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List of works by Fumio Maekawa


scientific article published in 1943

A method of preparing dried specimens in half a day.

scientific article published in 1949

A new Heterotlopa from Mt. Omei, China

scientific article published in 1982

A new Masdevallia species from Bolivia

scientific article published in 1973

A new consideration on the starting places of Angiosperms

scientific article published in 1960

A new dwarf bamboo genus Matudacalamus from Mexico

scientific article published in 1961

A new morphogenetic consideration on root cap

scientific article published in 1953

A new orchid genus Acanthophippium to Japan proper

scientific article published in 1975

A species of Disperis from Iriomote Is

scientific article published in 1974

About 4000 new genera of flowering plants in these 35 years

scientific article published in 1962

Additions to Mr. Muroi's etymological notes on Macleya cordata

scientific article published in 1951

Alabastra Diversa III

scientific article published in 1934

Alternate leaves in Cardiandra

scientific article published in 1950

Animadversiones Miscellaneae de Plantis (I)

scientific article published in 1939

Aobayama Botanical Garden, Tôhoku University, Sendai will be opened this April

scientific article published in 1959

Aucuba and its allies―the phylogenetic consideration on the Cornaceae

scientific article published in 1965

Book review

Book review

Book review

scientific article published in 1958

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review Address book of Japanese botanists

scientific article published in 1965

Book review FAO (ed.): Standard nomenclature of the exportable timbers of the Asia-Pacific Region

scientific article published in 1965

Book review Japan Association of Botanical Gardens (ed.): Botanical Gardens in Japan

scientific article published in 1965

Book review Löve, A. & D. Löve (ed.): North atlantic biota and their history

scientific article published in 1964

Book review Schultes, R. E. & A. S. Pease: Generic names of orchids, their origin and meaning

scientific article published in 1964

Book review Seward, A. C.: Fossil plants

scientific article published in 1965

Book review The christchurch Botanic Gardens, a garden century 1863–1963

scientific article published in 1965

Carpel-studies of monocotyledoneous genus Hosta

scientific article published in 1944

Characters and their carriers in organism (1)

scientific article published in 1954

Characters and their carriers in organism (2)

scientific article published in 1954

Chromosome numbers of 26 species of Hosta

scientific article published in 1968

Chromosomes in Viola kitamiana Nakai from Japan

scientific article published in 1969

Clear demarcation in sterile fronds of two Osmunda

scientific article published in 1954

Coment on G+C contents

scientific article published in 1963

Comments on Thorne's classification of the flowering plants

scientific article published in 1968

Comparative method in the etymological studies of Japanese plant names

scientific article published in 1948

Correlations between leaves and stem apex

scientific article published in 1951

Curious distribution of Sciadopytis and its suggestive meaning

scientific article published in 1957

Dichotomy of Ginkgo and its bearing to phylogeny

scientific article published in 1948

Didymoplexiella (Orchidaceae) newly found in Japan

scientific article published in 1977

Differentiation of Adenocaulon (Compositae)

scientific article published in 1963

Disanthus as a paleontological verification for Sciadopitys-type distribution

scientific article published in 1958

Divisiones et Plantae Novae Generis Hostae (II)

scientific article published in 1938

Dua Genera Nova Orchidacearum Japonensium

scientific article

Electronmicroscopic figure of pyrenoid in Closterium

scientific article published in 1960

Eriocaulon heleocharioides may belong to the same section with American E. septangulare

scientific article published in 1951

Ethnobotanical comments on Celtis sinensis and other plants

scientific article published in 1972

Ethnobotanical consideration on Juniperus or Sabina

scientific article published in 1953

Ethnobotanical consideration on the Japanese name of Helwingia and Kalimeris

scientific article published in 1962

Ethnobotanical notes on Cynanchum caudatum in Ainu

scientific article published in 1962

Ethymological consideration for Japanese name of Glochidion obovatum

scientific article published in 1961

Ethymology for Chloranthus spicatus

scientific article published in 1964

Etymological and ethnobotanical consideration of Lycoris radiata and Eleocharis edulis

