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List of works by Virgil L. Sharpton

A model of the Chicxulub impact basin based on evaluation of geophysical data, well logs, and drill core samples

scientific article published in 1996

A perspective on the evidence for periodic cometary impacts on Earth


Age Constraints on the Chicxulub Impact Structure: K/T or Not?

conference paper published in 1992

Breccia formation at a complex impact crater: Slate Islands, Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada

scientific article published in July 1997

Characterization and morphological reconstruction of the Terny impact structure, central Ukraine

scholarly article

Characterization of Impact Breccias from the Chicxulub Impact Basin: Implications for Excavation and Ejecta Emplacement

conference paper published in 1999

Chemical Compositions of Chicxulub Impact Breccias

conference paper published in 1998

Chemical Compositions of Chicxulub Impact Breccias

conference paper published in 1997

Chicxulub YAX-1 Impact Breccias: Whence They Come?

conference paper published in 2003

Chicxulub Yucatán, the site of the K/T impact event?


Chicxulub impact basin: Gravity characteristics and implications for basin morphology and deep structure

conference paper published in 1993

Chicxulub multiring impact basin: size and other characteristics derived from gravity analysis

scientific article published in September 1993

Chicxulub — K/T melt complexities

scientific article published in Nature

Clastic Breccias at the Slate Islands Complex Impact Structure, Northern Lake Superior

book section published in 1996

Constraints on Excavation and Mixing During the Chicxulub Impact Event

conference paper published in 1994

Constraints on the Nature and Distribution of Iridium Host-phases at the KT Boundary: Implications for Projectile Identity and Dispersal on Impact

conference paper published in 1997

Correction to “The subsurface character of Meteor Crater, Arizona, as determined by ground-probing radar” by J. A. Pilon, R. A. F. Grieve, and V. L. Sharpton

scientific article published in 1991

Correlation of Well Data for the Chicxulub Impact Structure Using Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies

conference paper published in 1998

Detecting a Periodic Signal in the Terrestrial Cratering Record

book section published in 1988

Determination of Mars crater geometric data: Insights from high-resolution digital elevation models

scholarly article

Detritus in K/T boundary clays of western North America; Evidence against a single ocean impact


Distribution of Iridium Host Phases in Chicxulub Impact Melt and Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Ejecta

conference paper published in 1997

Distribution of Siderophile and Other Trace Elements in Melt Rock at the Chicxulub Impact Structure

conference paper published in 1994

Evidence for a meteoritic component in impact melt rock from the Chicxulub structure

scientific article published in March 1994

Exploring the Chicxulub Impact Basin Through Scientific Drill-Coring: Historical Perspective and Current Plans

conference paper published in 2000

Explosive volcanism and associated pressures; Implications for models of endogenically shocked quartz


Geologic history of the Mead impact basin, Venus


Geophysical models for the formation and evolution of coronae on Venus

scientific article published in 1992

Global distribution and characteristics of coronae and related features on Venus: Implications for origin and relation to mantle processes

journal article

Gravity Analysis of Impact Basins at Spacecraft Altitudes: Lessons from Chicxulub

conference paper published in 1994

Gravity domains and assembly of the North American continent by collisional tectonics

scientific article published in January 1988

Gravity patterns and Precambrian structure in the North American Central Plains

scholarly article

Haughton Impact Structure: Re-Evaluation and Reassessment of Its History and Current State

conference paper published in 2011

Horizontal gravity gradient: An aid to the definition of crustal structure in North America

scientific article published in August 1987

Impact Basins on Venus and Some Interplanetary Comparisons

conference paper published in 1993

Impact Deposits from the Southern Inner Flank of the Chicxulub Impact Basin

conference paper published in 1997

Impactites of the Yaxcopoil-1 drilling site, Chicxulub impact structure: Petrography, geochemistry, and depositional environment

scholarly article

Imperative: Venus

magazine article from 'Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin' published in 2013

