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List of works by Deborah F Tate

"STOP Regain: Are There Negative Effects of Daily Weighing?": Correction to Wing et al (2007)

scholarly article published in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

'Fit Moms/Mamás Activas' internet-based weight control program with group support to reduce postpartum weight retention in low-income women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 25 February 2015

A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment.

scientific article

A Series of Studies Examining Internet Treatment of Obesity to Inform Internet Interventions for Substance Use and Misuse

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

A comparison of Internet and print-based physical activity interventions

scientific article published on May 2007

A longitudinal study on the relationship between weight loss, medical expenditures, and absenteeism among overweight employees in the WAY to Health study

scientific article

A mHealth randomized controlled trial to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake in preschool-aged children

scientific article published on 8 November 2017

A mixed methods approach to improving recruitment and engagement of emerging adults in behavioural weight loss programs

scientific article published on 06 October 2016

A pilot study testing the effect of different levels of financial incentives on weight loss among overweight employees

scientific article published in September 2007

A randomized comparison of two motivationally enhanced Internet behavioral weight loss programs

scientific article published on 28 June 2008

A randomized trial comparing human e-mail counseling, computer-automated tailored counseling, and no counseling in an Internet weight loss program

scientific article published in August 2006

A randomized trial of a Facebook-based physical activity intervention for young adult cancer survivors

scientific article published on 27 March 2013

A randomized trial testing the efficacy of a novel approach to weight loss among men with overweight and obesity

scientific article

A randomized trial to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage and juice intake in preschool-aged children: description of the Smart Moms intervention trial

scientific article

A self-regulation program for maintenance of weight loss

scientific article published in October 2006

A social media-based physical activity intervention: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Acculturation Influences Postpartum Eating, Activity, and Weight Retention in Low-Income Hispanic Women

scientific article published on 17 August 2017

Acknowledgment Correction of: Impact of Game-Inspired Infographics on User Engagement and Information Processing in an eHealth Program


Adapting evidence-based behavioral weight loss programs for emerging adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial

scientific article published in January 2017

Adolescent, caregiver, and friend preferences for integrating social support and communication features into an asthma self-management app

scientific article published on 26 April 2016

Are we sure that Mobile Health is really mobile? An examination of mobile device use during two remotely-delivered weight loss interventions

scientific article published on 02 February 2014

Attitudes Toward Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Farmers' Market Usage Among Low-Income North Carolinians

scientific article published on January 2012

Brief report: A randomized controlled trial examining peer support and behavioral weight loss treatment

scientific article published on 7 August 2015

Changes in Cardiovascular Risk Factors Over 6 Years in Young Adults in a Randomized Trial of Weight Gain Prevention

scientific article published on 01 December 2020

Comparative effectiveness of a standard behavioral and physical activity enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention in Black women

scientific article published on 08 December 2019

Comparison of traditional versus mobile app self-monitoring of physical activity and dietary intake among overweight adults participating in an mHealth weight loss program

scientific article published on 21 February 2013

Computer and Internet applications for psychological treatment: update for clinicians

scientific article published on February 2004

Cost effectiveness of internet interventions: review and recommendations

scientific article published on August 2009

Daily self-weighing and adverse psychological outcomes: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Deconstructing Weight Management Interventions for Young Adults: Looking Inside the Black Box of the EARLY Consortium Trials

scientific article published on 28 May 2019

Deconstructing interventions: approaches to studying behavior change techniques across obesity interventions

scientific article

Dietary outcomes within the study of novel approaches to weight gain prevention (SNAP) randomized controlled trial

Directive and nondirective e-coach support for weight loss in overweight adults

scientific article

Do motion controllers make action video games less sedentary? A randomized experiment.

scientific article

Does diet-beverage intake affect dietary consumption patterns? Results from the Choose Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) randomized clinical trial

scientific article published on January 30, 2013

Eating pathology and psychological outcomes in young adults in self-regulation interventions using daily self-weighing

scientific article published on 13 December 2018

Effect of a stepped-care intervention approach on weight loss in adults: a randomized clinical trial

scientific article

Effect of an Internet-Based Program on Weight Loss for Low-Income Postpartum Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article published in June 2017

Effect of the Smart Moms intervention on targeted mediators of change in child sugar-sweetened beverage intake

scientific article published on 03 May 2020

Effects of Internet behavioral counseling on weight loss in adults at risk for type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial

scientific article published on 01 April 2003

Energy expenditure and enjoyment during video game play: differences by game type

scientific article published on October 2011

Energy intake and expenditure during sedentary screen time and motion-controlled video gaming

scientific article published on July 3, 2012

Engagement and Weight Loss in a Web and Mobile Program for Low-Income Postpartum Women: Fit Moms/Mamás Activas

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Engagement of young adult cancer survivors within a Facebook-based physical activity intervention.

scientific article published on 03 April 2017

Engagement, enjoyment, and energy expenditure during active video game play.

scientific article

Evaluation of an internet-based physical activity intervention: a preliminary investigation

scientific article published in January 2003

Examination of a partial dietary self-monitoring approach for behavioral weight management

scientific article published on 26 April 2020

Examining Heterogeneity of Outcomes in a Weight Gain Prevention Program for Young Adults

scientific article published on 06 February 2020

Examining barriers, physical activity, and weight change among parents and nonparents in a weight loss intervention

scientific article published on 30 January 2020

Experiences of African American Breast Cancer Survivors Using Digital Scales and Activity Trackers in a Weight Gain Prevention Intervention: Qualitative Study

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

Exploring Mediators of Physical Activity in Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of a Facebook-Based Physical Activity Intervention.

scientific article

Failure to meet weight loss expectations does not impact maintenance in successful weight losers

scientific article

Family ties to health program: a randomized intervention to improve vegetable intake in children

scientific article

Fight for Your Right to Fruit: Psychosocial Outcomes of a Manga Comic Promoting Fruit Consumption in Middle-School Youth

scientific article published on 19 August 2016

Frequency of self-weighing and weight loss outcomes within a brief lifestyle intervention targeting emerging adults

scientific article published on 19 February 2016

Frequent self-weighing as part of a constellation of healthy weight control practices in young adults

scientific article published on 10 April 2015

Friend and Family Support for Weight Loss in Adolescent Females.

scientific article

High-tech tools for exercise motivation: use and role of technologies such as the internet, mobile applications, social media, and video games

scientific article

Impact of Game-Inspired Infographics on User Engagement and Information Processing in an eHealth Program

scientific article published on 22 September 2016

Impact of an Internet-Based Lifestyle Intervention on Behavioral and Psychosocial Factors During Postpartum Weight Loss

scientific article published on 04 September 2020

Improvements in Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Adults in a Randomized Trial of Approaches to Weight Gain Prevention

scientific article published on 7 August 2017

Innovative Self-Regulation Strategies to Reduce Weight Gain in Young Adults: The Study of Novel Approaches to Weight Gain Prevention (SNAP) Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article

Involving Support Partners in Obesity Treatment

scientific article published in 2005

Knowledge and perceptions among overweight and obese employees about lifestyle-related health benefit changes

scientific article published on May 2011

Long-term weight gain prevention: a theoretically based Internet approach

scientific article

Long-term weight losses associated with prescription of higher physical activity goals. Are higher levels of physical activity protective against weight regain?

scientific article

Maintaining large weight losses: the role of behavioral and psychological factors

scientific article published on December 2008

Motivation and its relationship to adherence to self-monitoring and weight loss in a 16-week Internet behavioral weight loss intervention

scientific article

Motivation for participating in a weight loss program and financial incentives: an analysis from a randomized trial

scientific article

Motivational interviewing in internet groups: a pilot study for weight loss

scientific article published in June 2008

New research directions on disparities in obesity and type 2 diabetes

scientific article published on 03 December 2019

Nonadherence to daily self-weighing and activity tracking is associated with weight fluctuations among African American breast cancer survivors.

scientific article published on 26 June 2018

Novel approaches to obesity prevention: effects of game enjoyment and game type on energy expenditure in active video games.

scientific article

Objective Estimates of Physical Activity and Sedentary Time among Young Adults

scientific article published on 02 January 2017

Objective physical activity and weight loss in adults: the step-up randomized clinical trial

scientific article

Objectively-assessed physical activity and weight change in young adults: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 4 December 2017

Optimizing Behavioral Interventions for Obesity Using an Engineering-Inspired Approach

scientific article published on 07 August 2020

Optimizing Tailored Communications for Health Risk Assessment: A Randomized Factorial Experiment of the Effects of Expectancy Priming, Autonomy Support, and Exemplification

scholarly article published 28 February 2017

Optimizing Tailored Communications for Health Risk Assessment: A Randomized Factorial Experiment of the Effects of Expectancy Priming, Autonomy Support, and Exemplification

scholarly article published 28 February 2017

Optimizing Tailored Communications for Health Risk Assessment: A Randomized Factorial Experiment of the Effects of Expectancy Priming, Autonomy Support, and Exemplification.

scientific article published in March 2018

Organizational- and employee-level recruitment into a worksite-based weight loss study

scientific article published on 24 January 2012

Overweight and Obesity Among School Bus Drivers in Rural Arkansas.

scientific article published on 16 May 2019

Pattern of Daily Steps is Associated with Weight Loss: Secondary Analysis from the Step-Up Randomized Trial

scientific article published on 06 April 2018

Peer support enhanced social support in adolescent females during weight loss

scientific article published in September 2014

Physical Activity Opportunities within the Schedule of Early Care and Education Centers

scientific article published on 5 September 2017

Physical Activity/Exercise and Diabetes: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association.

scientific article published on November 2016

Physical activity and weight loss: does prescribing higher physical activity goals improve outcome?

scientific article published in October 2003

Physical activity in young adults: a signal detection analysis of Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 2007 data

scientific article

Pounds Off Digitally study: a randomized podcasting weight-loss intervention.

