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List of works by Stephen J. Barnes

3D textural evidence for the formation of ultra-high tenor precious metal bearing sulphide microdroplets in offset reefs: An extreme example from the Platinova Reef, Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland

A fundamental dispute: A discussion of “On some fundamentals of igneous petrology” by Bruce D. Marsh, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2013) 166: 665–690

scholarly article by Rais Latypov et al published February 2015 in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

A mechanism for chromite growth in ophiolite complexes: evidence from 3D high-resolution X-ray computed tomography images of chromite grains in Harold's Grave chromitite in the Shetland ophiolite

scientific article

A molecular and isotopic study of palaeoenvironmental conditions through the middle Cambrian in the Georgina Basin, central Australia

scientific article

A relic of the Mozambique Ocean in south-east Tanzania

scientific article

A revised oxygen barometry in sulfide-saturated magmas and application to the Permian magmatic Ni–Cu deposits in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt

scientific article

An Issue Devoted to Magmatic Sulfide Mineralization and Ore Deposits with Special Emphasis on China: Preface

scientific article

Analytical/numerical modeling of komatiite lava emplacement and thermal erosion at Perseverance, Western Australia


Archean andesites in the east Yilgarn craton, Australia: Products of plume-crust interaction?


Archean komatiite volcanism controlled by the evolution of early continents

scientific article

Are Bushveld U-type parent magmas boninites or contaminated komatiites?

scientific article

Automated plotting of geochemical data using the lotus symphony package

scientific article


scientific article

Chrome spinels from the Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, Gansu Province, People's Republic of China

scientific article

Chromite in komatiites: 3D morphologies with implications for crystallization mechanisms

scientific article

Dedication to Professor Hazel Prichard BSc, PhD, MBA (1954–2017)

scholarly article

Deformed Chromitite Layers in the Coobina Intrusion, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia

scientific article

Distribution and Geochemistry of Komatiites and Basalts Through the Archean

scientific article

Distribution of sulphides and PGE within the porphyritic websterite zone of the Munni Munni Complex, Western Australia

scientific article

Droplets and Bubbles: Solidification of Sulphide-rich Vapour-saturated Orthocumulates in the Norilsk-Talnakh Ni–Cu–PGE Ore-bearing Intrusions

scientific article

Dynamics of Magmatic Sulphide Droplets during Transport in Silicate Melts and Implications for Magmatic Sulphide Ore Formation

scientific article

Effects of hydrous alteration on the distribution of base metals and platinum group elements within the Kevitsa magmatic nickel sulphide deposit

scientific article

Element mapping the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex

scientific article

Evidence for dyke-parallel shear during syn-intrusion fracturing

scientific article

Evidence of lateral thermomechanical erosion of basalt by Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide melt at Kambalda, Western Australia


Evolution of a ∼2.7 Ga large igneous province: A volcanological, geochemical and geochronological study of the Agnew Greenstone Belt, and new regional correlations for the Kalgoorlie Terrane (Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia)

scientific article

Fred’s Flow (Canada) and Murphy Well (Australia): thick komatiitic lava flows with contrasting compositions, emplacement mechanisms and water contents

scientific article

Genesis of the Huangshannan high-Ni tenor magmatic sulfide deposit in the Eastern Tianshan, northwest China: Constraints from PGE geochemistry and Os–S isotopes

scientific article

Geochemical investigation of the lower Cambrian mineralised black shales of South China and the late Devonian Nick deposit, Canada

scientific article

Global Variability in the Platinum-group Element Contents of Komatiites

scientific article

Growth History of Sphalerite in a Modern Sea Floor Hydrothermal Chimney Revealed by Electron Backscattered Diffraction

scientific article

Hydrothermal remobilisation around a deformed and remobilised komatiite-hosted Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposit, Sarah’s Find, Agnew Wiluna greenstone belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia

scientific article

Idiomorphic oikocrysts of clinopyroxene produced by a peritectic reaction within a solidification front of the Bushveld Complex

scientific article

Imaging trace-element zoning in pyroxenes using synchrotron XRF mapping with the Maia detector array: Benefit of low-incident energy

scientific article

Indicator minerals for magmatic sulfide mineralisation

scientific article

Interspinifex Ni Sulfide Ore from the Coronet Shoot, Kambalda: Characterization Using Microbeam X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping and 3-D X-Ray Computed Tomography

scientific article

Interspinifex Ni sulfide ore from Victor South-McLeay, Kambalda, Western Australia

scientific article

Introduction to a Special Issue on the Norilsk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Deposits

scientific article

Introduction to the Special Issue dedicated to the work and memory of Professor Hazel Margaret Prichard (1954–2017)

scientific article

Investigation of the Internal Structure of a Modern Seafloor Hydrothermal Chimney With a Combination of EBSD, EPMA, and XRD

