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List of works by Tilman Esslinger

1D Bose gases in an optical lattice

A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice

scientific article published in Nature

A Novel Scheme for Efficient Cooling below the Photon Recoil Limit

scientific article published on 10 July 1994

A Thermoelectric Heat Engine with Ultracold Atoms

scientific article published in Science

A compact grating-stabilized diode laser system for atomic physics

scientific article published in June 1995

A new phase for ytterbium atoms

scientific article published on 20 April 2009

All-optical gray lattice for atoms

scientific article published in January 1997

Anomalous Conductances in an Ultracold Quantum Wire

scientific article

Artificial Graphene with Tunable Interactions

scientific article published on 31 October 2013

Atom Laser with a cw Output Coupler

scientific article

Atomic gas in flatland

scientific article published in Nature

Atoms and Molecules in Lattices: Bose-Einstein Condensates Built on a Shared Vacuum

scientific article published on 24 April 2003

Band and Correlated Insulators of Cold Fermions in a Mesoscopic Lattice

scientific article published on 29 March 2018

Bloch-Zener oscillations in a tunable optical honeycomb lattice

scientific article published in 2013

Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Quadrupole-Ioffe Configuration Trap

Bose-Einstein condensation in a quadrupole-Ioffe-configuration trap

scientific article published in October 1998

Bose-Fermi Mixtures in a Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Bose–Einstein condensates in 1D- and 2D optical lattices

scientific article published in December 2001

Bragg Diffraction in an Atomic Lattice Bound by Light

scientific article published on 18 December 1995

Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in a unitary Fermi gas

scientific article published on 21 August 2018

Cavity Optomechanics with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

scientific article published in Science

Cavity QED detection of interfering matter waves

Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate

scientific article

Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg-blocked atomic ensemble

scientific article published on 29 November 2010

Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials

article published in 2013

Collective Atomic Dynamics in a Magneto-optical Trap

scientific article published in February 1993

Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel

scientific article published on 2 August 2012

Confinement Induced Molecules in a 1D Fermi Gas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Connecting strongly correlated superfluids by a quantum point contact.

scientific article published in December 2015

Continuous detection of an atom laser beam

scientific article published on 10 January 2002

Continuous feedback on a quantum gas coupled to an optical cavity

scientific article published in March 2020

Controlling the Floquet state population and observing micromotion in a periodically driven two-body quantum system

scientific article published in November 2017

Correlations and Counting Statistics of an Atom Laser

scientific article

Correlations in ultracold atomic gases

scientific article published in June 2007

Coupling two order parameters in a quantum gas

scientific article published on 2 July 2018

Creating State-Dependent Lattices for Ultracold Fermions by Magnetic Gradient Modulation

scientific article

Creating topological interfaces and detecting chiral edge modes in a two-dimensional optical lattice

scientific article published on 6 October 2016

Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice

scientific article

Critical Behavior of a Trapped Interacting Bose Gas

scientific article published in Science

Criticality and Correlations in Cold Atomic Gases

scientific article

Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity

scientific article published in Nature

Dissipation-Engineered Family of Nearly Dark States in Many-Body Cavity-Atom Systems

scientific article published on 11 April 2022

Dissipation-induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum gas

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Double transfer through Dirac points in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice

Dynamical coupling between a Bose–Einstein condensate and a cavity optical lattice

Elastic Scattering of Rubidium Atoms by Two Crossed Standing Waves

scientific article published in March 1992

Emerging Dissipative Phases in a Superradiant Quantum Gas with Tunable Decay

scientific article published on 7 December 2021

Enhancement and sign change of magnetic correlations in a driven quantum many-body system

scientific article published in January 2018

Erratum: Superfluidity with Disorder in a Thin Film of Quantum Gas [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100601 (2013)]

scientific article published on 17 March 2014

Erratum: Thermodynamics and Magnetic Properties of the Anisotropic 3D Hubbard Model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 115301 (2014)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Transverse mode of an atom laser [Phys. Rev. A65, 043615 (2002)]

scientific article published on 12 June 2002

Excitations of a Superfluid in a Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Exciting Collective Oscillations in a Trapped 1D Gas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions

scientific article published in Nature

Exploring Phase Coherence in a 2D Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates

scientific article published in October 2001

Exploring Symmetry Breaking at the Dicke Quantum Phase Transition

scientific article published on 30 September 2011

Exploring cavity-mediated long-range interactions in a quantum gas

scientific article published in May 2013

Exploring competing density order in the ionic Hubbard model with ultracold fermions

scientific article published on 9 September 2015

Fermi-Hubbard Physics with Atoms in an Optical Lattice

scientific article published on 10 August 2010

Fermionic Atoms in a Three Dimensional Optical Lattice: Observing Fermi Surfaces, Dynamics, and Interactions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Fermionic atoms in an optical lattice

scientific article published in 2005

Fermionic atoms in an optical lattice: a new synthetic material

scientific article published in March 2006

Focus on quantum simulation

scientific article published on 12 August 2013

Formation and Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Tunable Optical Lattices

scientific article published on 23 December 2015

Formation of a Spin Texture in a Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

