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List of works by Stephen A. Olenchock

A brief report of gram-negative bacterial endotoxin levels in airborne and settled dusts in animal confinement buildings

journal article published in 1980

A longitudinal study of respiratory health of workers exposed to cotton dust

abstract published in 2001

A study of dust generated during silo opening and its physiologic effects on workers

book or book chapter published in 1989

A study of silo unloading: the work environment and its physiologic effects

journal article published in 1986

A system for exposing laboratory animals to cotton dust aerosol that is stabilized with feedback control

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Activation of complement by silage

book or book chapter published in 1989

Activation of guinea pig lymphocytes and mast cells by grain-dust extract

journal article published in 1988

Activation of the alternative pathway of complement by grain. I. C3PA conversion and quantification of complement consumption by rye

journal article published in 1978

Acute bronchoconstriction induced by cotton dust: dose-related responses to endotoxin and other dust factors

journal article published in 1984

Acute experimental pulmonary responses to cardroom cotton dust

journal article published in 1980

Acute human ventilatory response to card-generated dust from cotton representing reference standard cotton dust

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Aflatoxin in respirable corn dust particles

scientific article published on March 1, 1981

Agricultural lung disease: a national program

abstract published in 1992

Agricultural safety and health: a national program perspective

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Airborne Grain Dust Activation of Complement


Airborne concentrations of dust and endotoxin in selected U.S. cotton texitle mills

abstract published in 1994

Airborne endotoxin concentrations in the cotton industry: effect of cotton growing area

conference proceedings item published in 1988

Airborne endotoxin concentrations in various work areas within a cotton mill in Central America

journal article published in 1993

Airborne endotoxin concentrations in various work areas within two cotton textile mills in the People's Republic of China

journal article published in 1990

Airborne endotoxins in a rice production commune in The People's Republic of China

journal article published in 1984

Analysis of bedding and rafter dust from North Carolina chicken coops

abstract published in 1992

Analysis of environmental dusts by the quantitative chromogenic Limulus amebocyte lysate test

conference proceedings item published in 1988

Animal models of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a review

scientific article published on February 1, 1977

Antibody-independent complement activation by cardroom cotton dust

scientific article published on August 1, 1979

Bioaerosols associated with composting facilities

journal article published in 1994

Biodeterioration and effects on air quality

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Biohazards in composted wood chips

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Carbohydrate and protein contents of grain dusts in relation to dust morphology

journal article published in 1986

Cellular immune reactions to grain dust and extracts of grain dusts

book or book chapter published in 1989

Changes in humoral immunologic parameters after exposure to volcanic ash

journal article published in 1983

Comparison of the endotoxin content of bulk cotton and cotton dust with the interleukin 1 inducing activity of cotton extracts

conference proceedings item published in 1986

Comparison of the guinea pig's physiological and cellular response to the respirable fraction of untreated, heat treated, microwave irradiated and ethylene oxide treated DB 1/88 bulk cotton dust

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Complement activation by commercial allergen extracts of cereal grains

journal article published in 1980

Complement, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and platelets in acute experimental respiratory reactions to Aspergillus

scientific article published on January 1, 1979

Composition of extracts of airborne grain dusts: lectins and lymphocyte mitogens

journal article published in 1986

Conversion of C3 and consumption of hemolytic complement by extracts of airborne grain dust

journal article published in 1979

Cotton dust and complement in-vivo

journal article published in 1981

Cotton dust and endotoxin exposure and long-term decline in lung function: results of a longitudinal study

journal article published in 1999

Cotton dust and endotoxin exposure-response relationships in cotton textile workers

journal article published in 1987

Cotton dust and gram-negative bacterial endotoxin correlations in two cotton textile mills

journal article published in 1993

Demonstration of inflammatory cell population changes in rat lungs in response to intratracheal instillation of spring wheat dust using lung enzymatic digestion and centrifugal elutriation

journal article published in 1987

Determinants of longitudinal changes in spirometric function among swine confinement operators and farmers

journal article published in 1995

Drill samplers for quantification of microorganisms in wood

journal article published in 1989

Dust and microbial exposures during silo unloading

book or book chapter published in 1989

Dust exposures in manual harvest of California citrus and grapes

abstract published in 2001

Effect of storage time on endotoxin concentration in vertical elutriator cotton dust samples

conference proceedings item published in 1992

Effects of airborne contaminants in swine contaminants in swine confinement buildings on acute changes in lung function in swine farmers

abstract published in 1992

Effects of coal dust and diesel exhaust on immune competence in rats

journal article published in 1984

Effects of differences in areas of growth and plant varieties on endotoxin contamination of airborne dusts from carded cottons

conference proceedings item published in 1988

Effects of different extraction protocols on endotoxin analyses of airborne grain dusts

journal article published in 1989

Effects of vegetable dust extracts on cellular immune responses

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Efficacy of acid/base washes in removing the bioactive agent from cotton dust: response of the guinea pig model to inhalation of treated dust

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Elemental analysis of airborne grain dusts

publication published in 1984

Endotoxin Contamination and Immunological Analyses of Bulk Samples from a Mushroom Farm

conference proceedings item published in 1989

Endotoxin and complement activation in a analysis of environmental dusts from a horse barn

journal article published in 1992

Endotoxin contamination of cotton: area of growth/varieties

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Endotoxin in cotton dust: a respiratory hazard with implications for worker health in both agriculture and manufacturing

abstract published in 1992


journal article published in 1990

Endotoxins and acute pulmonary function changes during cotton dust exposures

conference proceedings item published in 1983

Endotoxins in Bulk Cottons and Airborne Dusts - ERC, Inc. Final Report


Endotoxins in agricultural dusts

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Endotoxins in airborne dusts from cottons of different varieties or areas of growth

conference proceedings item published in 1985

Endotoxins in baled cottons and airborne dusts in textile mills in the People's Republic Of China

journal article published in 1983

Endotoxins in cotton: washing effects and size distribution

journal article published in 1983

Endotoxins in occupationally related airborne dusts

publication published in 1985

Endotoxins in the agricultural environment

journal article published in 1986

Endotoxins in various work environments in agriculture

journal article published in 1990

Environmental study of poultry confinement buildings

journal article published in 1984

Exposures in agricultural populations affecting respiratory health

journal article published in 1998

Extracts of airborne grain dusts activate alternative and classical complement pathways

journal article published in 1980

Fungi in aerosols of hay associated with respiratory distress in dairy cattle

journal article published in 1992

Gram-negative bacterial endotoxins in airborne dusts from washed and unwashed cottons

journal article published in 1984

Guinea pig response to zymosan and a serial exposure of zymosan and endotoxin

conference proceedings item published in 1996

HLA-A1 and coalworkers' pneumoconiosis

scientific article published on June 1, 1979

HLA-B8 in sarcoidosis

journal article published in 1981

Health effects of biological agents: the role of endotoxins

journal article published in 1994

Health implications of the Mount St. Helens' eruption: laboratory investigations

journal article published in 1982

High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the evaluation of possible interferences in basophil-histamine release measurements

journal article published in 1990

Histamine and endotoxin contamination of hay and respirable hay dust

journal article published in 1991

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in rats caused by Aspergillus umbrosus and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris

abstract published in 1992

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) or organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS)?: the clinical dilemma in organic dust exposures

abstract published in 1992

Identification of a histamine release inhibitory factor (HRIF) and an inhibitor of histamine releasing factor synthesis (IHS) produced by guinea pig lymphoid cells

journal article published in 1988

Immune mechanisms in byssinosis

journal article published in 1981

Immunological aspects of occupational exposure to volcanic ash

abstract published in 1982

Immunological studies of grain dust

scientific article published on May 1, 1979

Immunology of grain and other organic dusts

publication published in 1982

Improved methodology to validate endotoxin levels in inhibitory agricultural samples

abstract published in 1992

In vitro activation of the alternative pathway of complement by settled grain dust

journal article published in 1978

In vitro and in vivo changes in human complement caused by silage

journal article published in 1986

In vivo pulmonary response to Aspergillus terreus spores

journal article published in 1983

Industrial workplaces

chapter published in 1995

Inflammatory potential of grain dust

journal article published in 1988

Inhaled endotoxin and decreased spirometric values. An exposure-response relation for cotton dust

journal article published in 1987

Interactions of complement with an extract of airborne spring wheat dust

scientific article published on January 1, 1984

Interleukin 1 and its inhibition in an inflammatory reaction caused by Aspergillus umbrosus

journal article published in 1992

Is chronic airway obstruction from cotton dust exposure reversible?

journal article published in 2004

Levels of bacteria, fungi and endotoxin in stored timber

journal article published in 1992

Levels of bacteria, fungi, and endotoxin in bulk and aerosolized corn silage

journal article published in 1989

Longitudinal changes in pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms in cotton textile workers: a 15-yr follow-up study

journal article published in 2001

Massive exposure to aeroallergens in dairy farming: radioimmunoassay results of dust collection during bedding chopping with culture confirmation

journal article published in 1990

Microbial contaminants of stored timber as potential respiratory hazards for sawmill workers

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Microbial contamination and immunologic reactivity of stored oats

