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List of works by Stephen J. Bertke

A simulation study of relative efficiency and bias in the nested case-control study design

journal article published in 2013

A simulation study of relative efficiency and bias in the nested case-control study design

abstract published in 2013

Age-at-exposure and time-since-exposure in causal inference: ionizing radiation and cancer mortality in INWORKS

abstract published in 2023

Airborne contaminants during controlled residential fires.

journal article published in 2018

Applying machine learning to workers' compensation data to identify industry-specific ergonomic and safety prevention priorities: Ohio, 2001 to 2011

journal article published in 2018

Are Insurer Risk Control Services Effective?

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2022

Artificial Intelligence Crowdsourcing Competition for Injury Surveillance

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2020

Association of pulmonary and cardiovascular health metrics with carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposure among U.S. workers: a cross-sectional study

abstract published in 2017

Association of pulmonary, cardiovascular, and hematologic metrics with carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposure among U.S. workers: a cross-sectional study

journal article published in 2018

Associations between occupational ionizing radiation exposure and cancer mortality: an update of the pooled US nuclear workers study

abstract published in 2023

Authors' response: solid cancer mortality among US radiation workers

publication published in 2023

Cancer incidence among boat-building workers exposed to styrene

journal article published in 2017

Cancer incidence and metolachlor use in the Agricultural Health Study: an update

journal article published in 2015

Cancer incidence and metolachlor use in the Agricultural Health Study: an update

abstract published in 2015

Cancer mortality among styrene and fibreglass exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

abstract published in 2014

Cancer mortality update with an exposure response analysis among styrene-exposed workers in the reinforced plastics boatbuilding industry

journal article published in 2018

Carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposure and blood and sputum biomarkers of effect among U.S. workers

abstract published in 2017

Comparative analyses of workers' compensation claims of injury among temporary and permanent employed workers in Ohio

journal article published in 2020

Compare the marginal effects for environmental exposure and biomonitoring data with repeated measurements and values below the limit of detection

journal article published in 2024

Comparison of cost valuation methods for workers compensation data

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Comparison of methods for auto-coding causation of injury narratives

journal article published in 2016

Contamination of firefighter personal protective equipment and skin and the effectiveness of decontamination procedures

journal article published in 2017

Creation of a retrospective job-exposure matrix using surrogate measures of exposure for a cohort of US career firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia

journal article published in 2015

Deaths from nonmalignant respiratory disease in styrene-exposed workers: does obliterative bronchiolitis contribute to mortality?

publication published in 2017

Demographic, behavioral, and reproductive history differences by maternal working status before and during pregnancy: implications for reproductive studies

abstract published in 2013

Development and evaluation of a Naïve Bayesian model for coding causation of workers' compensation claims

journal article published in 2012

Development and evaluation of an auto-coding model for coding unstructured text data among workers' compensation claims

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Development of methods for using workers' compensation data for surveillance and prevention of occupational injuries among State-insured private employers in Ohio

journal article published in 2016

Dose-response relationships between internally-deposited uranium and select health outcomes in gaseous diffusion plant workers, 1948-2011

journal article published in 2018

End-stage renal disease incidence in a cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago, and Philadelphia

journal article published in 2022

Evaluating the ingress of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) specifically naphthalene through firefighter hoods and base layers

journal article published in 2025

Evaluating workplace protection factors (WPFs) of different firefighter PPE interface control measures for select volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

journal article published in 2024

Exploring manganese fractionation using a sequential extraction method to evaluate welders' gas metal arc welding exposures during heavy equipment manufacturing

journal article published in 2017

Exposure Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in the Workplace

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Exposure-response assessment of cancer mortality in styrene-exposed boatbuilders

journal article published in 2020

Exposure-response relationships for select cancer and non-cancer health outcomes in a cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia (1950-2009)

journal article published in 2015

Factors associated with employment status before and during pregnancy: implications for studies of pregnancy outcomes

journal article published in 2017

Firefighter hood contamination: efficiency of laundering to remove PAHs and FRs

journal article published in 2019

Firefighters' absorption of PAHs and VOCs during controlled residential fires by job assignment and fire attack tactic

journal article published in 2020

Firefighters' and instructors' absorption of PAHs and benzene during training exercises