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

Investigations of the Howland Reef of the Stillwater Complex, Minneapolis Adit area; stratigraphy, structure, and mineralization

scientific article

Iridium, ruthenium and rhodium in komatiites: Evidence for iridium alloy saturation

scholarly article

Komatiites and nickel sulfide ores of the Black Swan area, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. 3: Komatiite geochemistry, and implications for ore forming processes

scientific article

Komatiites and nickel sulfide ores of the Black Swan area, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. 4. Platinum group element distribution in the ores, and genetic implications

scientific article

Komatiites of the Wildara-Leonora Belt, Yilgarn Craton, WA: The missing link in the Kalgoorlie Terrane?

scientific article

Life on the edge: Microbial biomineralization in an arsenic- and lead-rich deep-sea hydrothermal vent

scholarly article

Magmatic Sulfide Ore Deposits

scientific article

Mapping bedrock lithologies throughin situregolith using retained element ratios: a case study from the Agnew-Lawlers area, Western Australia

scientific article

Merensky-type platinum deposits and a reappraisal of magma chamber paradigms

scientific article published on 19 June 2019

Microchemical and sulfur isotope constraints on the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Black Swan Succession, Western Australia

scientific article

Micron-scale distribution of metals in Cambrian metalliferous shales, South China: Insights into local biologically driven redox disequilibrium

scholarly article

Monomineralic anorthosites in layered intrusions are indicators of the magma chamber replenishment by plagioclase-only-saturated melts

scientific article published on 02 March 2020

Morphology and Particle Size Distribution of Olivines and Sulphides in the Jinchuan Ni–Cu Sulphide Deposit: Evidence for Sulphide Percolation in a Crystal Mush

scientific article

Morphology and microstructure of chromite crystals in chromitites from the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa)


Multidisciplinary study of a complex magmatic system: The Savannah Ni-Cu-Co Camp, Western Australia

scientific article

Multivariate Geochemical Tectonic Discrimination: Practical Approaches, Limitations and Opportunities

scientific article

Native gold enrichment process during growth of chalcopyrite-lined conduits within a modern hydrothermal chimney (Manus Basin, PNG)

scientific article published in 2022

New constraints on the origin of the Skaergaard intrusion Cu–Pd–Au mineralization: Insights from high-resolution X-ray computed tomography

scientific article

New insights on chimney growth model and native gold enrichment in modern seafloor hydrothermal chimneys

scientific article

Nickel-Copper Sulfide Mineralization in the Ntaka Hill Ultramafic Complex, Nachingwea Region, Tanzania

scientific article

Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu sulfide ore deposits, Fraser Zone, Western Australia: Petrology of the host intrusions sulfide-silicate textures and emplacement mechanisms of the ores

scientific article

Origin of Platinum Deposits in Layered Intrusions by In Situ Crystallization: Evidence from Undercutting Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex

scientific article

Oxide-Sulfide-Melt-Bubble Interactions in Spinel-Rich Taxitic Rocks of the Norilsk-Talnakh Intrusions, Polar Siberia

scientific article

Palladium complexation in chloride- and bisulfide-rich fluids: Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and X-ray absorption spectroscopy

scientific article

Paragenesis of multiple platinum-group mineral populations in Shetland ophiolite chromitite: 3D X-ray tomography and in situ Os isotopes

scientific article

Partial melting and recrystallization of Archeaan komatiites by residual heat from rapidly accumulated flows

scientific article

Partitioning of the platinum group elements and gold between silicate and sulphide magmas in the Munni Munni Complex, Western Australia

scientific article

Petrogenetic insights from chromite in ultramafic cumulates of the Xiarihamu intrusion, northern Tibet Plateau, China

scientific article

Platinum group element and nickel sulphide ore tenors of the Mount Keith nickel deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Australia

scientific article

Platinum group elements in mantle melts and mantle samples

scientific article

Platinum ore in three dimensions: Insights from high-resolution X-ray computed tomography

scientific article

Platinum-group element and gold contents of arsenide and sulfarsenide minerals associated with Ni and Au deposits in Archean greenstone belts

scientific article

Plume-lithosphere interaction at craton margins throughout Earth history

scientific article

Poikilitic Textures, Heteradcumulates and Zoned Orthopyroxenes in the Ntaka Ultramafic Complex, Tanzania: Implications for Crystallization Mechanisms of Oikocrysts

scientific article

Primary cumulus platinum minerals in the Monts de Cristal Complex, Gabon: magmatic microenvironments inferred from high-definition X-ray fluorescence microscopy

