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List of works by Erik G Willcutt

"Teacher Effects" in Early Literacy Development: Evidence from a Study of Twins

scientific article

A Cognitive Dimensional Approach to Understanding Shared and Unique Contributions to Reading, Math, and Attention Skills

scientific article published on 21 May 2018

A Family Based Association Study of DRD4, DAT1, and 5HTT and Continuous Traits of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

scientific article published on January 5, 2011

A behaviour-genetic analysis of orthographic learning, spelling and decoding

scientific article published in February 2008

A cross-lagged model of the development of ADHD inattention symptoms and rapid naming speed.

scientific article published on November 2012

A multiple deficit model of reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: searching for shared cognitive deficits

scientific article published on December 3, 2010

ADHD prevalence estimates across three decades: an updated systematic review and meta-regression analysis

scientific article published on 24 January 2014

Achievement attributions are associated with specific rather than general learning delays

scientific article published on 19 April 2018

Advancing the study of sluggish cognitive tempo via DSM, RDoC, and hierarchical models of psychopathology.

scientific article published on 10 March 2018

An Introduction to the Special Issue: Contributions of Executive Function to Academic Skills

scientific article published on 17 January 2017

Analyzing comorbidity

scientific article published in January 2005

Approximate Number Sense Shares Etiological Overlap with Mathematics and General Cognitive Ability

scientific article published on 13 September 2017

Are Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, ADHD, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Trait- or State-Like Constructs from Prekindergarten to Fourth Grade?

scientific article published on 15 April 2019

Are endophenotypes based on measures of executive functions useful for molecular genetic studies of ADHD?

scientific article

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and sluggish cognitive tempo throughout childhood: temporal invariance and stability from preschool through ninth grade.

scientific article published on 8 January 2016

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and solar irradiance: a cloudy perspective

scientific article published on 11 October 2013

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder endophenotypes

scientific article

Attentional control activation relates to working memory in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article

Behavioral disinhibition: liability for externalizing spectrum disorders and its genetic and environmental relation to response inhibition across adolescence

scientific article

Behavioral performance predicts grey matter reductions in the right inferior frontal gyrus in young adults with combined type ADHD.

scientific article

Big five dimensions and ADHD symptoms: links between personality traits and clinical symptoms.

scientific article published in August 2002

Causal Attribution Profiles as a Function of Reading Skills, Hyperactivity, and Inattention

scientific article published on 22 October 2018

Characterization of the DYX2 locus on chromosome 6p22 with reading disability, language impairment, and IQ

scientific article

Characterizing and decomposing the neural correlates of individual differences in reading ability among adolescents with task-based fMRI

scientific article published on 18 April 2019

Cognitive Prediction of Reading, Math, and Attention: Shared and Unique Influences

scientific article published on 29 January 2016

Collaborative analysis of DRD4 and DAT genotypes in population-defined ADHD subtypes

scientific article published in October 2005

College Readiness: Differences Between First-Year Undergraduates With and Without ADHD

scientific article published on 26 November 2020

Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire: Validation of a parent-report screening measure

scientific article published on September 1, 2011

Colorado longitudinal twin study of reading disability

scientific article

Comorbidity between reading disability and math disability: concurrent psychopathology, functional impairment, and neuropsychological functioning

scientific article published on 28 February 2013

Cross-Country Differences in Parental Reporting of Symptoms of ADHD

scientific article published on 04 June 2019

DSM-5 and Other Symptom Thresholds for ADHD: Which Is the Best Predictor of Impairment in College Students?

scientific article published on 21 February 2016

DeFries–Fulker Analysis of Longitudinal Reading Performance Data from Twin Pairs Ascertained for Reading Difficulties and from Their Nontwin Siblings

scientific article published on January 23, 2011

Development in reading and math in children from different SES backgrounds: the moderating role of child temperament

scientific article

Differential impact of trait sluggish cognitive tempo and ADHD inattention in early childhood on adolescent functioning

scientific article published on 29 June 2018

Distinct influences of affective and cognitive factors on children's non-verbal and verbal mathematical abilities.

