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List of works by Joseph Roth

Confession of a Murderer

novel by Joseph Roth

Ebrei erranti

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Fallmerayer the station master

Flight without End

1927 novel by Joseph Roth


edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Hotel Savoy

novel by Joseph Roth

Il peso falso

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Il secondo amore

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi


novel by Joseph Roth

L'avventuriera di Montecarlo

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

La leggenda del santo bevitore

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

La ribellione

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Le città bianche

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Radetzky March

novel by Joseph Roth


novel by Joseph Roth

Spider's Web

1989 film by Bernhard Wicki

Tarabas : a guest on earth

novel by Joseph Roth

The Emperor's Tomb

1938 novel by Joseph Roth

The Legend of the Holy Drinker

novel by Joseph Roth

The Tale of the 1002nd Night

novel by Joseph Roth

The Wandering Jews

book by Joseph Roth

The spider's web

1923 literary work by Joseph Roth

The wandering jews

Viaggio in Russia

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Weights and measures

literary work

Cesta do Ruska: fejetony, reportáže, poznámky v deníku 1919-1930

book edition published in 2017

Job: román prostého člověka

book edition published in 1934

Job: román prostého člověka

book edition published in 2016

Nemocné lidstvo a další povídky

book edition published in 2022

Pochod Radeckého

book edition published in 2019

Příběh tisící druhé noci

book edition published in 2016