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List of works by Antoine Geissbühler

3D Case–Based Retrieval for Interstitial Lung Diseases

A Teledermatology Pilot Programme for the Management of Skin Diseases in Primary Health Care Centres: Experiences from a Resource-Limited Country (Mali, West Africa)

scientific article published on 17 August 2018

A call for a moratorium on the .health generic top-level domain: preventing the commercialization and exclusive control of online health information

scientific article

A decade devoted to improving online health information quality

scientific article published on January 2005

A reference data set for the evaluation of medical image retrieval systems.

scientific article

A review of content-based image retrieval systems in medical applications-clinical benefits and future directions

scientific article published on February 2004

Acceptance and cognitive load in a clinical setting of a novel device allowing natural real-time data acquisition

scientific article

Applications of Space Technologies to Global Health: Scoping Review


Assessment of Internet-based tele-medicine in Africa (the RAFT project).

scientific article published on September 2006

Asymmetric-margin support vector machines for lung tissue classification

Automatic medical encoding with SNOMED categories

scientific article

Building a reference multimedia database for interstitial lung diseases.

scientific article

Case-based lung image categorization and retrieval for interstitial lung diseases: clinical workflows

scientific article published in June 2011

Clinical documents: attribute-values entity representation,context, page layout and communication.

scientific article

Closing the loop: bringing decision support clinical data at the clinician desktop

scientific article

Comparative performance analysis of state-of-the-art classification algorithms applied to lung tissue categorization.

scientific article

Comprehensive management of the access to the electronic patient record: towards trans-institutional networks

scientific article published on 3 November 2006

Computer literacy and E-learning perception in Cameroon: the case of Yaounde Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

scientific article

Consensus standards for introductory e-learning courses in human participants research ethics

scientific article

Content-based image retrieval from a database of fracture images

Continuing distance education: a capacity-building tool for the de-isolation of care professionals and researchers.

scientific article published on September 2013

Coping with the variability of medical terms.

scientific article published on January 2004

Coupling ontology driven semantic representation with multilingual natural language generation for tuning international terminologies.

scientific article published on January 2007

Data-poor categorization and passage retrieval for gene ontology annotation in Swiss-Prot

scientific article

Design of a decentralized reusable research database architecture to support data acquisition in large research projects.

scientific article

E-Health, another mechanism to recruit and retain healthcare professionals in remote areas: lessons learned from EQUI-ResHuS project in Mali

scientific article

Enterprise-wide PACS: beyond radiology, an architecture to manage all medical images

scientific article published on August 2005

Feasibility of a clearing house for improved cooperation between telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services: acceptability to network coordinators

scientific article

Health search engine with e-document analysis for reliable search results.

scientific article

Implementation of a publication-subscription environment within a multi-agents paradigm.

scientific article published on January 2002

Improving Primary Care Medication Processes by Using Shared Electronic Medication Plans in Switzerland: Lessons Learned From a Participatory Action Research Study

scientific article published on 07 January 2021

Informatics in radiology (infoRAD): benefits of content-based visual data access in radiology

scientific article

KnowARC: enabling Grid networks for the biomedical research community.

scientific article published on January 2007

Learning from imbalanced data in surveillance of nosocomial infection

scientific article

Long-running telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services: experience, performance and scientific output

scientific article published in May 2012

Measuring the effectiveness of hospital-acquired infection prevention.

scientific article

Medical and economic benefits of telehealth in low- and middle-income countries: results of a study in four district hospitals in Mali

scientific article

Near-affine-invariant texture learning for lung tissue analysis using isotropic wavelet frames.

scientific article published on 11 May 2012

PACS for Bhutan: a cost effective open source architecture for emerging countries.

scientific article published on 28 July 2016

Precision global health in the digital age.

scientific article

Reliability of the revised Swiss Emergency Triage Scale: a computer simulation study

scientific article

Revealing triage behaviour patterns in ER using a new technology for handwritten data acquisition

scientific article

SMS reminders to improve the tuberculosis cure rate in developing countries (TB-SMS Cameroon): a protocol of a randomised control study

scientific article published on 24 January 2014

Telemedicine in Western Africa: lessons learned from a pilot project in Mali, perspectives and recommendations

scientific article

The RAFT Telemedicine Network: Lessons Learnt and Perspectives from a Decade of Educational and Clinical Services in Low- and Middle-Incomes Countries.

scientific article

The RAFT network: 5 years of distance continuing medical education and tele-consultations over the Internet in French-speaking Africa

scientific article

The digital pen and paper technology: implementation and use in an existing clinical information system.

scientific article published on January 2005

Understanding usage patterns of handheld computers in clinical practice.

scientific article

Unravelling the knowledge, beliefs, behaviours and concerns of Persons with Haemophilia and their carriers in Senegal

scientific article published on 14 July 2020

Using argumentation to extract key sentences from biomedical abstracts

scientific article

Using discourse analysis to improve text categorization in MEDLINE.

scientific article

Using lexical disambiguation and named-entity recognition to improve spelling correction in the electronic patient record.

scientific article published on September 2003

WRAPIN: a tool for patient empowerment within EHR.

scientific article published on January 2007

XML as standard for communicating in a document-based electronic patient record: a 3 years experiment

scientific article published on July 2003

XML as standard for communicating in a document-based electronic patient record: a three years experiment

scientific article published on January 2002