From Laser Cooling to the Superfluid Mott Insulator

scientific article published in 2018

Growth of Bose-Einstein Condensates from Thermal Vapor

scientific article published on 8 February 2002

High-resolution imaging of ultracold fermions in microscopically tailored optical potentials

Hybrid apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation and cavity quantum electrodynamics: Single atom detection in quantum degenerate gases

scientific article

Imaging an atomic beam in two dimensions

scientific article published in September 1992

Interaction-Controlled Transport of an Ultracold Fermi Gas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Interferometric measurement of local spin fluctuations in a quantum gas

Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model


Line width of an atom laser

scientific article published in February 2003

Local observation of antibunching in a trapped Fermi gas.

scientific article published on 19 July 2010

Magnetic transport of trapped cold atoms over a large distance

scientific article published on 9 February 2001

Mapping out spin and particle conductances in a quantum point contact

scientific article

Measurement of the spatial coherence of a trapped Bose gas at the phase transition

scientific article published in Nature

Measuring the Temporal Coherence of an Atom Laser Beam

scientific article published in October 2001

Measuring the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas undergoing a structural phase transition

scientific article published on 6 May 2015

Metastability and avalanche dynamics in strongly correlated gases with long-range interactions

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Molecules of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Monitoring and manipulating Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas.

scientific article

Observation of Elastic Doublon Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a Fragmented, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

scientific article published on 22 July 2015

Observation of quantized conductance in neutral matter

scientific article published in January 2015

Observing Dynamical Currents in a Non-Hermitian Momentum Lattice

scientific article published on 8 April 2022

Observing the Formation of Long-Range Order during Bose-Einstein Condensation

scientific article

Observing the drop of resistance in the flow of a superfluid Fermi gas

scientific article published in Nature

Observing the profile of an atom laser beam

scientific article published on 23 December 2005

Optical transport and manipulation of an ultracold atomic cloud using focus-tunable lenses

scientific article published on 23 September 2014

Optics with an Atom Laser Beam

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

P-Band Induced Self-Organization and Dynamics with Repulsively Driven Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Cavity

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Phases, instabilities and excitations in a two-component lattice model with photon-mediated interactions

scientific article published on 11 July 2023

Probing Nearest-Neighbor Correlations of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice

scientific article published on 5 April 2011

Probing first-order spatial coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate

scientific article published in November 2000

Quantitative Determination of Temperature in the Approach to Magnetic Order of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Quantum Fluctuation Dynamics of Dispersive Superradiant Pulses in a Hybrid Light-Matter System

scientific article published on 6 October 2023

Quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in a gas of ultracold atoms

scientific article (publication date: 3 January 2002)

Quantum phases from competing short- and long-range interactions in an optical lattice

scientific article published on 11 April 2016

Ramsey-Type Subrecoil Cooling

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Real-time observation of fluctuations at the driven-dissipative Dicke phase transition

scientific article published on July 2013

Reversal of quantized Hall drifts at noninteracting and interacting topological boundaries

scientific article published on 18 April 2024

Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions

scientific article

Scanning Gate Microscope for Cold Atomic Gases

scientific article published on 21 July 2017

Short-Range Quantum Magnetism of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice

scientific article

Spin- and Momentum-Correlated Atom Pairs Mediated by Photon Exchange and Seeded by Vacuum Fluctuations

scientific article published on 29 February 2024

Strongly interacting atoms and molecules in a 3D optical lattice

Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one, two, and three dimensions

article published in 2005

Superfluidity with disorder in a thin film of quantum gas

scientific article published on 4 March 2013

Supersolid formation in a quantum gas breaking a continuous translational symmetry.

scientific article published in March 2017

Surface-plasmon mirror for atoms.

scientific article

Sympathetic cooling of85Rband87Rb

scientific article published on 10 July 2001

Thermodynamics and Magnetic Properties of the Anisotropic 3D Hubbard Model

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Time interval distributions of atoms in atomic beams

Transition from a Strongly Interacting 1D Superfluid to a Mott Insulator

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Transverse mode of an atom laser

scientific article published on 5 April 2002

Trapping Atoms in a Dark Optical Lattice

scientific article published on 3 July 1995

Two-terminal transport measurements with cold atoms

scientific article

p-Wave Interactions in Low-Dimensional Fermionic Gases

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters