scholarly article
scientific article
scholarly article by Anders Svensson et al published 31 March 2008 in Climate of the Past
scientific article published on 28 November 2018
scholarly article
scientific article (publication date: 2013)
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article published in 2018
scholarly article
article by Frédéric Parrenin et al published 1 December 2001 in Journal of Geophysical Research
scientific article
scholarly article
scientific article published in Nature Communications
article published in 2010
scientific article
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article published in 2020
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article (publication date: 23 August 2007)
scholarly article
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article
article by Daniel Veres et al published 1 August 2013 in Climate of the Past
scholarly article
article by Hubertus Fischer et al published 5 November 2013 in Climate of the Past
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