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List of works by Ingo Leya

53Mn and 60Fe in iron meteorites—New data, model calculations

scientific article

A chondrite strewn field was found in east of Lop Nor, Xinjiang

scientific article published on 7 June 2017

A neutral gas mass spectrometer to measure the chemical composition of the stratosphere

scientific article published in October 2009

A noble gas data collection of lunar meteorites

scientific article published on 15 January 2018


scientific article published on 26 May 2020

Alteration of CAI s as recorded by 36 S/ 34 S as a function of 35 Cl/ 34 S

scientific article published on 25 March 2018

An optimised compact electron impact ion storage source for a time-of-flight mass spectrometer

scientific article published in June 2010

Calibration of cosmogenic noble gas production based on 36 Cl- 36 Ar ages. Part 2. The 81 Kr-Kr dating technique

Calibration of cosmogenic noble gas production in ordinary chondrites based on 36 Cl- 36 Ar ages. Part 1: Refined produced rates for cosmogenic 21 Ne and 38 Ar

Correlated cosmogenic W and Os isotopic variations in Carbo and implications for Hf–W chronology

scientific article published in March 2015

Corrigendum to “Hf–W chronometry of core formation in planetesimals inferred from weakly irradiated iron meteorites”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 99 (2012) 287–304

scientific article published in July 2013

Cosmic ray exposure ages for ureilites—New data and a literature study

scientific article published on 29 March 2019

Cosmic-ray exposure ages of chondrules

scientific article published on 9 May 2016

Cosmic-ray exposure ages of pallasites

journal article

Cosmic‐ray exposure histories of the lunar meteorites AaU 012 and Shişr 166

scientific article published on 23 June 2017

Cosmogenic 180W variations in meteorites and re-assessment of a possible 184Os–180W decay system

scholarly article

Cosmogenic effects on 7Li/6Li, 10B/11B, and 182W/184W in CAIs from carbonaceous chondrites

scientific article published in March 2011

Cosmogenic effects on chromium isotopes in meteorites

scholarly article

Cosmogenic nuclides in stony meteorites revisited

Cosmogenic production rates and recoil loss effects in micrometeorites and interplanetary dust particles

scientific article published on 25 January 2013

Coupled W–Os–Pt isotope systematics in IVB iron meteorites: In situ neutron dosimetry for W isotope chronology

scientific article published in January 2013

Cross sections for neutron-induced reactions up to 1.6GeV for target elements relevant for cosmochemical, geochemical, and technological applications

scientific article published in November 2011

Cross sections for the production of helium, neon and argon isotopes by proton-induced reactions on iron and nickel

scientific article published in January 2008

Cross sections from 5 to 35 MeV for the reactions natMg(3He,x)26Al, 27Al(3He,x)26Al, natCa(3He,x)41Ca, and natCa(3He,x)36Cl: Implications for early irradiation in the solar system

Current Performance and Preliminary Results of a New 14 C Extraction Line for Meteorites at the University of Bern

scientific article published on 16 November 2017

Dispersion and Focusing of Cosmic Rays in Magnetospheres

scientific article published in March 2022

EGT-A sensitive time-of-flight mass spectrometer for multielement isotope gas analysis

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Early solar irradiation as a source of the inner solar system chromium isotopic heterogeneity

scientific article published in November 2021

Elemental ratios in stars vs planets

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Excess W in IIAB iron meteorites: Identification of cosmogenic, radiogenic, and nucleosynthetic components

scientific article published on 28 September 2018

Exposure history, petrology, and shock‐induced sulfidization reaction of Alatage Mountain 001 strewn field samples

scholarly article

From stellar nebula to planets: The refractory components

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Galactic Cosmic Rays, Cosmic-Ray Variations, and Cosmogenic Nuclides in Meteorites

scientific article published in April 2021

Galactic cosmic ray effects on iron and nickel isotopes in iron meteorites

scientific article published on 11 February 2020

Gas composition of the main volatile elements in protoplanetary discs and its implication for planet formation

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Hf–W chronometry of core formation in planetesimals inferred from weakly irradiated iron meteorites

scholarly article

Highly accurate isotope composition measurements by a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer designed for in situ investigations on planetary surfaces


Is μCT irradiation nondestructive? A noble gas study on matrix samples from the CV3 chondrite Allende

scientific article published in June 2023

Isotopic evidence for a Martian regolith component in shergottite meteorites

scientific article published on 25 August 2011

Late delivery of exotic chromium to the crust of Mars by water-rich carbonaceous asteroids

scholarly article

Light noble gases in 12 meteorites from the Omani desert, Australia, Mauritania, Canada, and Sweden

scholarly article

Neon produced by solar cosmic rays in ordinary chondrites

scientific article published on 27 March 2017

Neutron capture on Pt isotopes in iron meteorites and the Hf–W chronology of core formation in planetesimals

New model calculations for the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in iron meteorites

scientific article published in April 2009

New titanium isotope data for allende and efremovka CAIs

scientific article published in January 2009

No cosmic‐ray precompaction exposure of chondrules in CR 2.7 MIL 090657

scientific article published on 16 August 2018

Noble gases in 18 Martian meteorites and angrite Northwest Africa 7812-Exposure ages, trapped gases, and a re-evaluation of the evidence for solar cosmic ray-produced neon in shergottites and other achondrites