scientific article

Preparing Child Care Health Consultants to Address Childhood Overweight: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Web to In-Person Training


Preventing weight gain in African American breast cancer survivors using smart scales and activity trackers: a randomized controlled pilot study.

scientific article

Preventing weight gain in young adults: a randomized controlled pilot study

scientific article

Primary care providers' self-efficacy and outcome expectations for childhood obesity counseling

scientific article published on May 2013

Racial Differences in Weight Loss Among Adults in a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention: Role of Diet and Physical Activity.

scientific article published on 5 March 2015

Racial Differences in Weight Loss Mediated by Engagement and Behavior Change.

scientific article published in February 2018

Randomized trial comparing group size of periodic in-person sessions in a remotely delivered weight loss intervention.

scientific article published on 23 October 2017

Recruitment of young adults for weight gain prevention: randomized comparison of direct mail strategies

scientific article published on 08 June 2016

Recruitment of young adults into a randomized controlled trial of weight gain prevention: message development, methods, and cost

scientific article

Relationship between changes in food group variety, dietary intake, and weight during obesity treatment

scientific article published on 01 June 2004

Replacing caloric beverages with water or diet beverages for weight loss in adults: main results of the Choose Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) randomized clinical trial

scientific article

STOP regain: are there negative effects of daily weighing?

scientific article

Social support for physical activity-role of Facebook with and without structured intervention.

scientific article

State of the art conference on weight management in VA: Policy and research recommendations for advancing behavioral interventions

scientific article published on 7 March 2017

Successful weight-loss maintenance in relation to method of weight loss

scientific article published on 14 August 2008

Sustaining eHealth engagement in a multi-year weight gain prevention intervention


Taking the bitter with the sweet: relationship of supertasting and sweet preference with metabolic syndrome and dietary intake

scientific article

The Childcare Environment and Children’s Physical Activity

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

The EARLY trials: a consortium of studies targeting weight control in young adults

scientific article

The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Behavior and Weight in a Behavioral Weight-Loss Intervention

scientific article

The Effects of the Safe-sun Program on Patrons' and Lifeguards' Skin Cancer Risk-reduction Behaviors at Swimming Pools

scientific article published on January 1, 1997

The Gestational Diabetes Management System (GooDMomS): development, feasibility and lessons learned from a patient-informed, web-based pregnancy and postpartum lifestyle intervention

scientific article

The better the story, the bigger the serving: narrative transportation increases snacking during screen time in a randomized trial

scientific article

The effect of a motivational intervention on weight loss is moderated by level of baseline controlled motivation

scientific article

The effect of weight loss on health, productivity, and medical expenditures among overweight employees

scientific article published on June 2013

The efficacy of a daily self-weighing weight loss intervention using smart scales and e-mail

scientific article published on 02 July 2013

The efficacy of a technology-based system in a short-term behavioral weight loss intervention

scientific article published on April 2007

The role of adherence in mediating the relationship between depression and health outcomes

scientific article published in October 2002

The role of companionship, esteem, and informational support in explaining physical activity among young women in an online social network intervention

scientific article published on October 2013

The science of internet interventions. Introduction

scientific article

Theoretical and Behavioral Mediators of a Weight Loss Intervention for Men

scientific article published on 2 February 2016

Tweets, Apps, and Pods: Results of the 6-month Mobile Pounds Off Digitally (Mobile POD) randomized weight-loss intervention among adults

scientific article published on 20 December 2011

Understanding the Role of Fathers in Children's Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study

scientific article published on 12 April 2020

User attitudes toward a physical activity promotion website

scientific article published on December 2002

Using Internet technology to deliver a behavioral weight loss program

scientific article published in March 2001

Weighing every day matters: daily weighing improves weight loss and adoption of weight control behaviors

scientific article

Weight Gain Over 6 Years in Young Adults: The Study of Novel Approaches to Weight Gain Prevention Randomized Trial

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Weight Gain of Service Members After Basic Military Training

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Weight Loss Strategies Utilized in a Men's Weight Loss Intervention

scientific article published in September 2017

Weight and Shape Concern Impacts Weight Gain Prevention in the SNAP Trial: Implications for Tailoring Intervention Delivery

scientific article published on 28 June 2018

Weight gain prevention buffers the impact of CETP rs3764261 on high density lipoprotein cholesterol in young adulthood: The Study of Novel Approaches to Weight Gain Prevention (SNAP).

scientific article published on 6 March 2018

Weight gain prevention in young adults: design of the study of novel approaches to weight gain prevention (SNAP) randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Weight loss and frequency of body-weight self-monitoring in an online commercial weight management program with and without a cellular-connected 'smart' scale: a randomized pilot study

scientific article published on 13 October 2017

Weight loss social support in 140 characters or less: use of an online social network in a remotely delivered weight loss intervention

scientific article published on September 2013

Who reports receiving advice to lose weight? Results from a multistate survey

scientific article

‘Ripple’ effect on infant zBMI trajectory of an internet-based weight loss program for low-income postpartum women

scientific article published on 17 September 2018