scientific article published on 27 May 2017

Does the Environment Have an Enduring Effect on ADHD? A Longitudinal Study of Monozygotic Twin Differences in Children

scientific article

Enrichment of putatively damaging rare variants in the DYX2 locus and the reading-related genes CCDC136 and FLNC.

scientific article published on 2 September 2017

Etiology and neuropsychology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD: the case for multiple-deficit models

scientific article

Etiology of the comorbidity between RD and ADHD: exploration of the non-random mating hypothesis

scientific article

Evaluating the construct validity of adult ADHD and SCT among college students: a multitrait-multimethod analysis of convergent and discriminant validity.

scientific article

Evidence for shared genetic risk between ADHD symptoms and reduced mathematics ability: a twin study

scientific article published on 03 June 2013

Executive Functions Contribute Uniquely to Reading Competence in Minority Youth.

scientific article published on 11 January 2016

Explaining the sex difference in dyslexia

scientific article published on 8 February 2017

Exploring how symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are related to reading and mathematics performance: general genes, general environments

scientific article published on 21 October 2010

Extending the 'cross-disorder' relevance of executive functions to dimensional neuropsychiatric traits in youth

scientific article published on 28 September 2015

Familial risk and ADHD-specific neural activity revealed by case-control, discordant twin pair design.

scientific article published on 29 July 2015

Gene X environment interactions in reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article

Gene by environment interactions influencing reading disability and the inattentive symptom dimension of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on September 2, 2011

Gene x Environment interactions in speech sound disorder predict language and preliteracy outcomes

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

Genetic Etiologies of Comorbidity and Stability for Reading Difficulties and ADHD: A Replication Study

scientific article

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Aspects of Literacy and Language in Early Childhood: Continuity and Change from Preschool to Grade 2.

scientific article

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Inattention, Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, and Reading: Kindergarten to Grade 2

scientific article published on July 1, 2010

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Vocabulary and Reading Development

scientific article

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Vocabulary and Reading Development

scientific article published on 7 January 2011

Genetic and environmental etiologies of reading difficulties: DeFries–Fulker analysis of reading performance data from twin pairs and their non-twin siblings

scientific article published on February 16, 2012

Genetic and environmental etiologies of the longitudinal relations between prereading skills and reading

scientific article

Genetic and environmental influences on writing and their relations to language and reading

scientific article published on August 13, 2011

Genetic covariation between brain volumes and IQ, reading performance, and processing speed

scientific article published on March 2010

Genome Wide Association Scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia

Genome-wide association scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia

scientific article published on 11 February 2019

Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia

scientific article published on 14 October 2020

Greater attention problems during childhood predict poorer executive functioning in late adolescence

scientific article

Heritability of high reading ability and its interaction with parental education

scientific article

Individual prediction of dyslexia by single versus multiple deficit models

scientific article published on October 24, 2011

Instability of the DSM-IV Subtypes of ADHD from preschool through elementary school

scientific article published in August 2005

Invariance of ADHD Symptoms Across Sex and Age: a Latent Analysis of ADHD and Impairment Ratings from Early Childhood into Adolescence

scientific article

Investigating the effects of copy number variants on reading and language performance

scientific article

Issues in Identifying Poor Comprehenders

scientific article published on December 2014

Left posterior prefrontal regions support domain-general executive processes needed for both reading and math

scientific article published on 08 February 2020

Longitudinal Stability of Reading-Related Skills and their Prediction of Reading Development

scientific article

Longitudinal Twin Study of Early Literacy Development: Preschool and Kindergarten Phases


Longitudinal stability in reading comprehension is largely heritable from grades 1 to 6

scientific article

Mathematics achievement and anxiety and their relation to internalizing and externalizing behaviors

scientific article published on 11 January 2013

Modeling rater disagreement for ADHD: are parents or teachers biased?

