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List of works by Susan T Ennett

A Latent Variable Approach to Measuring Social Dynamics in Adolescence

scientific article published on 19 December 2018

A Multidimensional Model of Sexual Empowerment Among Young Black Men Who have Sex with Men: A Latent Profile Analysis

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

A Parenting Program to Promote an Alcohol-Free Childhood: Influence on Parents' Readiness to Prevent Child Sipping

scientific article published on March 2016

A Person-Centered Approach to the Study of Black Adolescent Religiosity, Racial Identity, and Sexual Initiation

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

A Test of Biosocial Models of Adolescent Cigarette and Alcohol Involvement

scientific article published on February 2007

A comparison of current practice in school-based substance use prevention programs with meta-analysis findings

scientific article published on 01 March 2003

A longitudinal examination of psychological, behavioral, academic, and relationship consequences of dating abuse victimization among a primarily rural sample of adolescents

scientific article published on 30 July 2013

A mHealth randomized controlled trial to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake in preschool-aged children

scientific article published on 8 November 2017

A multidimensional model of mothers' perceptions of parent alcohol socialization and adolescent alcohol misuse

scientific article published on 28 September 2015

A qualitative study of women's network social support and facility delivery in rural Ghana

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

A social contextual analysis of youth cigarette smoking development

scientific article published on August 5, 2010

A systematic review of the unique prospective association of negative affect symptoms and adolescent substance use controlling for externalizing symptoms

scientific article published on 30 January 2017

Adolescent Aggression: The Role of Peer Group Status Motives, Peer Aggression, and Group Characteristics

scientific article

Alcohol trajectories among biracial black subgroups: Testing the intermediate substance use hypothesis

scientific article published on 27 May 2019

An examination of social disorganization and pluralistic neighborhood theories with rural mothers and their adolescents

scientific article

Analysis of prevention program effectiveness with clustered data using generalized estimating equations.

scientific article published on October 1996

Assessing the Long-Term Effects of the Safe Dates Program and a Booster in Preventing and Reducing Adolescent Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration

scientific article published on 01 April 2004

Assessing the effects of Families for Safe Dates, a family-based teen dating abuse prevention program

scientific article published on 6 March 2012

Assessing the effects of the dating violence prevention program "safe dates" using random coefficient regression modeling

scientific article published in September 2005

Associations of neighborhood and family factors with trajectories of physical and social aggression during adolescence

scientific article published on 10 October 2012

Attributes that Differentiate Children Who Sip Alcohol from Abstinent Peers

scientific article published on December 6, 2012

Bidirectional Relationships Between Alcohol-Specific Parental Socialization Behaviors and Adolescent Alcohol Misuse.

scientific article published on 16 January 2018

Brief report: A randomized controlled trial examining peer support and behavioral weight loss treatment

scientific article published on 7 August 2015

Bullying as a longitudinal predictor of adolescent dating violence

scientific article

Child Maltreatment and Body Mass Index over Time: The Roles of Social Support and Stress Responses

scientific article published on 06 March 2019

Clinical rheumatology training of primary care physicians: the resident perspective

scientific article published on 01 May 1990

Codevelopment of Delinquency, Alcohol Use, and Aggression Toward Peers and Dates: Multitrajectory Patterns and Predictors

scientific article published on 12 September 2020

Comprehensiveness of substance use prevention programs in U.S. middle schools

scientific article published in June 2002

Conceptual models for health education research and practice

scientific article published on 01 June 1991

Consequences of Involvement in Distinct Patterns of Adolescent Peer and Dating Violence

scientific article published on 24 July 2018

Contextual Risk Profiles and Trajectories of Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Controlling for the endogeneity of peer substance use on adolescent alcohol and tobacco use

scientific article published on August 1, 1998

Correlates of participation in a family-directed tobacco and alcohol prevention program for adolescents

scientific article published on August 2001

Daily self-weighing and adverse psychological outcomes: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Demographic Moderation of the Prediction of Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Trajectories

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Demographic differences in self-report pubertal status among rural adolescents in the US

scientific article published on November 17, 2011

Depressive Symptomology as a Moderator of Friend Selection and Influence on Substance Use Involvement: Estimates from Grades 6 to 12 in Six Longitudinal School-Based Social Networks

scientific article published on 16 August 2018

Developmental Associations Between Adolescent Alcohol Use and Dating Aggression

scientific article published on September 2012

Developmental Outcomes of Using Physical Violence Against Dates and Peers

scientific article published on 13 April 2016

Direct and indirect effects of neighborhood characteristics on the perpetration of dating violence across adolescence

scientific article published on 28 September 2014

Disease Experience and Psychosocial Adjustment in Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: Children's Versus Mothers' Reports

scientific article published on 01 October 1991

Does a parsimonious measure of complex body mass index trajectories exist?

scientific article published on 11 September 2018

Early, regular breast-milk pumping may lead to early breast-milk feeding cessation

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

Effect of a community-based pedestrian injury prevention program on driver yielding behavior at marked crosswalks

scientific article

Effect of the Smart Moms intervention on targeted mediators of change in child sugar-sweetened beverage intake

scientific article published on 03 May 2020

Effects of a tailored follow-up intervention on health behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes

scientific article published in June 2004

Evidence-based practice in school substance use prevention: fidelity of implementation under real-world conditions

scientific article published on March 7, 2011

Examination of Sex and Race Differences in Longitudinal Predictors of the Initiation of Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration

scientific article

Examining explanations for the link between bullying perpetration and physical dating violence perpetration: Do they vary by bullying victimization?

scientific article

Examining how neighborhood disadvantage influences trajectories of adolescent violence: a look at social bonding and psychological distress

scientific article

Factors associated with adoption of evidence-based substance use prevention curricula in US school districts

scientific article published in February 2005

Factors associated with fidelity to substance use prevention curriculum guides in the nation's middle schools

scientific article published in June 2003

Familial Influences on Dating Violence Victimization Among Latino Youth.

scientific article published on 12 August 2016

Gender differences in HIV risk behaviors among young injectors and their social network members

scientific article

Genetic Heterogeneity in Adolescents' Depressive Symptoms in Response to Victimization

scientific article

HIV-risk behaviors associated with homelessness characteristics in youth

scientific article published on 01 November 1999

Heavy alcohol use and dating violence perpetration during adolescence: family, peer and neighborhood violence as moderators

scientific article published on August 2012

How effective is drug abuse resistance education? A meta-analysis of Project DARE outcome evaluations

scientific article

How measures of perception from survey data lead to inconsistent regression results: evidence from adolescent and peer substance use.

scientific article

Implementing evidence-based substance use prevention curricula with fidelity: the role of teacher training

scientific article

Implementing person-centered care in nursing homes

scientific article published on July 1, 2012

Influence of a family program on adolescent smoking and drinking prevalence

scientific article

Influence of a family-directed program on adolescent cigarette and alcohol cessation

scientific article published on 01 December 2000

It’s not just who you are but where you live: An exploration of community influences on individual HIV status in rural Malawi


Letting children sip: understanding why parents allow alcohol use by elementary school-aged children

scientific article published in November 2012

Long-term evaluation of drug abuse resistance education

scientific article

Longitudinal predictors of serious physical and sexual dating violence victimization during adolescence

scientific article published in November 2004

Maltreatment experience in childhood and average excess body mass from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article published on 16 July 2019

Mechanisms through which drug, sex partner, and friendship network characteristics relate to risky needle use among high risk youth and young adults

scientific article published on 27 July 2006

Mediation in a family-directed program for prevention of adolescent tobacco and alcohol use.