Noble gases in Grant and Carbo and the influence of S‐ and P‐rich mineral inclusions on the 41 K‐ 40 K dating system

scientific article published in April 2008

Noble gases in the Xinjiang (Armanty) iron meteorite––A big object with a short cosmic‐ray exposure age

scientific article published on 31 May 2011

Non-nucleosynthetic heterogeneity in non-radiogenic stable Hf isotopes: Implications for early solar system chronology

scholarly article

ORIGIN: a novel and compact Laser Desorption - Mass Spectrometry system for sensitive in situ detection of amino acids on extraterrestrial surfaces

scientific article published on 15 June 2020

Origin of Al-rich chondrules in CV chondrites: Incorporation of diverse refractory components into the ferromagnesian chondrule-forming region

scientific article published in March 2020

Parametrization of cross sections for elementary hadronic collisions involving strange particles

scientific article published in October 2018

Pd–Ag chronometry of iron meteorites: Correction of neutron capture-effects and application to the cooling history of differentiated protoplanets

scientific article

Petrology and geochemistry of feldspathic impact-melt breccia Abar al' Uj 012, the first lunar meteorite from Saudi Arabia

scholarly article by Marianna Mészáros et al published October 2016 in Meteoritics & Planetary Science

Petrology, mineralogy, porosity, and cosmic‐ray exposure history of Huaxi ordinary chondrite

scientific article published on 28 February 2017

Physical properties and average atomic numbers of chondrules using computed tomography

scientific article published in November 2023

Post-irradiation analysis of an ISOLDE lead-bismuth target: Stable and long-lived noble gas nuclides

scientific article published in July 2016

Production of noble gas isotopes by proton-induced reactions on bismuth

scientific article published in April 2008

Production of strange particles and hypernuclei in nuclear reactions at a few GeV. New capabilities in the INCL intranuclear cascade model

scientific article published in 2019

Protracted storage of CR chondrules in a region of the disk transparent to galactic cosmic rays

scientific article published on 11 August 2017

Reply to comment by Peters et al. (2015) on “Cosmogenic 180W variations in meteorites and re-assessment of a possible 184Os–180W decay system”

scientific article

Sample return of primitive matter from the outer Solar System

Selenium isotope analysis by N-TIMS: Potential and challenges

scientific article published in April 2016

Spallation, cosmic rays, meteorites, and planetology

scientific article published in November 2019

Strangeness production in the new version of the Liège intranuclear cascade model

scientific article published on 13 January 2020

Terrestrial ages of seven meteorite strewn fields and two single unpaired meteorites from the Sultanate of Oman determined using 14C and 10Be

scholarly article

Textural and compositional evidence for in situ crystallization of palisade bodies in coarse‐grained Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions

scholarly article

The Dyadic Radionuclide System 60 Fe / 53 Mn to Distinguish Interstellar from Interplanetary 60 Fe

scientific article published in 2022

The Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity over the Past 106–109 Years as Recorded by Cosmogenic Nuclides in Meteorites and Terrestrial Samples

scientific article published on 31 March 2011

The Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity over the Past 106–109 Years as Recorded by Cosmogenic Nuclides in Meteorites and Terrestrial Samples

scientific article published in 2011

The Kumtag 016 L5 strewn field, Xinjiang Province, China

scholarly article

The Kumtag meteorite strewn field

scientific article published in June 2021

The abundance and isotopic composition of Cd in iron meteorites

scholarly article

The constancy of galactic cosmic rays as recorded by cosmogenic nuclides in iron meteorites

scientific article published on 21 November 2019

The cosmic‐ray exposure history of the Twannberg iron meteorite ( IIG )

scientific article published on 26 July 2017

The effects of irradiation on the noble gases in matrix of Allende (CV) meteorite 

scientific article published on 6 July 2022

The isotope composition of selenium in chondrites constrains the depletion mechanism of volatile elements in solar system materials

scientific article published in September 2016

The noble gas concentrations of the Martian meteorites GRV 99027 and paired NWA 7906/ NWA 7907

scientific article published in September 2017

The noble gas inventory in metal samples and troilite inclusions from IIIAB iron meteorites: Reinvestigating the live 129 I‐ 129 Xe dating method

scientific article published on 19 May 2022

The noble gases in five ordinary chondrites from Grove Mountains in Antarctica

scientific article published in November 2020

The proto-Earth as a significant source of lunar material

article by Junjun Zhang et al published 25 March 2012 in Nature Geoscience

The selenium isotope composition of lunar rocks: Implications for the formation of the Moon and its volatile loss

scientific article published in July 2020

Thermal and collisional history of Tishomingo iron meteorite: More evidence for early disruption of differentiated planetesimals

scientific article published in January 2014

Thermal neutron capture effects in radioactive and stable nuclide systems

scientific article published on 21 March 2013

Titanium isotopes and the radial heterogeneity of the solar system

scientific article published in February 2008