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List of works by Kayri Havens

Applying the zoo model to conservation of threatened exceptional plant species

scientific article published on 31 March 2020

Arabidopsis thaliana: a new test species for phytotoxic bioassays

scientific article published on 01 August 2005

Assisted migration of plants: Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes


Assisted migration: part of an integrated conservation strategy

scientific article published in 2009

Citizen Science Takes Root

scientific article published in 2013

Citizen science on a local scale: the Plants of Concern program


Comparing Genetic Diversity in Three Threatened Oaks

scientific article

Considering ploidy when producing and using mixed-source native plant materials for restoration

scientific article published on 19 November 2017

Effect of capitulum position and weevil infestation on seed production of threatened monocarpic perennial, Cirsium pitcheri

scientific article published on 27 January 2020

Effects of a non-native biocontrol weevil, Larinus planus, and other emerging threats on populations of the federally threatened Pitcher’s thistle, Cirsium pitcheri

article by Kayri Havens et al published October 2012 in Biological Conservation

Effects of community-level grassland management on the non-target rare annual Agalinis auriculata

Ex Situ Plant Conservation and Beyond


Factors influencing seed mix design for prairie restoration

scientific article published on 20 October 2021

Fund plant conservation to solve biodiversity crisis

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Genetics of reintroduced populations of the narrowly endemic thistle, Cirsium pitcheri (Asteraceae)


Low passive restoration potential following invasive woody species removal in oak woodlands

scientific article published on 27 September 2021

Nutrients affect allocation to male and female function in Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae)

scholarly article

Perceptions of Strengths and Deficiencies: Disconnects between Graduate Students and Prospective Employers

Persistence of the gypsophile Lepidospartum burgessii (Asteraceae) through clonal growth and limited gene flow


Plant conservation genetics in a changing world

scientific article

Population structure integral to seed collection guidelines: A response to Hoban and Schlarbaum (2014)

Population viability analysis and the effects of light availability and litter on populations of Cirsium pitcheri, a rare, monocarpic perennial of Great Lakes shorelines


Preparing for the Need for a Supply of Native Seed

scientific article published on 16 February 2021

Priority Actions to Improve Provenance Decision-Making

scientific article published on 13 June 2018

Recruitment varies among milkweed seed sources for habitat specialist but not generalist

scientific article published on 26 May 2022

Restoring species diversity: assessing capacity in the U.S. native plant industry


Risks and Rewards: Assessing the Effectiveness and Safety of Classical Invasive Plant Biocontrol by Arthropods

scientific article published in April 2019

Sampling for Effective Ex Situ Plant Conservation


Seed Sourcing for Restoration in an Era of Climate Change

scholarly article by Kayri Havens et al published January 2015 in Natural Areas Journal

Sourcing native plants to support ecosystem function in different planting contexts

scientific article published on 06 February 2019

Taxonomic similarity does not predict necessary sample size for ex situ conservation: a comparison among five genera

scientific article published on 29 April 2020

Temporal variation in the roles of exotic and native plant species in plant–pollinator networks

scientific article

The Genetics of Plant Restoration

scientific article published on 15 December 2016

What to do when we can't bank on seeds: What botanic gardens can learn from the zoo community about conserving plants in living collections

scientific article

Will the Use of Less Fecund Cultivars Reduce the Invasiveness of Perennial Plants?
