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List of works by Giotto

Adoration of the Magi

fresco by Giotto di Bondone in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy

Anbetung der Könige

painting by Giotto


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Annunciation to Saint Anne

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Annunciation to Zacharias

fresco by Giotto di Bondone in the Peruzzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

Apparition at Arles

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Apparition to Fra Agostino and to Bishop Guido of Arezzo

fresco by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone, Assisi


painting by Giotto di Bondone, Padova

Badia Polyptych

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Uffizi

Baptism of Christ

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Bardi Chapel

chapel at the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, Italy

Baroncelli Polyptych

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Birth and Naming of the Baptist

Fresco by Giotto di Bondone in the Peruzzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

Birth of the Virgin

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Blessing Christ

tondo by Giotto, ceding part 1, Scrovegni chapel

Boniface VIII declaring the Jubilee Year of 1300

painting by Giotto

Canonization of St. Francis

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Category:Frescos in Cappella degli Scrovegni (Padua)

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Chapel of Mary Magdalene

fresco by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Christ among the Doctors

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni

Christ before Caiaphas

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Christ blessing

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Confirmation of the Rule

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Coronation of Mary

painting by Giotto in Santa Croce of Florence, Italy


painting by Giotto di Bondone (Padova)


painting by Giotto di Bondone (Assisi)


painting by Giotto workshop, Louvre

Crucifixion of Strasbourg

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Cycle of the Life of Joachim

painted cycle by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel

Cycle of the Life of Virgin Mary

Cycle by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel

Cycle of the Life of the Christ

painted cycle by Giotto at the Scrovegni Chapel

Death and Ascension of St Francis

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Death of the Knight of Celano

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Death of the Virgin

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Gemäldegalerie Berlin

Decorative bands in the Scrovegni chapel

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Dream of Innocent III

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Dream of St Gregory

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Dream of the Palace

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Ecstasy of St Francis

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Entry into Jerusalem

painting by Giotto di Bondone


fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Exorcism of the Demons at Arezzo

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple

fresco by Giotto di Bondone, Scrovegni Chapel Padova

Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Flight into Egypt

fresco by Giotto

Flight into Egypt

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Florence Cathedral

cathedral in Florence, Italy


painting by Giotto di Bondone


fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Fragment of the Navicella Mosaic

mosaic in San Pietro Ispano church, Boville Ernica, Italy, by Giotto

Franciscan allegories

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Franciscan brother

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Fresco cycle of the life of Saint John the Baptist in the Peruzzi Chapel

cycle of frescos by Giotto di Bondone in the Peruzzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

Frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel

Frescos by Giotto di Bondone and Anonymous in Padua

Frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto

Giotto's Campanile

bell tower by Giotto

Giotto's O

perfectly round O or circle, said to have been sent to the Pope by Giotto in evidence of his ability to do some decorative work for his Holiness

Giotto, eternal and angels, perhaps cornice of the baroncelli altarpiece

painting by Giotto di Bondone

God Sends Gabriel to the Virgin

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Homage of a Simple Man

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Institution of the Crib at Greccio

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Isaac Rejecting Esau

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Joachim among the Shepherds

fresco by Giotto di Bondone, Scrovegni Chapel

Joachim's Dream

fresco by Giotto

Joachim's Sacrificial Offering

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Joseph in the well

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Judas' Betrayal

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Kiss of Judas

fresco by Giotto di Bondone


fresco by Giotto di Bondonne

Last Judgment

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Last Supper

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Padova

Madonna Enthroned

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Madonna and Child of San Giorgio alla Costa

painting by Giotto di Bondone, 1295

Madonna of Borgo San Lorenzo

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Madonna with the Child

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Madonna with the laughing Child

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Marriage at Cana

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Marriage of the Virgin

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua

Massacre of the Innocents

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Meeting at the Golden Gate

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Miracle of the Crucifix

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Miracle of the Spring

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone


mosaic by Giotto di Bondone

Ognissanti Crucifix by Giotto

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Ognissanti

Painted Cross

painting by Giotto di Bondone or his workshop, Louvre


painting by Giotto di Bondone (Assisi)


fresco by Giotto di Bondone (Padova)


painting by Giotto di Bondone and his workshop, National Gallery

Peruzzi Altarpiece

painting by Giotto

Peruzzi Chapel


Polyptych with saints and angels

polyptych by Giotto di Bondone

Portrait of Dante

part of a fresco by Giotto, Cappella della Maddalena, Museo Nazionale del Bargello

Portrait of Dante

painting in the Cappella del Podestà, Florence, Italy, by Giotto

Presentation at the Temple

fresco by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni

Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Renunciation of Wordly Goods

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting attributed to Giotto di Bondone (Assisi)


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Road to Calvary

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Saint Francis Expelling the Devils

painting by Giotto di Bondone (1266/1267–1337) (after), Wellcome Collection

Saint Lawrence

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Saint Stephen

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Santa Maria Novella Crucifix by Giotto

painting by Giotto di Bondone in Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy

Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene: The Hermit Zosimus Giving a Cloak to Magdalene

painting by Giotto

Scenes from the New Testament: Lamentation

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Scenes of the life of Sant Francis

Scrovegni Crucifix by Giotto

Crucifix painted by Giotto, Padova, Musei civici di Padova

Sermon to the Birds

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Seven panels with scenes from the Life of Christ

series of paintings by Giotto di Bondone

Shepherd Head

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Francis Mourned by St Clare

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Francis Preaching before Honorius III

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Francis before the Sultan

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Paul

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St Peter

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata

painting by Giotto di Bondone

St. John the Evangelist

panel painting by Giotto di Bondone

Stefaneschi Triptych

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Stigmatization of St Francis

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Tempio Malatestiano Crucifix by Giotto

crucifix by Giotto di Bondone, Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini

The Adoration of the Magi

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Annunciation

double fresco by Giotto di Bondone

The Bringing of the Rods to the Temple

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni

The Crucifixion

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Crucifixion of Christ

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Gemäldegalerie Berlin

The Descent into Limbo

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Entombment

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Funeral of a Bishop Saint

Painting attributed to Lorenzo Monaco or Giotto, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nice

The Last Supper

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Alte Pinakothek

The Life of John the Baptist

painting by Giotto in Florence, Iitaly

The Life of Saint Francis

painting by Giotto in Florence, Italy

The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Raising of Lazarus

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The Stefaneschi Triptych: Christ Enthroned

painting by Giotto

The Suitors Praying

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua

The Virgin and Child

painting by Giotto di Bondone (1266/1267–1337) (studio of), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

The Virgin of the Annunciation

fresco by Giotto

The Visitation

painting by Giotto di Bondone

The complete paintings of Giotto / Giotto

catalogue raisonée by Edi Baccheschi

Three Magi Bearing Gifts

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Ung man i rustning med svärd och glob i händerna

drawing by Giotto

Vault of the Doctors of the Church

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Verification of the Stigmata

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Vices and Virtues

Series of frescos by Italian painter Giotto

View of a chapel

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Virgin Mourning

fragmentary fresco painting in the Museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, attributed to Giotto

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Saints

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Vision of the Flaming Chariot

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Vision of the Trones

painting by Giotto di Bondone


painting by Giotto di Bondone

Washing of the Feet

painting by Giotto di Bondone

Wedding at Cana (top) and Lamentation (bottom)

fresco by Giotto di Bondone

Wedding procession

painting by Giotto di Bondone, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua