scientific article
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scientific article published on 4 March 2011
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article by Michael G. Sephton & John A. Webb published June 2017 in Applied Geochemistry
article by Michael G. Sephton et al published April 2019 in Applied Geochemistry
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article by James R. Cleverly et al published June 2020 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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scientific article published on 08 April 2020
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scholarly article published July 2017
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article by Marian Domanski & John A. Webb published November 1992 in Journal of Archaeological Science
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scholarly article published in 2021
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scholarly article published October 2014
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scientific article published on 13 August 2012
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article by John A. Webb et al published January 2011 in Geomorphology
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scientific article published in August 2009
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scientific article published in 2020
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scientific article published in 2022
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in July 2014
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scientific article published in 2020
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scholarly article published 2015
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scientific article published on 12 December 2018
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