scientific article published in October 2001

Neighborhood influences on adolescent cigarette and alcohol use: mediating effects through parent and peer behaviors

scientific article published in June 2005

On the importance of peer influence for adolescent drug use: commonly neglected considerations

scientific article published on February 1996

Parental Socialization and Children’s Susceptibility to Alcohol Use Initiation

scientific article published on September 1, 2013

Parental perceptions of their preschool-aged children's oral health

scientific article published on 01 March 2005

Patterns of Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration among Latino Youth

scientific article published on 22 December 2016

Patterns of adolescent aggression and victimization: Sex differences and correlates

scientific article published on 25 April 2018

Peer group structure and adolescent cigarette smoking: a social network analysis

scientific article published on 01 September 1993

Peer influence on adolescent drug use

scientific article published on 01 September 1994

Peer smoking, other peer attributes, and adolescent cigarette smoking: a social network analysis

scientific article published on 11 April 2008

Peer support enhanced social support in adolescent females during weight loss

scientific article published in September 2014

Perceived pubertal timing and recent substance use among adolescents: a longitudinal perspective

scientific article

Potential mediators, moderators, or independent effects in the relationship between parents' former and current cigarette use and their children's cigarette use.

scientific article

Predictors of Latent Trajectory Classes of Physical Dating Violence Victimization

scientific article published on December 5, 2012

Prevalence and correlates of survival sex among runaway and homeless youth

scientific article published on 01 September 1999

Profiles of internalizing and externalizing symptoms associated with bullying victimization

scientific article published on 21 March 2018

Promoting an Alcohol-free Childhood: A Novel Home-Based Parenting Program

scientific article

Protective effects of maternal and peer support on depressive symptoms during adolescence

scientific article

Proximal and time-varying effects of cigarette, alcohol, marijuana and other hard drug use on adolescent dating aggression

scientific article published on 20 February 2014

Public Support for Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Point-of-Sale Provisions: Results of a National Study

scientific article

Random drug testing in US public school districts

scientific article published on 01 April 2008

Reasons for teachers' adaptation of substance use prevention curricula in schools with non-white student populations

scientific article published on 01 March 2004

Reducing Children's Susceptibility to Alcohol Use: Effects of a Home-Based Parenting Program

scientific article published on 01 July 2016

Relationships of adolescents' perceptions of parental and peer behaviors with cigarette and alcohol use in different neighborhood contexts

scientific article

Responses to positive results from suspicionless random drug tests in US public school districts

scientific article

Retailer opinions about and compliance with family smoking prevention and tobacco control act point of sale provisions: a survey of tobacco retailers

scientific article published on 11 September 2015

Risk and Protective Factors Distinguishing Profiles of Adolescent Peer and Dating Violence Perpetration

scientific article published on October 15, 2010

School and neighborhood characteristics associated with school rates of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use.

scientific article published on March 1997

Self-regulatory failure and the perpetration of adolescent dating violence: Examining an alcohol use by gene explanation

scientific article published on 22 July 2014

Sensitive Periods for the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and BMI

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Sex differences in the effects of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and social organization on rural adolescents' aggression trajectories

scientific article published on June 2009

Sexual Empowerment Among Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men

scientific article published on 08 September 2020

Shared Risk Factors for the Perpetration of Physical Dating Violence, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment Among Adolescents Exposed to Domestic Violence

scientific article

Shared longitudinal predictors of physical peer and dating violence

scientific article published on 3 October 2014

Simplifying the implementation of modern scale scoring methods with an automated R package: Automated moderated nonlinear factor analysis (aMNLFA)

scientific article published on 25 October 2018

Social network characteristics associated with risky behaviors among runaway and homeless youth

scientific article published on 01 March 1999

Social network isolation mediates associations between risky symptoms and substance use in the high school transition

scientific article published on 24 June 2019

Stability and Change in Rural Youths’ Educational Outcomes Through the Middle and High School Years

scientific article published on December 8, 2010

Strength and Comprehensiveness of School Wellness Policies in Southeastern US School Districts

scientific article published on September 2016

Structural and functional network characteristics and facility delivery among women in rural Ghana

scientific article published on 19 December 2017

Students' special needs and problems as reasons for the adaptation of substance abuse prevention curricula in the nation's middle schools

scientific article

Substance Use and Physical Dating Violence: The Role of Contextual Moderators

scientific article

Substance use among runaway and homeless youth in three national samples

scientific article published on 01 February 1997

Substance use and risky sexual behavior among homeless and runaway youth

scientific article

Teen Social Networks and Depressive Symptoms-Substance Use Associations: Developmental and Demographic Variation

