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List of works by Richard M Bateman

(1600) Proposal to Conserve the Name Orchis majalis against O. elata, O. vestita, and O. sesquipedalis (Dactylorhiza: Orchidinae: Orchidaceae)

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

(175-176) Proposals to modify the provisions in the Code for naming fossil plants

scientific article (publication date: October 2010)

(1939) Proposal to conserve the name Orchis occidentalis against O. kerryensis (Orchidaceae)

scientific article (publication date: June 2010)

<i>In situ</i> morphometric survey elucidates the evolutionary systematics of the orchid genus <i>Gymnadenia</i> in the British Isles

scientific article published in 2021

Accurate and continuous measurement of oxygen deficit during haemorrhage in pigs

scientific article

Allotetraploid evolution in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

scientific article published on 17 March 2007

Altered gene expression and ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploids of Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

scientific article

Anatomically preserved "strobili" and leaves from the Permian of China (Dorsalistachyaceae, fam. nov.) broaden knowledge of Noeggerathiales and constrain their possible taxonomic affinities.

scientific article

Ayala, F.J., Fitch, W.M. and Clegg, M.T. Variation and evolution in plants and microorganisms: toward a new synthesis 50 years after Stebbins

scientific article published in July 2002

Better together: Joint consideration of anatomy and morphology illuminates the architecture and life history of the Carboniferous arborescent lycopsid Paralycopodites

scientific article published on 21 September 2020

Challenges of applying monophyly in the phylogenetic shallows: taxonomic reappraisal of the Dactylorhiza maculata group

scholarly article published in 2021

Characterization of Linaria KNOX genes suggests a role in petal-spur development

scientific article

Clarified relationship between Dactylorhiza viridis and Dactylorhiza iberica renders obsolete the former genus Coeloglossum (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae)

article published in 2017

Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) in European Russia: combined molecular and morphological analysis

scientific article published on 01 September 2004

Defining the limits of flowers: the challenge of distinguishing between the evolutionary products of simple versus compound strobili

scientific article (publication date: 12 February 2010)

Density induced rates of pollinaria removal and deposition in the Purple Enamel-orchid, Elythranthera brunonis (Endl.) A.S. George Chapter 1 - Chapter 2

scientific article published on 17 March 2007

Developmental bases for key innovations in the seed-plant microgametophyte.

scientific article published on 26 June 2007

EARLY EVOLUTION OF LAND PLANTS: Phylogeny, Physiology, and Ecology of the Primary Terrestrial Radiation


Errors associated with the preparation of aseptic products in UK hospital pharmacies: lessons from the national aseptic error reporting scheme

scientific article published on 27 April 2010

Escaping the voluntary constraints of “tyre‐track” taxonomy

scientific article published in 2021

Evolution and Temporal Diversification of Western European Polyploid Species Complexes in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

scientific article (publication date: November 2007)

Evolutionary and functional potential of ploidy increase within individual plants: somatic ploidy mapping of the complex labellum of sexually deceptive bee orchids.

scientific article published on 17 April 2018

Evolutionary and morphometric implications of morphological variation among flowers within an inflorescence: a case-study using European orchids.

scientific article published on 3 October 2006

Evolutionary change in flowers and inflorescences: evidence from naturally occurring terata.

scientific article

Evolutionary history of the Pasque-flowers (Pulsatilla, Ranunculaceae): Molecular phylogenetics, systematics and rDNA evolution

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Field Guide to Ethiopian Orchids

scientific article published in 2004

Floral Formulae Updated for Routine Inclusion in Formal Taxonomic Descriptions

scientific article published on February 2010

Floral anatomy and systematics of Alliaceae with particular reference to Gilliesia, a presumed insect mimic with strongly zygomorphic flowers

scientific article

Floral miniaturisation and autogamy in boreal-arctic plants are epitomised by Iceland's most frequent orchid, Platanthera hyperborea.

scientific article

Flower-specific KNOX phenotype in the orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii

scientific article

Friends or relatives? Phylogenetics and species delimitation in the controversial European orchid genus Ophrys

scientific article published on 08 January 2008

Genera Orchidacearum Volume 3, Orchidoideae (Part 2), Vanilloideae

scientific article published in 2004

Genetic structure and systematic relationships within the Ophrys fuciflora aggregate (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae): high diversity in Kent and a wind-induced discontinuity bisecting the Adriatic.

scientific article published on 26 February 2009

Growth habit of the late Paleozoic rhizomorphic tree-lycopsid family Diaphorodendraceae: phylogenetic, evolutionary, and paleoecological significance

scientific article

Hizemodendron, gen. nov., a Pseudoherbaceous Segregate of Lepidodendron (Pennsylvanian): Phylogenetic Context for Evolutionary Changes in Lycopsid Growth Architecture

article by Richard M. Bateman & William A. DiMichele published January 1991 in Systematic Botany

Hunting the Snark: the flawed search for mythical Jurassic angiosperms

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

In situ morphometric survey elucidates the evolutionary systematics of the Eurasian Himantoglossum clade (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae)

scientific article published on 31 January 2017

Integrating restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) with morphological cladistic analysis clarifies evolutionary relationships among major species groups of bee orchids.

scientific article

Iterative allogamy-autogamy transitions drive actual and incipient speciation during the ongoing evolutionary radiation within the orchid genus Epipactis (Orchidaceae)

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Just what is a genus? Comparing levels of postzygotic isolation to test alternative taxonomic hypotheses in Orchidaceae subtribe Orchidinae

scientific article published on December 2010

Leaf surface development and the plant fossil record: stomatal patterning in Bennettitales

scientific article published on 04 February 2019

Middle Jurassic evidence for the origin of Cupressaceae: A paleobotanical context for the roles of regulatory genetics and development in the evolution of conifer seed cones

scientific article

Mining threatens Colombian ecosystems

scientific article published on 29 March 2018

Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity

scientific article (publication date: October 2012)

Molecular and morphological phylogenetics of the digitate-tubered clade within subtribe Orchidinae s.s. (Orchidaceae: Orchideae)

scholarly article by Richard M. Bateman et al published 17 November 2018 in Kew Bulletin

Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of Orchidinae and selected Habenariinae (Orchidaceae)

scientific article published in May 2003

Molecular phylogenetics and morphological reappraisal of the Platanthera clade (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) prompts expansion of the generic limits of Galearis and Platanthera

scientific article

Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary history of the Eurasiatic orchid genus Himantoglossum s.l. (Orchidaceae)

scientific article

Molecular phylogeny of the palm genus Chamaedorea, based on the low-copy nuclear genes PRK and RPB2.

scientific article published on 24 October 2005

Morphological Continua Make Poor Species: Genus-Wide Morphometric Survey of the European Bee Orchids (Ophrys L.)

scientific article published in 2023

Morphological Phylogenetic Analysis of Pandanales: Testing Contrasting Hypotheses of Floral Evolution


Morphological and Molecular Investigation of the Parentage and Maternity of Anacamptis xalbuferensis (A. fragrans x A. robusta), a New Hybrid Orchid from Mallorca, Spain

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Morphological and molecular phylogenetic context of the angiosperms: contrasting the 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approaches used to infer the likely characteristics of the first flowers

scientific article

Neolindleya Kraenzl. (Orchidaceae), an enigmatic and largely overlooked autogamous genus from temperate East Asia

scientific article published in 2009

Organ homologies in orchid flowers re-interpreted using the Musk Orchid as a model.

scientific article published on 12 February 2013

Palaeobotanical Systematics for the Pjylogenetic Age: Applying Organ-Species, Form-Species and Phylogenetic Species Concepts in a Framework of Reconstructed Fossil and Extant Whole-Plants

scientific article published on November 2009

Palaeobotanical systematics for the phylogenetic age: applying organspecies, formspecies and phylogenetic species concepts in a framework of reconstructed fossil and extant wholeplants

scientific article published in 2009

Phylogenetic Context, Generic Affinities and Evolutionary Origin of the Enigmatic Balkan Orchid Gymnadenia frivaldii Hampe ex Griseb

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Phylogenomic Relationships of Diploids and the Origins of Allotetraploids in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Phylogeny and classification of the East Asian Amitostigma alliance (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) based on six DNA markers

scientific article published on 26 May 2015

Plant paleoecology and evolutionary inference: two examples from the Paleozoic

scientific article published on 25 July 2002

Population genetics of the understory fishtail palm Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti in Belize: high genetic connectivity with local differentiation.

scientific article

Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed-plant phylogeny1


Reconstructing relative genome size of vascular plants through geological time

scientific article published in October 2013

Recurrent abnormalities in conifer cones and the evolutionary origins of flower-like structures

scientific article published on December 7, 2010

Resolving relationships in an exceedingly young Neotropical orchid lineage using Genotyping-by-sequencing data

scientific article published on 14 November 2019

Roles of synorganisation, zygomorphy and heterotopy in floral evolution: the gynostemium and labellum of orchids and other lilioid monocots.

scientific article

Several developmental and morphogenetic factors govern the evolution of stomatal patterning in land plants.

scientific article published on 26 July 2013

Smart Cutting Tools and Smart Machining: Development Approaches, and Their Implementation and Application Perspectives


Spatial separation and developmental divergence of male and female reproductive units in gymnosperms, and their relevance to the origin of the angiosperm flower

scholarly article

Speaking of Forked Tongues: The Feasibility of Reconciling Human Phylogeny and the History of Language [and Comments]


Speciation via floral heterochrony and presumed mycorrhizal host switching of endemic butterfly orchids on the Azorean archipelago.

scientific article

Stable epigenetic effects impact adaptation in allopolyploid orchids (Dactylorhiza: Orchidaceae)

scientific article

Stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology of the Loch Humphrey Burn lagerstätte and other Mississippian palaeobotanical localities of the Kilpatrick Hills, southwest Scotland

scientific article

Supposed Jurassic angiosperms lack pentamery, an important angiosperm-specific feature

scientific article published on 16 August 2019

Systematic reappraisal of marsh-orchids native to Scotland

scientific article published in 2023

Systematic revision of Platanthera in the Azorean archipelago: not one but three species, including arguably Europe's rarest orchid

scientific article published on 10 December 2013

Systematics, Phylogenetics, and Reproductive Biology of Flemingites arcuatus sp. nov., an Exceptionally Preserved and Partially Reconstructed Carboniferous Arborescent Lycopsid

scholarly articlee

The Genus Cypripedium. Phillip J. Cribb.

scholarly article published in 2010

The Relationship between Formal and Informal Nomenclature and Phylogeny in Higher Taxa: A Pedant's Perspective on the Lycopsids

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)

The Rhizomorphic Lycopsids: A Case-Study in Paleobotanical Classification

scientific article published in 1996

The mirror crack'd: both pigment and structure contribute to the glossy blue appearance of the mirror orchid, Ophrys speculum

scientific article published on 9 October 2012

Unravelling a century of misuse: typification of the name Himantoglossum caprinum (Orchidaceae: Orchideae)

scientific article published on 14 September 2012

Validation of Synchysidendron, gen. nov. (Fossiles)

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Was the ancestral angiosperm flower whorled throughout?

scientific article published on 31 January 2018

When More Is Less: Molecular Systematics and Evolution of Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Whole plastomes are not enough: phylogenomic and morphometric exploration at multiple demographic levels of the bee orchid clade <i>Ophrys</i> sect. <i>Sphegodes</i>

scientific article published on 15 December 2020