scholarly article

Primary stratigraphic controls on ore mineral assemblages in the Wannaway komatiite-hosted nickel-sulfide deposit, Kambalda camp, Western Australia

scientific article

Progressive mixing of meteoritic veneer into the early Earth’s deep mantle

scientific article published in Nature

Pt and Pd mobility in hydrothermal fluids: Evidence from komatiites and from thermodynamic modelling

scientific article

Rapid mineralogical and geochemical characterisation of the Fisher East nickel sulphide prospects, Western Australia, using hyperspectral and pXRF data

scientific article

Rapid orthopyroxene growth induced by silica assimilation: constraints from sector-zoned orthopyroxene, olivine oxygen isotopes and trace element variations in the Huangshanxi Ni–Cu deposit, Northwest China

scientific article

Relationship between microstructures and grain-scale trace element distribution in komatiite-hosted magmatic sulphide ores

Resolution of geochemical and lithostratigraphic complexity: a workflow for application of portable X-ray fluorescence to mineral exploration

scientific article

Review of Predictive and Detective Exploration Tools for Magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) Deposits, With a Focus on Komatiite-Related Systems in Western Australia

scientific article

Review of lithogeochemical exploration tools for komatiite-hosted Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits

scientific article

Role of degassing of the Noril'sk nickel deposits in the Permian-Triassic mass extinction event

scientific article published on 21 February 2017

Role of late magmatic fluids in Merensky-type platinum deposits: A discussion

scholarly article

Ruthenium in chromite as indicator for magmatic sulfide liquid equilibration in mafic-ultramafic systems

scientific article

Ruthenium in komatiitic chromite

scientific article

Silicate and Oxide Mineral Chemistry and Textures of the Norilsk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Ore-Bearing Intrusions

scientific article

Simplifying drill-hole domains for 3D geochemical modelling: An example from the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposit

scientific article

Sulfide Emplacement and Migration in the Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu-Co Deposit, Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia

scientific article

Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Disseminated and net-textured ores

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 102 no. 3, March 2017

Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Massive, semi-massive and sulfide-matrix breccia ores

scientific article

Textural development in sulfide-matrix ore breccias in the Aguablanca Ni-Cu deposit, Spain, revealed by X-ray fluorescence microscopy

scientific article

Textural development in sulfide-matrix ore breccias in the Voisey's Bay Ni-Cu-Co deposit, Labrador, Canada

scientific article

The Agnew nickel deposit, Western Australia; Part I, Structure and stratigraphy

scientific article

The Agnew nickel deposit, Western Australia; Part II, Sulfide geochemistry, with emphasis on the platinum-group elements

scientific article

The Archean Fortescue large igneous province: A result of komatiite contamination by a distinct Eo-Paleoarchean crust

article by David R. Mole et al published June 2018 in Precambrian Research

The Maia detector array and x-ray fluorescence imaging system: locating rare precious metal phases in complex samples

scientific article published on 26 September 2013

The Mordor Alkaline Igneous Complex, Central Australia: PGE-enriched disseminated sulfide layers in cumulates from a lamprophyric magma

scientific article

The association between Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide and Ni-Co lateritic ores and volcanic facies within the komatiites of the 2.7 Ga East Yilgarn Craton Large Igneous Province, Western Australia

scientific article

The distribution Cr, Ni, and chromite in komatiites, and application to exploration for komatiite-hosted nickel sulfide deposits

scientific article

The distribution of chromium among orthopyroxene, spinel and silicate liquid at atmospheric pressure

scientific article

The effect of trapped liquid crystallization on cumulus mineral compositions in layered intrusions

scientific article

The mineral system approach applied to magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulphide deposits

scientific article

The role of fluids in the metamorphism of komatiites, Agnew nickel deposit, western Australia

scientific article

Thermomechanical erosion of ore-hosting embayments beneath komatiite lava channels: Textural evidence from Kambalda, Western Australia

scientific article

Three-dimensional morphology of magmatic sulfides sheds light on ore formation and sulfide melt migration


Time scales and length scales in magma flow pathways and the origin of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE ore deposits

scientific article

Two distinct origins for Archean greenstone belts

scientific article published in April 2018

Use and calibration of portable X-Ray fluorescence analysers: application to lithogeochemical exploration for komatiite-hosted nickel sulphide deposits

scientific article

Zoned Pyroxenes as Prospectivity Indicators for Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Mineralization

scientific article

Zoned orthopyroxenes in the Ni-Co sulfide ore-bearing Xiarihamu mafic-ultramafic intrusion in northern Tibetan Plateau, China: Implications for multiple magma replenishments

scientific article

pyrolite: Python for geochemistry

scientific article