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

Testing Longitudinal Relationships Between Binge Drinking, Marijuana Use, and Depressive Symptoms and Moderation by Sex.

scientific article

The Development of Four Types of Adolescent Dating Abuse and Selected Demographic Correlates

scientific article published on 17 August 2009

The Effects of No Child Left Behind on the Prevalence of Evidence-Based Drug Prevention Curricula in the Nation's Middle Schools*

scientific article published on May 1, 2011

The Effects of the Moms and Teens for Safe Dates Program on Dating Abuse: a Conditional Process Analysis

scientific article published on 22 October 2015

The Influence of Alcohol-Specific Communication on Adolescent Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Consequences

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

The Prevalence of Evidence-based Drug Use Prevention Curricula in U.S. Middle Schools in 2008

scientific article published on March 1, 2011

The Role of Heavy Alcohol Use in the Developmental Process of Desistance in Dating Aggression during Adolescence

scientific article published on February 1, 2011

The Role of Parental Engagement in the Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking Behavior and Identity

scientific article published on 20 December 2016

The Role of Religious Socialization and Religiosity in African American and Caribbean Black Adolescents' Sexual Initiation.

scientific article published on 21 March 2018

The Synergy of Family and Neighborhood on Rural Dating Violence Victimization

scientific article published on September 2015

The contribution of influence and selection to adolescent peer group homogeneity: The case of adolescent cigarette smoking

scientific article published on 01 October 1994

The development of aggression during adolescence: sex differences in trajectories of physical and social aggression among youth in rural areas

scientific article

The effects of moms and teens for safe dates: a dating abuse prevention program for adolescents exposed to domestic violence.

scientific article published on 17 March 2015

The efficacy of a daily self-weighing weight loss intervention using smart scales and e-mail

scientific article published on 02 July 2013

The influence of a family program on adolescent tobacco and alcohol use

scientific article

The interactive effect of neighborhood peer cigarette use and 5HTTLPR genotype on individual cigarette use.

scientific article

The peer context and the development of the perpetration of adolescent dating violence

scientific article published on 05 February 2013

The prevalence of effective substance use prevention curricula in U.S. middle schools

scientific article published on 01 December 2002

The prevalence of effective substance use prevention curricula in the nation's high schools

scientific article

The prevalence of evidence-based drug use prevention curricula in U.S. middle schools in 2005

scientific article

The prevalence of evidence-based substance use prevention curricula in the nation's elementary schools

scientific article published on January 1, 2010

The principles of effectiveness: early awareness and plans for implementation in a national sample of public schools and their districts

scientific article published in May 2003

The process of adapting a universal dating abuse prevention program to adolescents exposed to domestic violence

scientific article published on 6 October 2014

The social ecology of adolescent alcohol misuse

scientific article

The stability of perceived pubertal timing across adolescence

scientific article published on 9 October 2011

The who and where of HIV in rural Malawi: Exploring the effects of person and place on individual HIV status

scientific article

Validity of adolescent self-reports of cigarette smoking

scientific article published on 01 February 1998

Variability in cigarette smoking within and between adolescent friendship cliques

scientific article published on 01 May 1994

Variability in self-rated health trajectories from adolescence to young adulthood by demographic factors

scientific article published on 5 September 2017

What accounts for demographic differences in trajectories of adolescent dating violence? An examination of intrapersonal and contextual mediators

scientific article published on 4 March 2008

Who's calling the shots? Decision-makers and the adoption of effective school-based substance use prevention curricula

scientific article published on 01 January 2004