scientific article

Modeling the Etiology of Individual Differences in Early Reading Development: Evidence for Strong Genetic Influences

scientific article published on January 2013

Multidimensionality in the Measurement of Math-Specific Anxiety and its Relationship with Mathematical Performance

scientific article published on 19 July 2016

Multiple Regression Analysis of Reading Performance Data from Twin Pairs with Reading Difficulties and Nontwin Siblings: The Augmented Model

scientific article published on February 1, 2012

Multivariate genome-wide association study of rapid automatised naming and rapid alternating stimulus in Hispanic American and African-American youth

scientific article published on 17 April 2019

Multivariate genomewide linkage scan of neurocognitive traits and ADHD symptoms: Suggestive linkage to 3q13

Multivariate genomewide linkage scan of neurocognitive traits and ADHD symptoms: suggestive linkage to 3q13.

scientific article

Neuropsychological analyses of comorbidity between reading disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: in search of the common deficit

scientific article

Predicting word reading and comprehension with executive function and speed measures across development: a latent variable analysis.

scientific article published on 20 February 2012

Processing speed deficits in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disability

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Quantitative trait locus for reading disability on chromosome 6p is pleiotropic for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on 01 April 2002

Reading Comprehension in Children with ADHD: Cognitive Underpinnings of the Centrality Deficit

scientific article published on April 1, 2013

Reading-Related Causal Attributions for Success and Failure: Dynamic Links With Reading Skill

scientific article published on 29 April 2017

Response to early literacy instruction in the United States, Australia, and Scandinavia: A behavioral-genetic analysis

scientific article published on January 2008

Sensory processing, reading, IQ, and attention

scientific article published in July 2004

Sex differences in ADHD symptom severity

scientific article

Sex differences in young children who meet criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published in December 2002

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Adults: Psychometric Validation of the Adult Concentration Inventory

scientific article published on 06 April 2017

Sluggish cognitive tempo: longitudinal stability and validity

scientific article published on 20 February 2019

Symptom-correlated brain regions in young adults with combined-type ADHD: their organization, variability, and relation to behavioral performance

scientific article

Test of alternative hypotheses explaining the comorbidity between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder

scientific article published on 17 July 2007

Testing for neuropsychological endophenotypes in siblings discordant for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on 22 June 2007

Testing hypotheses regarding the causes of comorbidity: examining the underlying deficits of comorbid disorders

scientific article published in August 2005

The Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study of Reading Difficulties and ADHD: Etiologies of Comorbidity and Stability

scientific article

The Internal, External, and Diagnostic Validity of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo: A Meta-Analysis and Critical Review.

scientific article published on 23 December 2015

The SWAN captures variance at the negative and positive ends of the ADHD symptom dimension.

scientific article published on 15 December 2011

The Unique Role of Early Spelling in the Prediction of Later Literacy Performance

scientific article published on 15 February 2019

The genetic and environmental etiologies of individual differences in early reading growth in Australia, the United States, and Scandinavia

scientific article published on July 1, 2013

The genetic and environmental etiologies of the relations between cognitive skills and components of reading ability.

scientific article published in April 2016

The internal and external validity of sluggish cognitive tempo and its relation with DSM-IV ADHD.

scientific article published on January 2014

The neural basis of sustained and transient attentional control in young adults with ADHD

scientific article published on 18 July 2009

The regulatory element READ1 epistatically influences reading and language, with both deleterious and protective alleles.

scientific article

The relation between sluggish cognitive tempo and DSM-IV ADHD.

scientific article published in October 2004

Three-year predictive validity of DSM-IV attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children diagnosed at 4-6 years of age.

scientific article published in November 2004

Understanding Comorbidity Between Specific Learning Disabilities

scientific article published on 09 May 2019

Understanding comorbidity: a twin study of reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on September 2007

Understanding the Complex Etiologies of Developmental Disorders: Behavioral and Molecular Genetic Approaches

scientific article published on September 1, 2010

Understanding, educating, and supporting children with specific learning disabilities: 50 years of science and practice

scientific article published on 13 May 2019

Validity of DSM-IV attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom dimensions and subtypes.

scientific article published on 21 May 2012

Validity of the executive function theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analytic review

scientific article