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List of works by Malcolm Todd

'Famosa Pestis' and Britain in the Fifth Century

article published in 1977

A Greek coin from Colyford

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 2009

A Guide to the Roman Remains in Britain

A History of the Ostrogoths. By Thomas Burns. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. xvii + 299, 17 ills., 4 maps. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. ISBN 0-253-32831-4. $24.95

A Legionary Cuirass-Hinge from the Great Casterton Fort

A Neolithic Site on St John’s Hill, Honiton

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 2005

A Relief of a Romano-British Warrior-God

A Roman Bowl with Leaf-stamp Ornament

A Romano-Celtic silver brooch from Capton near Dartmouth

A hillslope enclosure at Rudge, Morchard Bishop

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 1998

A lost gold object from Uplyme

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 1984

A.L.F. Rivet (1915–1993)


Alan K. Bowman: The Roman writing tablets from Vindolanda. London: British Museum Publications, 1983. 48 pp., 25 figs. £2.50

1984 book review published in Antiquity

Amoenissima Civitas. Block V. ii at Ostia: Description and Analysis of its Visible Remains. By Johannes D. Boersma. (Scrinium. Monographs on History, Archaeology and Art History, 1.) 29 × 20 cm. Pp. xxiii + 484, 608 figs. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1985. IS

An Arretine bowl from Margidunum

An Arretine vessel from Hembury

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 1993

An Artillery Emplacement of the Napoleonic Wars at Woodbury Castle

An Illustrated History of Roman Roads in Britain

Ancient Bulgaria. 2 vols. Edited by A. G. Poulter. 29 × 20.5 cm. Pp. xxvi + 621, 84 figs., 7 tables, 30 pls. Nottingham: University of Nottingham (Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies (Archaeology Section), Monograph 1), 1983. ISBN 0?


scientific article published in August 2005

Beitrage zur Archaologie des romischen Rheinlands. 4


Charterhouse on Mendip: interim report on excavations in 1994

article published in 1995

Das romisch-frankische Graberfeld von Krefeld-Gellep, 1964-1965

Der obergermanisch-Raetische Limes des Romerreiches. Fundindex

Die Alamannenbeute aus dem Rhein bei Neupotz: Plunderungsgut aus dem romischen Gallien

Die Ausgrabungen in Hembury (Devon) und die römische Eroberung Südwest Englands

chapter published in 1986

Die Schweiz zur Merowingerzeit. Die archäologische Hinterlassenschaft der Romanen, Burgunder und Alamannen. By R. Moosbrugger-Leu. (Handbuch der Schweiz zur Römer- und Merowingerzeit, ed. by A. Alföldi.) 12 × 8½. 2 vols. Pp. 275 + 160 + 91 pls.

Die letzten Jahrzehnte des pannonischen Limes. By Sandor Soproni. (Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 38). 30×21.5 cm. Pp. 128, 52 ills.+21 pls. and 2 fold. maps. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1985. ISBN 3-406-30453-2. Price not stated

Early Romano-British Slip-coated Wares

article published in 1969

Excavations at Brough-on-Humber, 1958-61

Excavations at Hembury (Devon), 1980–83: A Summary Report

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in September 1984

Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire 1980–85. By R. P.J. J<scp>ackson</scp>and T. W. P<scp>otter</scp>

scientific article published in 1997

Excavations at Winterton Roman Villa and Other Roman Sites in North Lincolnshire

Germania Inferior. By W. Spickermann. Religion der Römischen Provinzen 2. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2008. Pp. xxiii + 392, figs 21. Price: €100.00. ISBN 978 3 16 149381 2

book review

Germania Superior. By W. Spickermann. Religion der Römischen Provinzen 2. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2003. Pp. xxiii + 663, figs 28. Price: €110.00. ISBN 3 16 146686 1

Goethe and prehistory

H. Cüppers (ed.), Die Römer in Rheinland-Pfalz. Stuttgart: Theiss, 1990. Pp. 711, 629 illus. ISBN 3-8062-0308-3. DM 98

Hembury (Devon): Roman troops in a hillfort

Ilchester Mead Roman Villa

J. M. Coles. Meare Village East: the excavations of A. Bulleid and H. St George Gray 1932-1956. [Somerset Levels papers 13.] 260 pages, 4 colour plates, 168 figures. 1987. Thorverton (Devon): Somerset Levels Project; ISSN 0307 8582 paperback £15

Jet in Northern Gaul

Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson: Barbarians and Romans. The birth struggle of Europe, AD 420–700. London & Canberra: Croom Helm, 1983. 420 pp., 84 pls., 17 colour pls., 6 maps. £17.95

Laterarium Iscanum: The Antefixes, Brick and Tile-Stamps of the Second Augustan Legion

Longthorpe II. The Military Works-Depot: An Episode in Landscape History

Margidunum and Ancaster

chapter published in 1975

Medieval Rudge, Morchard Bishop

article published in 2005

Migration Period Europe. István Bóna. Les Huns: Ie grand empire barbare d'Europe, IVe–Ve siècles (tr. Katalin Escher). 240 pages, 194 figures. 2002. Paris: Errance; 2-87772-223-6 paperback €30. Iaroslav Lebedynsky. Les Sarmates: amazones et la

Oppida and the Roman army. A review of recent evidence


Ralph Merrifield: City of the Romans. London: Batsford, 1983. 300 pp., 60 pls., 40 maps & plans. £17.50

Report on the Excavations at Usk 1965–1976. The Coins, Inscriptions and Graffiti. By George C. Boon and Mark Hassall. 29 × 24 cm. Pp. ix + 72 + 8 figs.+ 2 pls. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1982. ISBN 0-7083-0789-2/0-7083-0741-8 (set). £8.9

Robin Birley: Vindolanda A Roman frontier post on Hadrian's Wall. London: Thames and Hudson 1977. New Aspects of Antiquity Series. 184 pp., 99 pls. (15 in colour), 45 figs. £9.50; £ 3.95 paperback

Robin Lane Fox. Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean world from the second century AD to the conversion of Constantine. London: Viking & New York: Knopf, 1986. 799 pages, 5 maps. £17.95 hardback

article by Malcolm Todd published November 1987 in Antiquity

Roman Britain. By Peter Salway. (The Oxford History of England, IA.) 22 × 14·5 cm. Pp. xx + 824 + 10 maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. ISBN 0-19-821717-x. £19·50.


Roman Camps in England: the Field Archaeology, By Humphrey Welfare and Vivien G. Swan. 280mm. Pp. xii + 196, ills. London: HMSO for RCHM(E), 1995. ISBN 0-11-300039-1. £35.00.English Heritage Book of Housesteads. By James Crow. 250mm. Pp. 125, ills.


Roman Exeter: Fortress and Town. By P. T. Bidwell. 30 × 21 cm. Pp. × + 96 + 49 figs. Exeter: Exeter, City Council 1980. £2.95. - The Defences of the Upper Roman Enclosure. By M. J. Jones. The Archaeology of Lincoln. Volume VII-i. 29 × 21 cm. Pp. 62 +

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in September 1981

Roman Military Occupation at Hembury (Devon)

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published November 2007 in Britannia

Roman Officers and English Gentlemen: The Imperial Origins of Roman Archaeology

Roman Pottery from North Tawton

Rome and her Northern Provinces. Papers Presented to Sheppard Frere in Honour of his Retirement from the Chair of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, University of Oxford, 1983. Edited by Brian Hartley and John Wacher. 25 × 19 cm. Pp. xviii + 313,

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in September 1984

Rome and the Barbarians

Rome and the Germans: The Frontier and Beyond


Romischer Import im Norden. Warenaustausch zwischen dem romischen Reich und den freien Germanien wahrend der Kaiserzeit unter besonderer Berucksichtigung Nordeuropas (Nordiske Fortidsminder Serie B, 10). By Ulla Lund Hansen

book review published in 1989

Studies in the Romano-British Villa

Susan M. Pearce: The archaeology of South West Britain. London: Collins, 1981. 288 pp., 55 pls., 92 figs. £13.50

Sörup I: ein Gräberfeld der Eisenzeit in Angeln. By Klaus Raddatz. (Offa-Bücher, Band 46.) 30 × 21 cm. Pp. 201 + 168 pls. + 59 figs. + 39 maps + 2 plans + 8 tables. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1981. ISBN 3529-011460. DM 150.

The City in Late Antiquity

The Claudian Conquest and its Consequences

The Commoner Late Roman Coarse Wares of the East Midlands

The Coritani

book published in 1973

The Cross-Dykes at Hembury

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 2002

The Early Germans

The Early Germans (Todd book)

Book by Malcolm Todd

The Early Ports of South-west Britain (Public Lecture)

article published in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association in 2005

The Early Roman Phase at Maiden Castle

article published in 1984

The Excavation of a Fourth-Century Roman Pottery Production Unit at Stibbington, Cambridgeshire

article by Stephen G. Upex et al published January 2008 in The Archaeological Journal

The Fall of the Roman Empire. The Military Explanation. By Arthur Ferrill. 24×16 cm. Pp. 192, 48 ills. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986. ISBN 0-500-25095-2. £12.50

The Haverfield Bequest, 1921-2000, and the Study of Roman Britain

The Making of the Roman Army from Republic to Empire. By Lawrence Keppie. 24 × 16 cm. Pp.271, 52 figs. + 20 pls. London: B. T. Batsford, 1984. ISBN 0-7134-3651-4. £14.95

The Rediscovery of Roman Britain

The Roman Fort and Later Roman Site at Bury Barton

The Roman Fort at Bury Barton, Devonshire

The Roman Settlement at Margidunum: The Excavations of 1966-8

article published in 1970

The Roman Town at Ancaster, Lincolnshire: The Excavations of 1955-71

book published in 1981

The Small Towns of Roman Britain

article published in 1970

The Southwest to AD 1000. A Regional History of England

book published in 1987

The Vici of Western England

chapter published in 1976

The hillfort of Dumpdon

scholarly article by Malcolm Todd published in January 1992

The ‘Alamannic’ Brooch from Londesborough (Yorks.)

Trent Valley Ware, a Roman coarse ware of the Middle and Lower Trent Valley

article published in 1968

Waffen in germanischen Gräbern der älteren römischen Kaiserzeit südlich der Ostsee. By Timm Weski. 29 × 21 cm. Pp. iv + 314, 172 maps, 38 tables. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports (International Series, 147), 1982. IBSN 0–86054–180–0.

Z. Vánă: The world of the Ancient Slavs. London: Orbis Publishing Ltd, 1983. 240 pp., many illustrations. £17.50