Implications from stereo-derived topography of Venusian impact craters

scientific article published in August 2000

Investigating a 65-Ma-old smoking gun: Deep drilling of the Chickxulub Impact Structure

scientific article

Iridium Metal in Chicxulub Impact Melt: Forensic Chemistry on the K-T Smoking Gun

scientific article published on 15 March 1996

Iridium Metal in Melt Rock from the Chicxulub Impact Basin

conference paper published in 1996

Iridium and Trace Element Measurements from the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, Site 752, Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean

book section published in 1991

Is the Chicxulub Structure in N. Yucatan a 200 KM Diameter Impact Crater at the K/T Boundary? Analysis of Drill Core Samples, Geophysics, and Regional Geology

conference paper published in 1991

Isotopic comparison of K/T boundary impact glass with melt rock from the Chicxulub and Manson impact structures

scientific article published in Nature

Kara and Ust-Kara impact structures (USSR) and their relevance to the K/T boundary event

scholarly article

Lunar Mare Ridges - Analysis of Ridge-Crater Intersections and Implications for the Tectonic Origin of Mare Ridges

book section published in 1988

Meteorite impact, cryptoexplosion, and shock metamorphism; A perspective on the evidence at the K/T boundary


New constraints on the Slate Islands impact structure, Ontario, Canada


New constraints on the Slate Islands impact structure: Comments and Reply

scholarly article

New links between the Chicxulub impact structure and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary

scientific article published in Nature

On reported occurrences of shock-deformed clasts in the volcanic ejecta from Toba caldera, Sumatra

scientific article

Outcrops on lunar crater rims: Implications for rim construction mechanisms, ejecta volumes and excavation depths

scientific article published in January 2014

Petrology of impact-melt rocks at the Chicxulub multiring basin, Yucatán, Mexico

scholarly article by Benjamin C. Schuraytz et al published 1994 in Geology

Refractory Metal Grains in Chicxulub Impact Melt: Not Just Iridium Anymore

conference paper published in 1998

Reverse Polarity Magnetized Melt Rocks from the Chicxulub Impact Structure, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

conference paper published in 1993

Reverse polarity magnetized melt rocks from the cretaceous/tertiary Chicxulub structure, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico

scientific article published in October 1994

Scientific Results of the NASA-Sponsored Study Project on Mars: Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonics, and Volatiles

book published in 1990

Shock metamorphism and shock barometry at a complex impact structure: Slate Islands, Canada

scientific article published on 24 February 1998

Shocked minerals and the K/T controversy

scientific article published in 1990

Size and morphology of the Chicxulub impact crater

scientific article published in Nature

Slate Islands, Lake Superior, Canada: A mid-size, complex impact structure

scientific article published in 1999

Small Scale Heterogeneities in K/T Boundary Tektites From Mimbral

conference paper published in 1996

Stratigraphy at Ground Zero: A Contemporary Evaluation of Well Data in the Chicxulub Impact Basin

scientific article published in 2001

Sudbury structure 1997: A persistent enigma

scientific article published in 1999

Surface expression of the Chicxulub crater: Comment and Reply

scientific article published on 01 June 1997

Terrestrial Impact Craters

slide set published in 2001

The Chickulub Impact Structure: Shock Deformation and Target Composition

conference paper published in 1992

The Chicxulub Seismic Experiment

conference paper published in 1997

The Cretaceous-Tertiary impact crater and the cosmic projectile that produced it.

scientific article

The Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonics, and Volatiles on Mars - an Overview of Recent Progress

book section published in 1991

The Kara/Ust-Kara twin impact structure; A large-scale impact event in the Late Cretaceous

article by Christian Koeberl et al published 1990 in Geological Society of America Special Papers

The Mars Advanced Radar and LIDAR Orbiter (MARLO) for High-Resolution Investigations of Global Topography, Surface Roughness, Subsurface Volatiles, Stratigraphy and Structure Within the Shallow- and Deep-Subsurface

conference paper published in 2012

The Nature of Peak Rings: Evidence from the 24-Kilometer-Diameter Haughton Crater

conference paper published in 1999

The subsurface character of Meteor Crater, Arizona, as determined by ground-probing radar

scientific article published on 25 August 1991

U–Pb ages of single shocked zircons linking distal K/T ejecta to the Chicxulub crater

scientific article published in Nature

Variations in effective elastic thickness of the North American lithosphere

scientific article published in Nature

Venus surface mineralogy: Observational and theoretical constraints


Venus’ radar-bright highlands: Different signatures and materials on Ovda Regio and on Maxwell Montes

scholarly article