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List of works by Alberto Dominguez-Rodriguez

1-Year Outcomes With Intracoronary Abciximab in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

scientific article published on August 2016

Adherence to Mediterranean diet and prognosis in older patients scheduled to undergo cardiac resynchronization therapy

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

Change in growth differentiation factor 15, but not C-reactive protein, independently predicts major cardiac events in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome.

scientific article

Clinical impact of intracoronary abciximab in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: an individual patient data pooled analysis of randomised studies

scientific article

Effects of baseline coronary occlusion and diabetes mellitus in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention

scientific article

Intracoronary abciximab in diabetic patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention

scientific article published on 10 June 2015

Intracoronary versus intravenous bolus abciximab administration in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from five randomised contro

scientific article

Melatonin and ST Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction-the "Forgotten Cardioprotective Therapy" Strikes Again

scientific article published on 25 June 2018

Pooled Analysis Comparing the Efficacy of Intracoronary Versus Intravenous Abciximab in Smokers Versus Nonsmokers Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization for Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

scientific article

Rationale and Design of the Impact of Air Pollution Due to DESERT Dust in Patients with HEART Failure (DESERT HEART)

scientific article published in 2023