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List of works by Henrik G Smith

A Transparent Process for “Evidence-Informed” Policy Making


A benefit analysis of screening for invasive species - base-rate uncertainty and the value of information


A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production

A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production

scientific article published on 16 October 2019

A model to account for data dependency when estimating floral cover in different land use types over a season


A trophic cascade causes unexpected ecological interactions across the aquatic–terrestrial interface under extreme weather

scientific article published in 2022

Adaptation of reproductive phenology to climate change with ecological feedback via dominance hierarchies.

scientific article

Agricultural Land Use Determines the Trait Composition of Ground Beetle Communities

scientific article published on 5 January 2016

Agricultural land use affects abundance and dispersal tendency of predatory arthropods

scientific article published on 05 November 2016

Arthropod populations in a sub‐arctic environment facing climate change over a half‐century: variability but no general trend

scientific article published on 09 March 2022

Assessing habitat quality of farm-dwelling house sparrows in different agricultural landscapes

scientific article

Assessing the effect of the time since transition to organic farming on plants and butterflies

scientific article

Backyard buzz: human population density modifies the value of vegetation cover for insect pollinators in a subtropical city

scientific article published in 2022

Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has a variable effect on pollination in European agricultural landscapes

scientific article published on 23 November 2021

Biodiversity decline with increasing crop productivity in agricultural fields revealed by satellite remote sensing

scientific article published in 2021

Bumble bees show trait-dependent vulnerability to landscape simplification

article published in 2015

Bumblebee colonies produce larger foragers in complex landscapes

scientific article published in 2011

Bushmeat hunting changes regeneration of African rainforests

scientific article (publication date: 22 May 2013)

Carryover effects from natal habitat type upon competitive ability lead to trait divergence or source-sink dynamics

scientific article published on 25 June 2018

Clothianidin seed-treatment has no detectable negative impact on honeybee colonies and their pathogens

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Combined effects of agrochemicals and ecosystem services on crop yield across Europe.

scientific article

Combined effects of global change pressures on animal-mediated pollination

scientific article

Community occupancy before-after-control-impact (CO-BACI) analysis of Hurricane Gudrun on Swedish forest birds

scientific article published on April 2015

Competition between managed honeybees and wild bumblebees depends on landscape context


Competition, seed dispersal and hunting: what drives germination and seedling survival in an Afrotropical forest?


Consequences of organic farming and landscape heterogeneity for species richness and abundance of farmland birds

scientific article

Contrasting effects of field boundary management on three pollinator groups

scientific article published in 2016

Contrasting effects of habitat area and connectivity on evenness of pollinator communities


Corrigendum: Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation

scientific article published on 18 February 2016

Cost-effectiveness of conservation payment schemes for species with different range sizes

scientific article

Crop diversity benefits carabid and pollinator communities in landscapes with semi‐natural habitats

scientific article published in 2020

Crop management affects pollinator attractiveness and visitation in oilseed rape

scientific article published in 2018

Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

CropPol : A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination

scientific article published on 17 February 2022

Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation

scientific article

Density of insect-pollinated grassland plants decreases with increasing surrounding land-use intensity.

scientific article published on 16 July 2014

Developing European conservation and mitigation tools for pollination services: approaches of the STEP (Status and Trends of European Pollinators) project


Displacement of a native by an alien bumblebee: lower pollinator efficiency overcome by overwhelmingly higher visitation frequency

scientific article

Does conservation on farmland contribute to halting the biodiversity decline?

scientific article

Drastic historic shifts in bumble-bee community composition in Sweden

scientific article published on 15 June 2011

Early‐season mass‐flowering crop cover dilutes wild bee abundance and species richness in temperate regions: A quantitative synthesis

scientific article published in 2023

Ecological production functions for biological control services in agricultural landscapes


Ecosystem services across the aquatic–terrestrial boundary: Linking ponds to pollination

scholarly article by Rebecca I.A. Stewart et al published February 2017 in Basic and Applied Ecology

Ecosystem services—current challenges and opportunities for ecological research

scientific article published in 2015

Editorial: Policies and Strategies for the Conservation of Metacommunities

scientific article published in 2021

Effects of Flower-Enriched Ecological Focus Areas on Functional Diversity Across Scales

scientific article published in 2021

Effects of eucalyptus plantations on avian and herb species richness and composition in North-West Spain

scientific article published in 2019

Effects of grassland abandonment, restoration and management on butterflies and vascular plants

scientific article published on 06 September 2006

Effects of landscape composition and configuration on pollination in a native herb: a field experiment

scientific article published on 18 June 2015

Effects of organic farming on bird diversity in North-West Spain

scientific article published in 2018

Effects of organic farming on plant and butterfly functional diversity in mosaic landscapes

scientific article published in 2019

Embedding Evidence on Conservation Interventions Within a Context of Multilevel Governance


Enhanced science-stakeholder communication to improve ecosystem model performances for climate change impact assessments.

scientific article

Environmental factors driving the effectiveness of European agri-environmental measures in mitigating pollinator loss--a meta-analysis

scientific article

Erratum to: Bumble bees show trait-dependent vulnerability to landscape simplification

scholarly article published in Biodiversity and Conservation

Estimating effects of arable land use intensity on farmland birds using joint species modeling

scientific article published on 15 March 2019

Experimental evidence that honeybees depress wild insect densities in a flowering crop

scientific article published in November 2016


scholarly article published in The Auk, January 2006

Fallows and permanent grasslands conserve the species composition and functional diversity of carabid beetles and linyphiid spiders in agricultural landscapes

scientific article published in 2021

Field boundary features can stabilise bee populations and the pollination of mass‐flowering crops in rotational systems

scientific article published on 17 June 2021

Field-level clothianidin exposure affects bumblebees but generally not their pathogens

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Flow and stability of natural pest control services depend on complexity and crop rotation at the landscape scale

article published in 2013

Gardens benefit bees and enhance pollination in intensively managed farmland


Genomic divergence and a lack of recent introgression between commercial and wild bumblebees (<i>Bombus terrestris</i>)

scientific article published on 14 March 2022

High dependency of chilli fruit set on wild pollinators in southern India

scientific article published on 09 July 2021

High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe

scientific article published on 10 December 2019

Historical change and drivers of insect pest abundances in red clover seed production

article by Ola Lundin et al published October 2016 in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

House sparrowPasser domesticussurvival is not associated with MHC-I diversity, but possibly with specific MHC-I alleles

article by Maria Karlsson et al published 10 October 2014 in Journal of Avian Biology

How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services

scholarly article by Regina Lindborg et al published April 2017 in Ecosphere

Impact of climate change on communities: revealing species' contribution

scientific article

Impacts of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy “Greening” Reform on Agricultural Development, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services

scientific article published in 2020

Incubation feeding as a male tactic for early hatching

scientific article published in 1988

Interacting effects of farming practice and landscape context on bumble bees

Land Sparing Versus Land Sharing: Moving Forward

Land use intensity and landscape complexity—Analysis of landscape characteristics in an agricultural region in Southern Sweden


Land-use effects on the functional distinctness of arthropod communities

scientific article published in 2015

Land-use type and intensity differentially filter traits in above- and below-ground arthropod communities

scientific article

Landscape composition and habitat area affects butterfly species richness in semi-natural grasslands

scientific article published on 15 June 2006

Landscape simplification promotes weed seed predation by carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

scientific article published in 2013

Landscape-scale crop diversity interacts with local management to determine ground beetle diversity

scientific article published in 2014

Landscape-scale diversity of plants, bumblebees and butterflies in mixed farm-forest landscapes of Northern Europe: Clear-cuts do not compensate for the negative effects of plantation forest cover

scientific article published in 2022

Large-scale pollination experiment demonstrates the importance of insect pollination in winter oilseed rape

scientific article published on 9 December 2015

Late-season mass-flowering red clover increases bumble bee queen and male densities

article by Maj Rundlöf et al published April 2014 in Biological Conservation

Local and landscape effects of organic farming on butterfly species richness and abundance


Local and landscape-level floral resources explain effects of wildflower strips on wild bees across four European countries


Long- and short-term state-dependent foraging under predation risk: an indication of habitat quality

scientific article published in 2002

Long-term population dynamics of a migrant bird suggests interaction of climate change and competition with resident species


Maintaining the Restriction on Neonicotinoids in the European Union – Benefits and Risks to Bees and Pollination Services

scientific article published in 2016

Management intensity at field and landscape levels affects the structure of generalist predator communities

scientific article

Managing ecosystem services for agriculture: Will landscape-scale management pay?

scholarly article by Rong-Gang Cong et al published March 2014 in Ecological Economics

Mass-flowering crops dilute pollinator abundance in agricultural landscapes across Europe

scientific article published on 17 August 2016

Meta-analysis reveals that pollinator functional diversity and abundance enhance crop pollination and yield

scientific article published on 01 April 2019

Mobility-dependent effects on species richness in fragmented landscapes

scientific article published in 2009

Models of natural pest control: Towards predictions across agricultural landscapes

Morphological Variation in Bumblebees (<i>Bombus terrestris</i>) (Hymenoptera:<i>Apidae</i>) After Three Decades of an Island Invasion

scientific article published in 2023

Mother–offspring conflicts, hormone signaling, and asymmetric ownership of information

article published in 2010

Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Their Impacts on Bees: A Systematic Review of Research Approaches and Identification of Knowledge Gaps

scientific article

Nesting success in Redshank<i>Tringa totanus</i>breeding on coastal meadows and the importance of habitat features used as perches by avian predators

scientific article published in 2005

Net Effects of Birds in Agroecosystems

Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination

scientific article

Optimizing Species Richness in Mosaic Landscapes: A Probabilistic Model of Species-Area Relationships

scientific article published in 2021

Optimizing agri-environment schemes for biodiversity, ecosystem services or both?

scientific article published in 2014

Optimizing intermediate ecosystem services in agriculture using rules based on landscape composition and configuration indices


Organic farming and heterogeneous landscapes positively affect different measures of plant diversity

scientific article published on 09 September 2014

Organic farming improves pollination success in strawberries

scientific article

Paternal care in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris : nestling provisioning

scientific article published in 1996

Pheasant sexual ornaments reflect nutritional conditions during early growth

scientific article published in 2002

Picking personalities apart: estimating the influence of predation, sex and body size on boldness in the guppy Poecilia reticulata

scientific article published in 2010

Plant-pollinator networks in semi-natural grasslands are resistant to the loss of pollinators during blooming of mass-flowering crops


Policy design for the Anthropocene

article by Thomas Sterner et al published January 2019 in Nature Sustainability

Pollination treatment affects fruit set and modifies marketable and storable fruit quality of commercial apples

scientific article published on 11 December 2019

Pollinator population size and pollination ecosystem service responses to enhancing floral and nesting resources

scientific article

Polygynous male starlings allocate parental effort according to relative hatching date

scientific article published on 01 July 1997

Predation-mediated ecosystem services and disservices in agricultural landscapes

scientific article published on 15 October 2018

Predator body sizes and habitat preferences predict predation rates in an agroecosystem

article by Adrien Rusch et al published May 2015 in Basic and Applied Ecology

Regional variation in climate change winners and losers highlights the rapid loss of cold-dwelling species

scientific article published in 2016

Relationships between multiple biodiversity components and ecosystem services along a landscape complexity gradient

scholarly article by Klaus Birkhofer et al published February 2018 in Biological Conservation

Removal of woody vegetation from uncultivated field margins is insufficient to promote non-woody vascular plant diversity

scientific article published in 2015

Rodents, not birds, dominate predation-related ecosystem services and disservices in vertebrate communities of agricultural landscapes

scholarly article by Matthias Tschumi et al published November 2018 in Oecologia

Scientific note: Imidacloprid found in wild plants downstream permanent greenhouses in Sweden

scientific article published in 2021

Seasonal persistence of bumblebee populations is affected by landscape context

Seed coating with a neonicotinoid insecticide negatively affects wild bees

scientific article

Seed-coating of rapeseed (Brassica napus) with the neonicotinoid clothianidin affects behaviour of red mason bees (Osmia bicornis) and pollination of strawberry flowers (Fragaria × ananassa)

scientific article published in 2022

Selection despite low genetic diversity and high gene flow in a rapid island invasion of the bumblebee, <i>Bombus terrestris</i>

scientific article published in 2023

Selection on pollen and pistil traits during pollen competition is affected by both sexual conflict and mixed mating in a self-compatible herb.

scientific article published on 5 November 2015

Shining a light on species coexistence: visual traits drive bumblebee communities

scientific article published in 2023

Short- and long-term consequences of prenatal testosterone for immune function: an experimental study in the zebra finch

scientific article published in 2009

Socio-ecological factors determine crop performance in agricultural systems

scientific article published on 06 March 2020

Sparing Land for Biodiversity at Multiple Spatial Scales

scientific article published in 2016

Specific floater home ranges and prospective behaviour in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris

scientific article published on 22 November 2003

Swedish birds are tracking temperature but not rainfall: evidence from a decade of abundance changes


The Design of Artificial Nestboxes for the Study of Secondary Hole-Nesting Birds: A Review of Methodological Inconsistencies and Potential Biases


The effect of egg size and habitat on starling nestling growth and survival

scientific article

The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe

scientific article published on 07 April 2019

The landscape matrix modifies the effect of habitat fragmentation in grassland butterflies

article by Erik Öckinger et al published 23 November 2011 in Landscape Ecology

The potential and realized foraging movements of bees are differentially determined by body size and sociality

scientific article published in 2022

The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness

scientific article

The relationship between local extinctions of grassland butterflies and increased soil nitrogen levels

scientific article published on 02 December 2005

The role of food retailers in improving resilience in global food supply


Time to establishment success for introduced signal crayfish in Sweden - a statistical evaluation when success is partially known

scholarly article by Ullrika Sahlin et al published 12 August 2010 in Journal of Applied Ecology

Towards integrated pest management in red clover seed production

scientific article published in October 2012

Transgenerational priming of immunity: maternal exposure to a bacterial antigen enhances offspring humoral immunity.

scientific article

Turnover and nestedness drive plant diversity benefits of organic farming from local to landscape scales

scientific article published on 22 February 2022

Weak functional response to agricultural landscape homogenisation among plants, butterflies and birds


What evidence exists on the use of pollinator tools in agricultural landscapes: A systematic map protocol

scientific article published in 2023

When beggars are choosers-How nesting of a solitary bee is affected by temporal dynamics of pollen plants in the landscape.

scientific article

When ecosystem services interact: crop pollination benefits depend on the level of pest control

scientific article published on 26 December 2012

Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities

scientific article

Woody elements benefit bird diversity to a larger extent than semi-natural grasslands in cereal-dominated landscapes

scientific article published in 2020