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Microbial contamination and immunologic reactivity of stored oats

abstract published in 1992

Microbiological analyses and inflammatory effects of settled dusts from rice and hay

journal article published in 1990

Microbiological analyses and inflammatory effects of settled dusts from rice and hay

abstract published in 1992

Microbiology of the fiber and airborne dust from washed cotton

conference proceedings item published in 1986

Molecular determinants of organic dust exposures in respiratory cells

abstract published in 1996

Neutrophil derived interference in the fluorometric determination of histamine

journal article published in 1990

Neutrophilic respiratory tract inflammation and peripheral blood neutrophilia after grain sorghum dust extract challenge

journal article published in 1995

New hypersensitivity epidemics: organic dusts and illness

conference proceedings item published in 1994

Observations on the use of o-phthalaldehyde condensation for the measurement of histamine

journal article published in 1990

Occupational Exposures to Airborne Endotoxins in Agriculture

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Occupational biohazards: a review.

journal article published in 1988

Occupational exposure to airborne endotoxins during poultry processing

journal article published in 1982

Organic Dust Exposures from Work in Dairy Barns

scientific article published on June 1, 1998

Organic dust exposure from compost handling operations

abstract published in 1992

Organic dust exposures from compost handling: Case presentation and respiratory exposure assessment

journal article published in 1993

Organic dust toxic syndrome: clinical and laboratory evaluation of a cluster of cases

abstract published in 1992

Organic dust, endotoxin, and ammonia exposures in the North Carolina poultry processing industry

journal article published in 1990

Other related studies - chemical and microbiological composition of water washed and aqueous acetone washed cottons: human ventilatory response to generated dusts

conference proceedings item published in 1986

Outbreak of hypersensitivity pneumonitis among mushroom farm workers

journal article published in 1992

Overview of the NIOSH childhood agricultural injury prevention initiative

abstract published in 2000

Personal exposures to inorganic and organic dust in manual harvest of California citrus and table grapes

journal article published in 2004

Precipitation of serum proteins by extracts of cotton dust and stems: identification of β-lipoprotein and production of specific antibodies

journal article published in 1980

Presence of endotoxins in different agricultural environments

journal article published in 1990

Prevalence of IgE antibodies to grain and grain dust in grain elevator workers

journal article published in 1986

Production and properties of histamine-releasing factor of guinea pigs

journal article published in 1988

Quantitation of airborne endotoxin levels in various occupational environments

journal article published in 1988

Relationships between bacteria and endotoxin in cotton lint and in card generated dust

conference proceedings item published in 1986

Relevance of grain dust collection techniques to respiratory disease studies

conference proceedings item published in 1980

Request for assistance in preventing organic dust toxic syndrome

NIOSH alert published in 1994

Respirator protection and acceptability among agricultural workers

journal article published in 1995

Respiratory health hazards in agriculture

journal article published in 1998

Respiratory health in newly hired cotton textile workers

abstract published in 2001

Respiratory health status in swine producers relates to endotoxin exposure in the presence of low dust levels

journal article published in 1994

Respiratory symptoms and cotton dust exposure; results of a 15 year follow up observation

journal article published in 2003

Response of an animal model to mixtures of endotoxin and N-formyl- methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) aerosols

conference proceedings item published in 1996

SEM Studies on the In Vivo Uptake of Aspergillus Terreus Spores by Alveolar Macrophages

publication published in 1980

Size Range of Viable Fungal Particles From Aflatoxin-Contaminated Corn Aerosols


Size range of viable fungal particles from aflatoxin-contaminated corn aerosols

book or book chapter published in 1980

Sources of respiratory insult in the poultry processing industry

journal article published in 1984

Symptoms and microenvironmental measures in nonproblem buildings

journal article published in 1991

Symptoms and the microenvironment in non-problem buildings

conference proceedings item published in 1990

The role of endotoxin in grain dust-induced lung disease

scientific article published on August 1, 1995

The role of precipitins and complement activation in the etiology of allergic lung disease

journal article published in 1976

The role of precipitins in allergic lung disease

scientific article published on May 15, 1978

Thin layer chromatographic analysis of possible aflatoxins within grain dusts

journal article published in 1983

Third International Symposium: Issues in Health, Safety and Agriculture

journal article published in 1994

U.S. creating agricultural OSHA centres

journal article published in 1991

Ultrastructure of the endotoxin produced by gram-negative bacteria associated with organic dusts

journal article published in 1992

Viable sampling for airborne bacteria in a poultry processing plant

journal article published in 1982

Volcanic ash and human complement

scientific article published on February 16, 1981

Washing cotton by batch processes to control dust and endotoxin

journal article published in 1995

Worker health and safety in a changing agricultural environment

conference proceedings item published in 2000