journal article published in 2019

Health burdens of uranium miners will extend beyond the radiation exposure compensation act deadline

publication published in 2022

Impact of select PPE design elements and repeated laundering in firefighter protection from smoke exposure

journal article published in 2020

Injury Among Temporary and Permanent Workers in Ohio

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2020

Introducing LTASR, a new R package based on the NIOSH Life Table Analysis System

publication published in 2022

Ionizing radiation and solid cancer mortality among US nuclear facility workers

journal article published in 2023

Lung cancer mortality and styrene exposure in the reinforced-plastics boatbuilding industry: evaluation of healthy worker survivor bias

journal article published in 2021

Manganese fractionation using a sequential extraction method to evaluate welders' flux core arc welding exposures in a shipyard, structural steel and custom parts manufacturers

journal article published in 2020

Manganese fractionation using a sequential extraction method to evaluate welders' shielded metal arc welding exposures during construction projects in oil refineries

journal article published in 2015

Marginal analysis of exposure data with repeated measures and non-detects

journal article published in 2022

Maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and the secondary sex ratio: an occupational cohort study

scientific article published on March 18, 2011

Modelling complex mixtures in epidemiologic analysis: additive versus relative measures for differential effectiveness

abstract published in 2013

Mortality among styrene-exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

journal article published in 2016

Mortality and ionising radiation exposures among workers employed at the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (1951-1985)

journal article published in 2013

Mortality in a cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia: an update

journal article published in 2020

Mortality in a combined cohort of uranium enrichment workers

journal article published in 2017

Mortality of lead smelter workers: a follow-up study with exposure assessment

journal article published in 2016

Nonmalignant disease mortality among styrene, fibreglass, and wood dust exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

abstract published in 2014

Occupational injuries among construction workers by age and related economic loss: findings from Ohio workers' compensation, USA: 2007-2017

journal article published in 2023

Occupational injuries in Ohio wood product manufacturing: a descriptive analysis with emphasis on saw-related injuries and associated causes

journal article published in 2014

Occupational risk factors for endometriosis among flight attendants

abstract published in 2014

Occupational risk factors for endometriosis in a cohort of flight attendants

journal article published in 2016

Predicting occupational exposures to carbon nanotubes and nanofibers based on workplace determinants modeling

journal article published in 2019

Prevalence of cardiovascular health by occupation: a cross-sectional analysis among U.S. workers aged ≥ 45 years

journal article published in 2017

Quantile regression for exposure data with repeated measures in the presence of non-detects

journal article published in 2021

Quantile regression for longitudinal data with values below the limit of detection and time-dependent covariates -- application to modeling carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposures

journal article published in 2024

Retrospective assessment of exposure to chemicals for a microelectronics and business machine manufacturing facility

journal article published in 2014

Retrospective cohort study of a microelectronics and business machine facility

journal article published in 2014

Risk of leukaemia mortality from exposure to ionising radiation in US nuclear workers: a pooled case-control study

journal article published in 2013

Safety Intervention Grant Programs Can Be Effective in Preventing Workplace Injuries

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2023

Styrene, styrene-7,8-oxide, and quinoline

book published in 2019

The effectiveness of ergonomic interventions in material handling operations

journal article published in 2020

The effectiveness of insurer-supported safety and health engineering controls in reducing workers' compensation claims and costs

journal article published in 2014

The impact of a state-based workers' compensation insurer's risk control services on employer claim frequency and cost rates

journal article published in 2022

Trends in worker hearing loss by industry sector, 1981-2010

journal article published in 2015

Understanding airborne contaminants produced by different fuel packages during training fires

journal article published in 2019

Updated findings on temporal variation in radiation-effects on cancer mortality in an international cohort of nuclear workers (INWORKS)

journal article published in 2024

Using workers' compensation data for surveillance of occupational injuries and illnesses - Ohio, 2005-2009

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Visualizing Ohio Workers' Compensation Claims by Event/Exposure

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2023

Work-Related Low-Back Injury and Increased Rate of Death

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2020

Workers' compensation claim counts and rates by injury event/exposure among state-insured private employers in Ohio, 2007-2017

journal article published in 2021

Workers' compensation injury claims among workers in the private ambulance services industry - Ohio, 2001-2011

journal article published in 2018