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List of works by Voltaire

A Treatise on Metaphysics

early work by Voltaire

A few acres of snow

quotation by Voltaire deriding Canada

Adélaïde du Guesclin


tragedy by Voltaire


play written by Voltaire

Amélie ou Le Duc de Foix

play by Voltaire

An essay on the civil wars of France, extracted from curious manuscripts

historical work by Voltaire

Annals of the Empire

history of Germany by Voltaire

Article de Voltaire sur Voltaire

article by Voltaire

Artémire (tragedy)

Author's Preface for the Poem on the Lisbon Disaster

Preface by Voltaire

Author's Preface to the Lisbon Earthquake

Voltaire essay translated by William F. Fleming

Aventure de la mémoire



poem by Voltaire


Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

Bababec and the Fakirs

Bababec et les fakirs

Białe i czarne

Blaise Pascal, Pensées, Paris, Dubuisson, 1865, printed book with an original drawing by Allen Ginsberg

Brutus (tragedy)


1759 book by Voltaire

Candide, Chapter 5

Candide, Chapter 6

Candide, ou l'optimisme

Candide, ou l’Optimisme

Édition considérée comme l'originale par Bengesco et B. Gagnebin, "Bulletin du bibliophile", 1952

Candide, ou l’Optimisme/Beuchot 1829/Chapiter 23

one chapter of Voltaire's story

Candide/Chapter 15

one chapter of Voltaire's story

Candidus eller Alt til det bästa

Catilina ou Rome sauvée

play written by Voltaire

Ce qui plaît aux dames

philosophical story by Voltaire

Commentaires sur Corneille

work of literary criticism by Voltaire

Como anda el mundo, visión de Babuco

Complete Works of Voltaire

complete critical edition of Voltaire's writings

Complete Works of Voltaire

édition Moland / Garnier

Correspondence of Voltaire

letters sent and recieved by 18th century French writer Voltaire

Correspondence of Voltaire


philosophical work by Voltaire

Count Chesterfield's ears and Chaplain Goudman

literary work

Count Chesterfield's ears and Chaplain Goudman

story by Voltaire, translated by Donald M. Frame

Cándido, o el optimismo

De l'Encyclopédie

pamphlet by Voltaire

Des singularités de la nature

essay by Voltaire

Dialogue between capon and chicken

Diccionario filosófico de Voltaire

Dictionnaire philosophique

philosophical dictionary by Voltaire

Doctor Akakia

satirical essay by Voltaire

Don Pèdre, roi de Castille

1775 tragedy in five acts by Voltaire

El Príncipe de Maquiavelo

1854 Spanish translation

Elements of the Philosophy of Newton

popular science book by Voltaire


general encyclopedia published in Paris, France between 1751 and 1772

Epistle to the Romans

Essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations

1756 historical work by Voltaire

Fragments relating to the late revolutions in India, the death of Count Lally, and the prosecution of Count de Morangies

historical work by Voltaire

From Love to Friendship

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

Hadithi ya zadig

Swahili translation of Voltaire’s “Zadig or Destiny” translated by Abdula M. Abubakr. (East African Literature Bureau, Nairobi)


epic poem by Voltaire

Herr de Voltairs Micromegas eller Lill-Masse

Histoire de la guerre de 1741

historical work by Voltaire

Histoire de l’empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand

Histoire du parlement de Paris

historical work by Voltaire

Histoire d’un bon Bramin

Historia de los viajes de Escarmentado

Historia de un buen Brama

Historja podróży Skarmentada

History and establishment of Christianity

book by Voltaire

History of Charles XII

French work of history published in 1731

History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great

1759 historical work by Voltaire

Historya dobrego bramina

Hérode et Mariamne

play by Voltaire

Idées républicaines

pamphlet by Voltaire

In Camp Before Philippsburg

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

In Connection with the Death of Jean Calas


play by Voltaire

J.ques Delille, l'un des 40 de l'Académie Française BOYER 667

document from the Boyer collection

Jeannot and Colin

philosophical work by Voltaire

Jeannot and Colin

Voltaire story translated by William F. Fleming

Jeannot et Colin


Polish translation of Voltaire's Candide

Konung Carl XII:s Historia, författad af Herr de Voltaire. Öfversatt af Carl Leonard Stålhammar

L' Ingenu

1972 film by Norbert Carbonnaux


1760 play by Voltaire

L'Education d'une fille


L'Orphelin de la Chine

play written by Voltaire

L'enfant prodigue

Play by Voltaire

L'Évangile du jour

book by Voltaire

La Bégueule

La Bégueule

poem by Voltaire

La Femme qui a Raison

verse comedy

La Henriada

La Henriade

literary work of Voltaire

La Prude

comic play by Voltaire

La mort de César

edition of Voltaires work

La princesse de Navarre

dramatic work by Jean-Philippe Rameau and Voltaire

Le Blanc et le noir

Le Cadenas

edition of Voltaire

Le Mondain

poem by Voltaire

Le Pour et le Contre

poem by Voltaire

Le Siècle de Louis XIV

historical book by Voltaire

Le Siècle de Louis XIV

Le Taureau blanc

Le philosophe ignorant

Le temple de la Gloire


Les Deux Tonneaux

play by Voltaire

Les Deux consolés

Les Dialogues d’Evhémère

Philosophical dialogue, written by Voltaire

Les Guèbres ou la tolérance

unsigned work in five acts by Voltaire

Les Lettres d’Amabed

Les Lois de Minos

play by Voltaire

Les Oreilles du comte de Chesterfield et le Chapelain Goudman

Les Pélopides

Les Trois Manières

Letters on the English

literary work by Voltaire

Los dos Consolados

Wikisource edition


L’Histoire de Jenni ou le Sage et l’Athée

L’Homme aux quarante écus


short play by Voltaire

L’Origine des métiers


book written by Voltaire


play written by Voltaire

L’Éducation d’un prince


play by Voltaire


literary work by Voltaire


French edition of 1877


Arabic translation


1922 Polish translation


Romanian translation

Memnon, o la cordura humana

Spanish translation

Memory's Adventure

story by Voltaire, translated by Donald M. Frame



Voltaire story translation by William F. Fleming


Voltaire story translation by Peter Phalen


Voltaire story from French "Complete Works of Voltaire"


1752 short story by Voltaire


tragedy by Voltaire


play by Voltaire

Novelas de Voltaire, Volume 1

translated by José Marchena


tragedy by Voltaire

Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, Volume 43


play by Voltaire

On Calumny

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

On Moderation in all Things

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

On Superstition

On the Death of Adrienne Lecouvreur

On the English Genius

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

On the Horrible Danger Represented by Reading

philosophical work by Voltaire

On the Interpretation of the New Testament

On the Interpretation of the Old Testament


play by Voltaire



Petite digression

story by Voltaire

Plato's Dream

short story by Voltaire

Poem on the Law of Nature

work by Voltaire defending conscience

Poem on the Lisbon Disaster

English translation of Voltaire poem, from Toleration and other essays

Poème sur la Loi naturelle

poem by Voltaire

Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne

poem in French composed by Voltaire


Polish translation of Voltaire's L'Ingenu

Précis du siècle de Louis XV

work by Voltaire

Questions sur les Miracles

literary work by Voltaire



play written by Voltaire


play by Voltaire

Socrates (Voltaire)

Song of the Virgin

Russian translation of Voltaire's poem "Maid of Orleans"


play by Voltaire

Supplément au Siècle de Louis XIV

Sémiramis (tragedy)

play written by Voltaire


tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe after Voltaire


five-act tragedy by Voltaire

Tanis et Zélide

play written by Voltaire

Tanis et Zélide, ou les Rois pasteurs

The Adventure of Memory

The Adventure of Memory

story by Voltaire, translated by C. E. Vulliamy

The Black and the White

The Death of Caesar

tragedy by Voltaire

The Education of a Prince

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

The Good Brahmin

philosophical work by Voltaire

The Good Brahmin

Voltaire story in English translation by William F. Flemming

The Historical Praise of Reason

literary work

The History of Charles XII, King of Sweden

historical work by Voltaire

The Huron, Chapter 13

The Huron, Chapter 5

The Huron, Chapter 8

The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature

satirical novella by the French writer Voltaire

The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature

English translation of Voltaire's L'Ingenu by William F. Fleming

The Ignorant Philosopher

philosophical story by Voltaire

The Law of Nature

Voltaire poem translation by William F. Fleming

The Laws of Minos

tragedy written by Voltaire

The Letters of Amabed

literary work

The Lisbon Earthquake

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

The Maid of Orleans

poem by Voltaire

The Man of Forty Crowns

fictional work by Voltaire

The Origin of Trades

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

The Padlock

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

The Princess of Babylon

book by Voltaire

The Questions of Zapata

The Sermon of the Fifty

The Story of Johnny; or, The Atheist and the Sage

literary work

The Story of Johnny; or, The Atheist and the Sage

Voltaire story translated by William F. Fleming

The Travels of Scarmentado

story by Voltaire

The Two Comforters

philosophical work by Voltaire

The White Bull

book by Voltaire

The White Bull

Voltaire story translated by William F. Fleming

The Works of Voltaire

The World as It Goes

story by Voltaire

The Worlding

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

Thelema and Macareus

Thélème et Macare

To Her Royal Highness

poem by Voltaire, translated by William F. Fleming

To a Lady Very Well Known to the Whole Town

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

To the King of Prussia on His Accession to the Throne

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

Toleration and Other Essays

Traité sur la tolérance

Treatise on Tolerance

book by Voltaire

Uszy hrabiego Chesterfield i kapelan Gudman

Voltaire - myslitel a bojovník: I, Filosofie, náboženství

1957 Czech book edition

Voltaire - myslitel a bojovník: II, Církev, stát a právo

1957 Czech book edition

Voltaire: miscelanea filosófica

We Must Take Sides

What Pleases the Ladies

Voltaire poem translated by William F. Fleming

Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands

satirical essay by Voltaire


1749 translation of work by Voltaire

Zadig czyli Los

Polish edition of Zadig

Zadig or Destiny

novel by Voltaire

Zadig, o el Destino

Zadig, ou la Destinée


play by Voltaire



play by Voltaire

Épître 1

Épître 17

Épître 18

Épître 19

Épître 2


Épître 20

Épître 21

Épître 22

Épître 55

poem by Voltaire

Épître à l'Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs

poetic epistle by Voltaire

Ériphyle (tragedy)

tragedy in five acts by Voltaire

Œuvres complètes de Voltaire

complete works of Voltaire by Moland

Œuvres de Voltaire

Listy Amabedovy

book edition published in 1908

Některé pověsti

book edition published in 1905

Všetečné a bezbožné otázky nábožného doktora theologie Zapaty

book edition published in 1910

Zaïra: tragedie o pěti dějstvích

book edition published in 1922