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List of works by Vítězslav Karel Mašek

28. pluku 21

building in Prague


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130977)

Back of female nude leaning forward, holding onto a ledge

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130976)

Botanical Sketch

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130963)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130962)

Church Facade

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121271)

Clock Tower

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121269)

Dangling Flowers

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121273)

Design for Breakfront

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121286)

Divadlo Ponec

theatre in Prague, Czech Republic


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121274)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121263)

Draft for Diploma of Jindricka Mastalko

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121287)

Drapery Study

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130971)

Female Nude with Outstretched Arm

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130970)

Female Nude with Outstretched Arms

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130968)

Female Nude with a Platter

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130969)

Festival of Spring

painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek

Five Buildings in Troja

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121261)

Four Flowers

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121277)

Girl with Fruit

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 93397)

House Entry

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121275)

Illustration for "Jestrab Kontra Hrdlicka, XXII" (Girl asleep on a bed)

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130958)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121276)

Landscape with Ruin

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121280)

Lesnická 8

house in Prague, Czech Republic

Luneta: Savings

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121283)

Male Nude Leaning Forward, Holding a Pole

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130975)


Nude and Fish with Flowers (Study for etched bathroom window)

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130967)

Ornamental Design with Birds and Lily

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130966)

Ornamental design with two birds pecking at fruit

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130965)

Ornate Tower

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121270)

Pařížská 28

building in Prague, Czech Republic

Roof Outline

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121267)

Roof Tower

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121268)

Saint Ludmila

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 97387)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121285)

Seated Old Man

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130974)

Skittle Players

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121281)

Slaughter of the Saxons under Hruba Skála

painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek

Slavíčkova 7


painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek

Standing Nude Woman Holding a Box

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130959)

Standing Saint holding the Christ Child

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130960)

Stary Hrosenov

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121279)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121265)

Studies of Male Nude

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121284)

Study of the shrub

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130972)

The Apostles

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121282)

The Siesta

painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek

The Wing

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121259)


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130964)

Three Women

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121278)

Troja Rooftops

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121262)

Two Flowers

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121272)

Two Tiles

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121266)

V kolkovně 6

house in Prague


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121288)

Vystava Architektury a Inzenyrstvi (Exhibition of Architecture and Engineering)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 93398)

Walled Houses

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 121264)

Woman - Lizard

Painting by Karel Vítězslav Mašek

Woman in Bath, Holding a Glass of Wine

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130973)

Zeus and Hera

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 130961)

Široká 9

building in Prague, Czech Republic