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List of works by Robert Burns

'Twas Na Her Bonie Blue E'e

poem by Robert Burns

0f a' the airts the wind can blaw

poem by Robert Burns

A Barďs Epitaph

poem by Robert Burns

A Birthday Hansel

song cycle by Benjamin Britten, set to texts by Robert Burns

A Bottle And Friend

poem by Robert Burns

A First Series of Hymns and Songs

English book edition from 1853 year

A Lass Wi’ A Tocher

song by Robert Burns

A Prayer

poem by Robert Burns

A Red, Red Rose

Robert Burns poem and song

A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk

poem by Robert Burns

A red, red Rose

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

A všemu vzdor — a přeci!

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Address to a Haggis

Scots poem by Robert Burns

Address to the Devil

poem by Robert Burns

Address to the Woodlark

poem by Robert Burns

Ae fond kiss, and then we sever...

song by Robert Burns


Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Am Allan-Strom

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Am Strande

art song composed by Clara Schumann

An Herrn Cunningham

German translation of poem

An Mary im Himmel

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

An die Waldlerche

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

An einen Kuß

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ane-and-twenty, Tam

English edition of poem by Robert Burns


poetic epigram by Robert Burns

Apelul lui Bruce

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Auf der See, so weit, so weit

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Auld Lang Syne

Robert Burns poem set to traditional melody

Auld Lang Syne

1929 film by George William Pearson

Auld Rob Morris

poem by Robert Burns

Ballochmylen maat

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Baňatá láhev

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Bessy And Her Spinnin’ Wheel

poem by Robert Burns

Betrog’ner Bursch

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Beware O' Bonie Ann

poem by Robert Burns

Beß und ihr Spinnrad

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Bleib’ mein Trauter!

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Bonie Jean-a Ballad

song by Robert Burns

Bonie Lesley

poem by Robert Burns

Bonie Peggy Alison

song by Robert Burns

Bonnie Lesley

Bonnie Wee Thing

poem by Robert Burns

Bonnie Wee Thing

1904 English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Bonnie Wee Thing

1843 English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Bruce sotajoukolleen ennen Bannockburnin taistelua

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Bruce szózata

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

By Allan Stream

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

By Allan Stream

poem by Robert Burns

Byl krásný máj

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Bílé břízy

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Břehy Doonu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Charlie, He's My Darling

poem written by Robert Burns

Chceš-li mojí být?

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


German translation of song by Robert Burns

Chrpové oči

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Co má děvče mladé…

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Come, Let Me Take Thee to My Breast

poem by Robert Burns

Comin' Thro' The Rye

English edition of poem by Robert Burns from 1917 year

Comin' Thro' the Rye

English edition of poem by Robert Burns from 1911 year

Comin' Thro' the Rye

poem by Robert Burns

Contented wi' little

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Contented wi' little

poem by Robert Burns

Country Lassie

poem by Robert Burns

Da liegt der Hund begraben

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Damon And Sylvia

poem by Robert Burns

Damon und Sylvia

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Das Auge voll Thränen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Das Hochland-Mädchen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Das blauäugige Mädchen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Das süße Liebchen

German translation of poem

Daß das Weib sich nicht beklage

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Dein Wohlsein, meine schöne Maid!

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Deluded Swain

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Deluded swain

poem by Robert Burns

Den Nith wohl hinab

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Der Hochland-Bursche

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der Nebel hangt traurig

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der Pantoffelheld

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der alte Rob Morris

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der blüh’nde Frühling bringt uns Freude

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der gute Bursche ist so weit

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der hübsche Weber

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der lustige Pflüger

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der schöne Monat Mai

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Der wandernde Willie

German translation of poem

Des Hauptmann’s Liebchen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Des Morgens in der Frühe

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die Birken von Aberfeldy

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die Hauptmedicin

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die Hochlandrose

German translation of song

Die Höhen von Ballochmyle

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die Logan-Höhen

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die Maid von Ballochmyle

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die Maid, die mir das Bett gemacht

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die Schlacht von Sheriff-Muir

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die Schönen von Mauchline

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die Ufer des Doon

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die blühende Nelly

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die goldgelockte Anna

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die junge Peggy

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die schöne Anna

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die schöne Elise

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die schöne Maid von Inverneß

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die schöne Mary

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Die schöne Peggy Alison

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Die wehenden Locken

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Do Maryjki w niebie

Polish edition of a poem by Burns

Duncan Davison

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Duncan Davison

poem by Robert Burns

Duncan Gray

English edition of poem by Robert Burns. Version 2

Duncan Gray

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Duncan Gray

poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Dvorný tkadlec

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Dám hubiček ti, dám

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Dívka z Ballochmyle

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Dívka z Inverness

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Děvče s vlásky jako len

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Děvče z Mauchlinu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Děvče z hor

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Egy egérhez

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ein Rosenknöspchen einst ich fand

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ein alter Mann mich nie erhält

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Eine Flasche und ein treuer Freund

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Epigram on Seeing Miss Fontenelle in a Favourite Character

epigram written by Robert Burns

Epistle to a young friend

poem by Robert Burns

Epitaph for James Smith

poem written by Robert Burns

Es lebe die Maid mit Vermögen

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Es war ’ne Maid

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Es war ’ne Maid und die war schön

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Fair Eliza

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Farewell Thou Stream

song by Robert Burns

Farewell to Ballochmyle

poem by Robert Burns

Farewell to Eliza

poem by Robert Burns

Fem sange, Op. 2

song cycle composed by Agathe Backer Grøndahl

For The Sake O’ Somebody

poem by Robert Burns

For a' that

poem by Robert Burns

For a' that

English edition of poem by Robert Burns. Version 1

Frau Wirthin zählt zusammen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Frau Wirthin, nehmt die Kreide

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Für Jemand

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Gatte, Gatte, höre mich!

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Gingst von mir für immer

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Glenriddell Manuscripts

1791 collection of poems and letters by Robert Burns

Green Grow the Rashes

poem by Robert Burns

Gude Ale Keeps The Heart Aboon

poem by Robert Burns

Gudewife, Count The Lawin

poem by Robert Burns

Gudewife, Count the Lawin

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Gudewife, count the lawin

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Had I a cave

poem by Robert Burns

Had I a cave

English edition of poem by Robert Burns


poem by Robert Burns

Handsome Nell

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Handsome Nell

poem by Robert Burns

Hans Gerstenkorn

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Hee Balou!

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Hei, der staub’ge Müller!

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Her Flowing Locks

poem by Robert Burns

Here is the glen

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Here is the glen

poem by Robert Burns

Here's A Health

poem by Robert Burns

Hey, the Dusty Miller

poem by Robert Burns

Hezká Máří

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Hier ist das Thal

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Highland Harry Back Again

poem by Robert Burns

Highland Mary

English edition of song by Robert Burns

Highland Mary

song by Robert Burns

Holy Willie's Prayer

poem written by Robert Burns

Horské chudobce

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Hotaru no Hikari

Japanese song incorporating the tune of Auld Lang Syne

How Lang And Dreary Is The Night

poem by Robert Burns

How Lang and Dreary is the Night

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

How cruel are the parents

poem by Robert Burns

Hätt’ ich nimmer mich verehlicht

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

I Dream’d I Lay

early song composed by Robert Burns

I Hae a Wife O’ My Ain

poem by Robert Burns

I am a Bard

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

I am a Bard

poem by Robert Burns

I do confess thou art so fair

poem by Robert Burns

I dream'd I lay

poem by Robert Burns

I dream'd I lay

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

I see a form, I see a face

poem by Robert Burns

I'm ower young

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Ich bin zu jung zur Ehe noch

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ich hab’ ein Weib für mich allein

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Ihr grünenden Berge

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Invernessin impi

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ion Bobdeorz

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Is There for Honest Poverty

It was a' for our rightfu' king

poem by Robert Burns

It was upon a Lammas night

song by Robert Burns

Iubitul meu, iubite

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

I’m O’er Young To Marry Yet

poem by Robert Burns

Jak dlouhá, smutná je ta noc

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jak šla žitem

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jamie, come try me

poem by Robert Burns

Jamie, probir’ mich

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jan Andersen

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jan Ječmínek

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Jen co mi přejde dvacet let

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jen hvizdni, můj hochu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns


German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jeune Femme et vieux mari

French translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ječné klasy

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ještě jedno políbení

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Jockey küßte mich und ging

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Jockey’s Taen The Parting Kiss

song by Robert Burns

Jockie's ta'en the parting kiss

English edition of poem by Robert Burns from 1843 year

Jockie's ta'en the parting kiss

poem by Robert Burns

John Anderson

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

John Anderson

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

John Anderson, My Jo

poem by Robert Burns

John Barleycorn

song by Robert Burns

John Barleycorn

English edition of song by Robert Burns from 1853 year

John Barleycorn

English edition of song by Robert Burns from 1904 year

John Otrapää

Finnish translation of song by Robert Burns

Johnie Scott

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Johnie Scott

poem by Robert Burns

Juchhei, für einundzwanzig, Tam!

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Jung Jockey

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Junge Jamie

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Já bit jsem od své ženy

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Já bloudil v nočním bdění

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Já přiznávám, že krásná jsi

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Já snil, že mezi květinami

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Kdo do komůrky mé by rád?

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Kdybych měl jeskyni

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Kdys byla hezká dívčina

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ken luhdin oveen kolkuttaa?

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns


German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Klage der Hochland-Wittwe

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Komm, setze mich über zu Charlie

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Krásná Lesley

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Kéž byla bys ten vonný bez

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Kóbor Tamás

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lady Mary Ann

poem by Robert Burns

Lady Mary Ann’

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lament For James

1791 poem written by Robert Burns


German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lassie wi' the lintwhite locks

poem by Robert Burns

Lassie wi' the lintwhite locks

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Last May a braw Wooer

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Last May a braw wooer

poem by Robert Burns

Lauluja ja ballaadeja

1918 Finnish book edition

Leben des Robert Burns

German translation of preface by Robert Burns and Adolf von Winterfeld

Lebwohl, du Strom

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Lieder und Balladen

German book edition from 1860 year

Logan Braes

poem by Robert Burns

Lord Gregory

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Lord Gregory

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lord Gregory

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lord Gregory

poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Lovely Polly Stewart

English edition of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Malounký Willie

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Malé hezké stvořeníčko

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Man was made to Mourn

Poem by Robert Burns

Marie z hor

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Marihoz az égben

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Marii v nebesích

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mary Morison

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mary Morison

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mary Morison

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Mary Morison

poem by Robert Burns

Meeri Morison

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Meerille taivaassa

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Meg O’ The Mill

poem by Robert Burns

Meg von der Mühle

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Harry war mein treuer Hort

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Herz ist im Hochland

German translation of poem

Mein Herz war einst so froh und frei

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Lieb ist gleich der rothen Ros’

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Lieb ist noch zu klein

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Schatz

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mein Schweinchen

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Meine Nannie ist fort

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Meine schöne Nelly

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


English edition of poem by Robert Burns


German translation of poem by Robert Burns


poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle

song by Robert Burns

Mi-e inima ’n munți

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Modlitba před smrtí

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


1953 film directed by John Ford

Morison Mari

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mun kultani on ruusunen

Finish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Musing on the roaring ocean

poem by Robert Burns

Muži, muži, přestaň dnes

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

My Bonie Bell

poem by Robert Burns

My Bonie Mary

poem by Robert Burns

My Chloris, Mark How Green The Groves

song by Robert Burns

My Eppie Macnab

poem by Robert Burns

My Heart's in the Highlands

Wikisource edition; poem by by Robert Burns

My Heart's in the Highlands

1789 song and poem by Robert Burns

My Heart's in the Highlands

2000 musical composition by Arvo Pärt

My Hoggie

song by Robert Burns

My Lady's Gown

poem by Robert Burns

My Lady's Gown

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

My Nanie’s Awa

song by Robert Burns

My Nannie, O

old Scottish song

My Native Land Sae Far Awa

poem by Robert Burns

My Spouse Nancy

song by Robert Burns

My father was a farmer

poem by Robert Burns

My love she's but a lassie yet

poem by Robert Burns

My luve is like a red, red rose

1887 composition by Amy Beach

My spouse, Nancy

English edition of song by Robert Burns

Mylady hat ein Sammtkleid an

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Mylady šat má

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Myllärin Miska

1916 Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Myllärin Miska

1918 Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns


song cycle by Robert Schumann

Má beruška

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Má kráso krás

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Má milá dosud maličká

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Má milá jest jak růžička

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Můj Jockey

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Můj otec prostý sedlák byl

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Na Aftonu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Niin pitkä on ja kolkko yö

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

No churchman am I

poem by Robert Burns

Now Westlin Winds

poem by Robert Burns

Náhrobní nápis básníkův

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

O Bonie Was Yon Rosy Brier

poem by Robert Burns

O For Ane An’ Twenty, Tam

poem by Robert Burns

O Let Me in Thes Ae Night

poem by Robert Burns

O Mally's meek

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

O Mally's meek

poem by Robert Burns

O Mädchen, Mädchen, schläfst du schon?

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O Philly, Segen sei dem Tag

German translation of song by Robert Burns

O Steer Her Up An' Haud Her Gaun

poem by Robert Burns

O ay my wife she dang me

poem by Robert Burns

O gin my love

English edition of poems by anonymous and Robert Burns

O gude ale comes

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

O lovely Polly Stewart

poem by Robert Burns

O pfeif’ und ich will kommen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O that I had ne'er been Married

Scots-language poem and song by Robert Burns

O that I had ne'er married


O wat ye wha's in yon town

poem/song by Robert Burns

O were my love yon lilac fair

poem by Robert Burns

O, Heil dir holde Winternacht!

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, Liebe schleicht sich ein

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, Tibbie, ’s war nicht immer so

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

O, Willie braut’ ’nen Eimer Bier

German translation of song by Robert Burns

O, das ist nicht mein Mädchen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, froh war ich immer

German translation of song by Robert Burns

O, gieb mir Deine Hand, Maid

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, gut Bier kommt

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, kdybys mraznou vichřicí…

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, mach’ dich ’ran

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, saht Ihr mein Liebchen?

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, schön war jener Rosenstrauch

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, wärst du in dem kält’sten Land

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

O, wär’ mein Lieb die Fliederblüth’

German translation of song by Robert Burns

O, öffne die Thür

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Of a' the Airts

poem/song by Robert Bunrs

Oh, ha járnál ott a pusztán...

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Oh, wert thou in the cauld blast

poem by Robert Burns

Oh, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad

poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

On A Bank Of Flowers

poem by Robert Burns

On The Seas And Far Away

song by Robert Burns

One night as I did wander

poem by Robert Burns

Open The Door To Me, Oh

poem by Robert Burns

Open the door to me

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Out Over The Forth

song by Robert Burns

Out over the Forth

English edition of song by Robert Burns

O’er The Water To Charlie

poem by Robert Burns

Park Avenue

daily teletext based soap opera


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Pentru cineva

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Phillis The Fair

song by Robert Burns

Phillis The Queen O’ The Fair

song by Robert Burns

Phillis, mein Kind

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Philly And Willy

song by Robert Burns

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect

1786 collection of poems by Robert Burns

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.

1786 poetry collection by Robert Burns

Pojď na má ňadra spočinout!

poem by Robert Burns in Czech translation

Polly Stewartova

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Polní myšce, když jí básník vyoral hnízdo

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Prayer, In The Prospect Of Death

poem by Robert Burns

Pro někoho

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Psaní mladému příteli

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Před bitvou u Bannockburnu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Přijď si mne zkusit

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Přítel a láhev

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Raging Fortune

song by Robert Burns

Robert Burns, poetul țărănimei

Rozloučil se políbením

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Růžové poupě

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

S bohem, Elize

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Saht Ihr mein Liebchen, die Philly?

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Sata runoa

Finnish book edition

Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly

song by Robert Burns

Scots Musical Museum

book by Robert Burns

Scots Wha Hae

Scots Wha Hae

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Scots Wha Hae

poem by Robert Burns

Selská dívka

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

She Says She Loes Me Best Of A’

song by Robert Burns

She's fair and fause

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

She’s Fair And Fause

poem by Robert Burns

Sie sagt, sie liebt am meisten mich

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sie ’st schön und falsch

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sinnend am bewegten Meere

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sníc u moře bouřlivého

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

So weit von hier

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sommer ist ’ne schöne Zeit

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


poem by Robert Burns

Songs, Op. 12

three songs composed by Amy Beach

Spokojen s málem

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Starý Rob Morris

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Stay My Charmer

song by Robert Burns

Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation

poem written by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Svou Haničku mám rád

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sweet Afton

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Sweet Afton

poem by Robert Burns

Szerelmem, mint piros rózsa...

Hungarian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Sånger och ballader

Tam Glen

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Tam Glen

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Tam Glen

poem by Robert Burns

Tam O’ Shanter

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Tam O’Shanter

1860 German translation of the poem by Robert Burns

Tam o' Shanter

1790 poem by Robert Burns

Ten hodný hoch

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Teď větru stesk

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

The Banks O' Doon

poem by Robert Burns

The Banks O' Doon

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Banks O' Doon

1791 English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Banks o' Doon

1904 English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Battle of Sherramuir

song by Robert Burns

The Belles Of Mauchline

poem by Robert Burns

The Birks of Aberfeldy

poem by Robert Burns

The Blue-Eyed Lassie

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Charming Month Of May

poem by Robert Burns

The Cotter's Saturday Night

poem by Robert Burns

The Cotter's Saturday Night

edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Country Lass

poem by Robert Burns

The Dusty Miller

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Fall Of The Leaf

poem by Robert Burns

The Flowery Banks Of Cree

poem by Robert Burns

The Gallant Weaver

poem by Robert Burns

The Gardener wi’ his Paidle

song by Robert Burns

The Gowden Locks Of Anna

poem by Robert Burns

The Henpecked Husband

poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Balou

poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Laddie

poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Lassie

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Lassie

poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Widow's Lament

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Highland Widow’s Lament

poem by Robert Burns

The Holy Tulzie

poem by Robert Burns

The Laddie’s Dear Sel’

poem by Robert Burns

The Lass O’ Ballochmyle

poem by Robert Burns

The Lass That Made the Bed to Me

poem by Robert Burns

The Lass o' Ballochmyle

poem/song by Robert Burns

The Lovely Lass O’ Inverness

poem by Robert Burns

The Merry Muses of Caledonia

1911 English book edition

The Merry Muses of Caledonia

collection of bawdy songs by Robert Burns

The Parting Kiss

poem by Robert Burns

The Ploughman’s Life

poem by Robert Burns

The Posie

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

The Posie

poem by Robert Burns

The Slave's Lament

song with lyrics attributed to Robert Burns

The Tear-Drop

poem by Robert Burns

The Unselfish Gene

2008 novel by Robert Burns

The blue-eyed Lassie

poem by Robert Burns

The bonie lad that's far awa'

poem by Robert Burns

The lazy mist

poem by Robert Burns

The poems and songs of Robert Burns

volume 6 of Harvard Classics series

Theniel Menzie's bonie Mary

poem by Robert Burns

There was a lass

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

There was a lass

poem by Robert Burns

Thine am I

poem by Robert Burns

Thou Fair Eliza

poem by Robert Burns

Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie

song by Robert Burns

Thou Lingering Star

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Thou Lingering Star

poem by Robert Burns

Tibbie, I hae seen the day

poem by Robert Burns

To Daunton Me

poem by Robert Burns

To Daunton me

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

To Mary In Heaven

poem by Robert Burns

To Mary in Heaven

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

To The Weavers Gin Ye Go

poem by Robert Burns

To a Louse

poem by Robert Burns

To a Mountain Daisy

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

To a Mountain Daisy

poem by Robert Burns

To a Mouse

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

To a Mouse

1785 poem by Robert Burns

Tom O’ Shanter

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Tullut läpi viljan

Finnish translation of poem by Robert Burns

Tvůj jsem

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ty modré oči

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

U Allanu

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

U kolovrátku

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Umoučený mlynář

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Unui șoarece

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Up In The Morning Early

poem by Robert Burns

Up in the morning early

song with lyrics by Robert Burns

Vesel alergam…

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Vizită nocturnă

Romanian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Výbor z písní a ballad

Czech book edition from 1892 year

Všech úhlů světa

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Was kann ein jung’ Mädel

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Was wollt Ihr mir?

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Watend durch den Bach

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Wee Willie

poem by Robert Burns

Weit über den Forth

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Wenn ros’ger Mai mit Blumen naht

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Wer klopft an meine Kammerthür?

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Wha is that at my Bower Door

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Wha is that at my bower door?

poem by Robert Burns

What can a young lassie

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

What can a young lassie

poem by Robert Burns

When first I came to Stewart Kyle

poem by Robert Burns

While larks with little wing

poem by Robert Burns

Whistle O’er The Lave O’t

poem by Robert Burns

Whistle o'er the Lave o't

English edition of poem by Robert Burns from 1911 year

Whistle o'er the lave o't

English edition of poem by Robert Burns from 1843 year

Why should we idly waste our prime...

Wie grausam sind die Eltern

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Wie lang und traurig ist die Nacht

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Willie Brew’d A Peck O’ Maut

song by Robert Burns

Willie brew'd a peck o' maut

English edition of song by Robert Burns

Wilt thou be my dearie

English edition of poem by Robert Burns

Wilt thou be my dearie?

poem by Robert Burns

Wilt thou be my dearie?

1889 composition by Amy Beach

Wind und Wetter sie bedräuen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


poem by Robert Burns

Ye banks and braes o' bonnie doon

1891 composition by Amy Beach

Ylämaan Meeri

Finnish translation of song by Robert Burns

Yon Wild Mossy Mountains

song by Robert Burns

Young Jamie, Pride Of A’ The Plain

song by Robert Burns

Young Jockey

poem by Robert Burns

Young Peggy

English edition of song by Robert Burns

Young Peggy Blooms

song by Robert Burns

Zde úval jest

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Zieh’ leis holder Afton

German translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Zorn’ges Schicksal

German translation of song by Robert Burns

Zufrieden mit wenig

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

Zůstaň, hochu

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Ó Tibie, já tě vídal kdys

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ó krutě vichr osudu

Czech translation of song by Robert Burns

Ó krásný onen šípek byl

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ó pivo

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ó to má dívka není

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Ó, rodičové krutí

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Údolí Ballochmyle

Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns


Czech translation of poem by Robert Burns

Бочонок пива Биль сварил

Russian translation of song by Robert Burns

Всё обнял чёрной ночи мрак

Russian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Джон Андерсон, сердечный друг

Russian translation of poem by Robert Burns

Джон Ячменное Зерно

Russian translation of song by Robert Burns

Злая судьба

Russian translation of song by Robert Burns

К полевой мыши, разорённой моим плугом

К срезанной плугом маргаритке

Russian translation of poem by Robert Burns

’S ist ein Bursch in dem Städtchen

German translation of poem by Robert Burns

The Unselfish Gene

paperback edition (en)