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List of works by Silvia Capelli

A calorimetric search on double beta decay of 130Te

A cryogenic underground observatory for rare events: CUORE, an update

An active-shield method for the reduction of surface contamination in CUORE


CUORE: An Experiment to Investigate for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay by Cooling 750 kg of TeO2 Crystals at 10mK

CUORE: low-temperature techniques for neutrino physics

First Measurement of the Partial Widths ofBi209Decay to the Ground and to the First Excited States

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theptosWave Branching Ratio ofRe187βDecay from Beta Environmental Fine Structure

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of thermal properties for modeling and optimization of large mass bolometers

article published in 2003

New CUORICINO results and status of CUORE

New CUORICINO results on the way to CUORE

New Limit on the NeutrinolessββDecay ofTe130

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Passive Shielding in CUORE

Physics potential and prospects for the CUORICINO and CUORE experiments

Present and Future Cryogenic Experiments on Double-Beta Decay

scholarly article published in 2002

Search for 14.4 keV solar axions from M1 transition of57Fe with CUORE crystals

Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of (130)Te with CUORE-0.

scientific article published on 3 September 2015

Searching for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of 130 Te with CUORE

scientific article

The CUORICINO 130Te ββ-decay experiment and a new limit on $$T_{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}}^{0\nu } (\beta \beta )$$

The low energy spectrum of TeO2bolometers: results and dark matter perspectives for the CUORE-0 and CUORE experiments

The programmable front-end system for CUORICINO, an array of large-mass bolometers


The temperature stabilization system of CUORICINO: an array of macro bolometers