scientific article published in 1960

Etymological consideration on the Japanese name of' Clethra barbinervis

scientific article published in 1949

Etymological note on edible nuts and shells in Johmon Era

scientific article published in 1968

Etymological note on two Japanese plants suggesting their relation to rice name

scientific article published in 1957

Etymological notes on Japanese names of Rumex, Reynoutria and Patrinia

scientific article published in 1952

Etymological notes on some Japanese plant names

scientific article published in 1968

Evolution of karyotype in Hosta (Liliaceae)

scientific article published in 1968

Fossil Coriaria from Western Siberia

scientific article published in 1964

Further notes on the stamens of Chloranthus japonicus

scientific article published in 1971

Further on major polyploidy in polycarpic group

scientific article published in 1968

Goodeniaceae viewed from Neo-reduction theory

scientific article published in 1963

Historical sketch on the theories concerning the stem-leaf-complex

scientific article published in 1965

Hosta undulata and its varieties

scientific article published in 1936

Inflorescence of Houttuynia (Polypara) as an example showing phyllotaxis tendency

scientific article published in 1949

Japanese Asaraceae (I)

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae (II)

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae (IX)

scientific article published in 1936

Japanese Asaraceae (VII)

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae (VIII)

scientific article published in 1934

Japanese Asaraceae III

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae IV.

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae V.

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese Asaraceae. (VI)

scientific article published in 1933

Japanese botanic terms written by Chinese ideographs in Japanese official use

scientific article published in 1950

Latest issue of Dr. Nakai's Iconographia Pl. Asiae Orient. By Shunyôdo Shoten, Tokyo

scientific article published in 1952

Leaf classes and leaf phases

scientific article published in 1950

Life phase concept in cell stage, as a taxonomical category

scientific article published in 1953

Lowest habitat? of Betula platyphylla in Kantô, Japan

scientific article published in 1953

Major polyploidy with special reference to the phylogeny of Oleaceae

scientific article published in 1962

Makinoesia and its bsaring to Oriental Asiatic flora

scientific article published in 1949

Manysidedness in the evolution through reduction

scientific article published in 1958

Meaning of Japanese & Chinese names of Angiopteris

scientific article published in 1951

Merker's new interpretation of subterranean part of Rhynia

scientific article published in 1959

Misceallaneous concerning Int. Bot. Congress: The history

scientific article published in 1954

Mr. Hisauchi's 'Manual of Naturalized Plants'

scientific article published in 1950

Mr. Kiyotaka HISAUCHI (1884-1981)

scientific article published in 1981

Möbius' band as a process of autopolyploidy

scientific article published in 1962


scientific article published in 1956






scientific article published in 1968

Nomenclatural treatments for the violets of Japan

scientific article published in 1968

Note on a new species of Hosta (Liliaceae)

scientific article published in 1976

Note on the Japanese name of Drymaria from Izu-shichito

scientific article published in 1978

Note on the Shimoda-kan'aoi

scientific article published in 1980

Notes on Asarum and Heterotropa from Taiwan

scientific article published in 1978

Notes on Asarum epigynum Hayata

scientific article published in 1977

Notes on Japanese orchids (1)

scientific article published in 1958

Notes on plants collected by the author in prov. Anhwei, Mid-China (I)

scientific article published in 1944

Notes on the embryo formula by Dr. Reeder

scientific article published in 1965

Notes on the name of a famous big pine tree “Sakô -no-Matsu”

scientific article published in 1952

Notes on the plants in Bai-no-Soshi (1267)

scientific article published in 1975

Notes on the stamens of Chloranthus japonicus

scientific article published in 1970

Nyctinasty in Sanicula, Boehmeria etc.

scientific article published in 1954

Old meaning of the chinese letter, substituted now for mould

scientific article published in 1956

On Yoania amagiensis Nakai et F. Maekawa

scientific article published in 1936

On the Ceja-vegetation and the phylogeny of angiosperms (1)

scientific article published in 1962

On the Ceja-vegetation and the phylogeny of angiosperms (2)

scientific article published in 1963

On the differentiation of the genus Cypripedium sensu lato

scientific article published in 1965

On the morphology of Oryza flower

scientific article published in 1968

On the phyllotaxis of Cordaites under a new consideration

scientific article published in 1953

On the real locality of Tsurugizan in Faurie's collections

scientific article published in 1951

On the secondary dorsiventrality in the Iris leaf

scientific article published in 1967

On the status and scientific name of a Japanes 'Langsdorffinae' violet

scientific article published in 1970

Peculiar island names probably derived from ancient plant names

scientific article published in 1951

Phyllotaxis of Metasequoia

scientific article published in 1948

Polycotyly in Pittosporum tenuifolium

scientific article published in 1960

Possible affinity of Japanese vernacular names for Aralia and Aruncus

scientific article published in 1952

Prasiola mexicana from South America

scientific article published in 1966

Primitive arborescence in Pisum

scientific article published in 1962

Primitive characters in Phaseolus gonospermus

scientific article published in 1964

Pseudoverticillate leaves in Anemone nikoensis

scientific article published in 1961

Review of K. Hara's A list of Japanese Fungi

scientific article published in 1954

Revised edition of Dr. Honda's Nomina Plantarum Japonicarum

scientific article published in 1957

Rudimentary petals of Asarum caudigerum

scientific article published in 1980

Ryukyuan vernacular “Momo” for Myrica rubra

scientific article published in 1954

Scirpus americana complex and Oxalis corniculata complex as the presumable example for Coriaria-type distribution

scientific article published in 1964

Settled abnormality in Arisaema ringens

scientific article published in 1952

Sikori derived from Ainu vocabulary

scientific article published in 1968

So called Phycomycetes, as an unnatural group

scientific article published in 1947

Some examples for progressive appearance of diagnostic characters

scientific article published in 1951

Some examples in the evolution by the reduction in chromosomes

scientific article published in 1962

Some orchids from Peruvian Andes

scientific article published in 1972

Some plants named by herbarists of Owari Province

scientific article published in 1951

Species problem and phylogenetic appreciation for diagnostic characters―A case of Epimedium

scientific article published in 1955

Species-differentiation in North-western Kiusiu of Japan

scientific article published in 1952

Specific epithet Keisak probably derived from the name of Mr. Keisaku Ninomiya, a pupil of Siebold

scientific article published in 1951

Spiro-scalate phyllotaxis, newly discovered in Devonian Palaeostigma from South Africa

scientific article published in 1968

Sporic, and asporic diplont

scientific article published in 1951

Stelocarp, a new concept for carpology. Appendix. A new fruit classification

scientific article published in 1952

Studia Monocotyledonearum Japonicarum (I)

scientific article published in 1935

Studia Monocotyledonearum Japonicarum (II)

scientific article published in 1935

Studia Monocotyledonearum Japonicarum (III)

scientific article published in 1935

Studia Monocotyledonearum Japonicarum (IV)

scientific article published in 1935

Studia Monocotyledonearum Japonicarum (VI)

scientific article published in 1936

Swertia Tashiroi Makino and its allies.

scientific article published in 1936

Sympodial branching In Metasequoia

scientific article published in 1952

The genus Disanthus viewed from the Palaeo-equatorial distribution

scientific article published in 1968

The over-Japan Sea distribution, old and young

scientific article published in 1964

Three foundamental types of life phase of plant cells, ― their evolution and developments

scientific article published in 1947

Triphyllous verticillate as an old phyllotaxis in Metasequoia

scientific article published in 1951

Two new journals on mycology and algology

scientific article published in 1953

Two new methods, proposed for the descriptions of plant life cycles

scientific article published in 1949

Two new species of Hosta (Liliaceae) from Japan

scientific article published in 1984

Virus and cancer cells in organic system

scientific article published in 1954

Vojnovskya, as a presumable ancestor of angiosperms

scientific article published in 1962

What is Sikor? ― An etymological consideration on some Japane shrub names

scientific article published in 1954

Xylosma apactis described by Thunberg

scientific article published in 1954

“Embryogensis “ in vitro

scientific article published in 1963

“Tatarame” identical with Asarum caulescens

scientific article published in 1968

scientific article published in 1944