in 2002

An Inverting Approach of BRDF for Wheat in North China Using NOAA-AVHRR Image

article published in 1997

An algorithm for retrieval albedo from BRDF archetype

article published in 2013

Analysis and Application for the Empirical Relative between Aerosol Optical Depth and Horizontal Meteorological Range

article published in 2003

Analysis and Correction of Atmospheric Cross Radiation for High Geometric Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing Data

article published in 2005

Assessment of MODIS BRDF shape indicators

article published in 2011

Atmospheric Correction for AMTIS Based on BRDF Loop and MODTRAN4. 1

article published in 2004

Band Response Function and Emissivity Effect on Component Temperatures Retrieval for Wide Band Thermal-infrared Sensor

article published in 2005

Bidirectional Reflectance and Angular Signature of Objects

article published in 1989

Comparison of Different Complementary Relationship Models for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation

article published in 2004

Enhanced Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for CCD Camera by Considering BRDF of Calibration Sites

article published in 2006

Estimation of Soil Water Content and Wheat Coverage with ASAR Image

article published in 2006

Fly Dots" Spreading Model of SARS along Transportation

article published in 2003

Forest height estimation methods using polarimetric SAR interferometry

article published in 2010

Geo-spatial Information and Analysis of SARS Spread Trend

article published in 2003

Global BRDF and Albedo from the EOS MODIS and MISR Sensors

article published in 1997

Initial Validation of MODIS Albedo Product by Using Field Measurements and Airborne Multiangular Remote Sensing Observations

article published in 2005

Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from CBERS-02 IRMSS Thermal Infrared Data and Its Applications in Quantitative Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect

article published in 2006

Measuring Leaf Angle Distribution and Leaf  Area Index of Conifer Canopies Simultaneously on Wideangle Image

article published in 1997

Modeling Directional Effects of Thermal Emission in Wide Band Measurements

article published in 2000

Modeling the Albedo of Mixed Forest Canopy and Snow

article published in 2003

Modeling the Openness Distribution and Radiative Transmission within Tree Crown Canopy , Measurement and Validation

article published in 1999

Nonlinear Regression in SARS Forecasting

article published in 2003

On Convergence of BRDF-based Atmospheric Correction Loop

article published in 1998

Parameterization of Spectral Component Signatures for Geometric Optical Canopy Reflectance Modeling

article published in 1997

Prospects on future developments of quantitative remote sensing

article published in 2013

Radiometric Cross-calibration of CBERS-02 WFI with MODIS and the Effect on VI

article published in 2006

Radiometric Cross-calibration of the FY1D/VIRR and EOS/MODIS in the Visible and Near-infrared Spectral Bands

article published in 2005

Remote Sensing Images Hierarchical Clustering Using Markov Random Field and Generalized Gaussian Mixture Models

article published in 2007

Retrieval and Analysis of Aerosol Optical Thickness over Qianyanzhou Region

article published in 2006

Retrieval of Land Surface Components Temperatures Using ATSR-2 Data

article published in 2002

SARS Spatial Transmission Pattern and Its Application to Design of Disease Surveillance and Control Information System

article published in 2003

SI Models and Piecewise SI Model on SARS Forecasting

article published in 2003

Simulation and Analysis of Control of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

article published in 2003

Spectral Prior Knowledge and Its Use in the Remote Sensing Based Inversion of Vegetation Structure

article published in 2002

Study on Population Migration Characteristics in Mainland China and Its Applications to Decision-making for SARS Control

article published in 2003

TCT Algorithm Validation Using Measurement Data of Coniferous and Deciduous Crowns

article published in 1997

The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Correction of Reflectances to the Surface BRDF

article published in 1997

The Study of Subpixel Unmixing Using Hyperspectral and Multiangular Data

article published in 2003

Topographic and Spatial-scaling Effects on the Sunlit Time of the Different Terrains

article published in 2005

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Matrix of Parametersin Inversion of Physical BRDF Model

article published in 1997

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Matrix of Parameters in Inversion of Physical BRDF Models

article published in 1997

Universal scaling methodology in remote sensing science by constructing geographic trend surface

article published in 2014

Variance of bidirectional reflectance and its application using operational MODIS BRDF model

article published in 2015