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List of works by Timothy W. Potter

"Excavations at Burrow in Lonsdale"

article published January 1974 in Contrebis

"Observations on the west side of Castle Hill, Lancaster"

"The Roman Fort at Watercrook"

A Republican Healing-Sanctuary at Ponte Di Nona Near Rome and The Classical Tradition of Votive Medicine

A Roman Bath-House in the Mitre Yard, Lancaster

article published in 1973

A Roman Site at Hincaster

article published in 1974

A Roman Villa at Crocicchie, Via Clodia

A Roman building in the Cambridgeshire Fens, and some parallels near Rome

scholarly article by T. W. Potter published in October 1982

A century of prehistory and landscape studies at the British School at Rome

article by T. W. Potter & Simon Stoddart published November 2001 in Papers of the British School at Rome

A new domestic building-façade from Roman Britain

scientific article published in 1990

A ‘stork-vase’ from the Mola di Monte Gelato

Archaeology at Barton Court Farm, Abingdon, Oxon: an Investigation of Late Neolithic, Iron Age, Romano-British and Saxon Settlements

Archaeology at Lancaster University

scholarly article by T. W. Potter published in September 1974

Campania. By Martin Frederiksen; edited with additions by Nicholas Purcell. 25 × 19 cm. Pp. xviii + 368 + 3 maps + 15 pls. London: British School at Rome, 1984. ISBN 0-904152-07-3. £15.00



Dennis of Etruria: a celebration

Early Roman Finds from the South-West Side of the Mitre Yard, Lancaster

article published in 1974

Excavation and Survey at St Patrick's Chapel and St Peter's Church, Heysham, Lancashire 1977-8

article published in 1996 in Contrebis

Excavation and Survey at St Patrick's Chapel and St Peter's Church, Heysham, Lancashire, 1977–8

article published in 1994

Excavations At St. Patrick’s Chapel, Heysham, 1977-8

article published January 1978 in Contrebis

Excavations at Bowness-on-Solway, Cumberland

article published 1974 in Contrebis

Excavations at Lancaster, April, 1975

article by T. W. Potter & Andrew J. White published January 1975 in Contrebis

Excavations at Sabratha 1948–1951. A Report on the Excavations conducted by Dame Kathleen Kenyan and John Ward-Perkins. By Philip M. Kenrick. 30×22 cm. Pp. xxiii+320, 125 figs. + 64 pls. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies on behalf

article by T. W. Potter published September 1987 in Antiquaries Journal

Excavations at Sabratha 1948–1951. A Report on the excavations conducted by Dame Kathleen Kenyon and John Ward-Perkins. By Kenrick Philip M.. 320 pages, 125 figures, 64 plates. Journal of Roman Studies Monograph No. 2, published by the Society for

scientific article published in 1987

Excavations at Watercrook, 1974

article published in 1974 in Contrebis

Excavations in Vicarage Field, Lancaster

article published in 1974

Graeme Barker and Richard Hodges (eds): Archaeology and Italian society. Prehistoric, Roman and medieval studies. Papers in Italian Archaeology. II BAR International Series 102. Oxford: BAR, 1981. 356 pp., 35 pls., 79 figs. £14.00


Handbook to the Roman Wall. By J. Collingwood Bruce (13th edn.). Edited and enlarged by Charles Daniels. 19 × 12·5 cm. Pp. 335 + 196 figs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Harold Hill and Son, 1978. £4·95.

Il Castellum Del Nador. Storia Di Una Fattora Tra Tipasa e Caesarea (I-Visec.D.C.). By Anselmino L., Bouchenaki M., Carandini A., Leveau Ph., Manacorda D., Pavolini C., Pucci G., Salama P.. 232 pages, 50 figures, 29 plates. Monografie di archeologia

scientific article published in 1991

Il castello di Ponte Nepesino e il confine settentrionale del ducato di Roma

scientific article published in 1984

L'Alimentation en eau de Caesarea de Maurétanie et l'aqueduc de Cherchell. By P. Leveau and J.-L. Paillet. 25 × 19 cm. Pp. 185 + 96 figs + 10 plans. Paris: Editions l'Harmattan, 1976. Price not stated.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must be suppli

Le Limes De Tingitane. La Frontière Méridionale. By Euzennat M.. Études d'Antiquités Africaines. Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1989. 339 pages, 327 figures/plates. £55

scientific article published in 1991

Maryport, Cumbria: A Roman Fort and Its Garrison

Mola di Monte Gelato, Mazzano Romano, VT : notizie preliminari sulle campagne di scavo 1986-1988 e considerazioni sulle origini dell'incastellamento in Etruria meridionale alla luce dei nuovi dati archeologici

scientific article published in 1989

Monographs and Collections Relating to Excavations Financed by H. M. Department of the Environment in Wales I: Roman Sites

New Roman and prehistoric aerial discoveries at Grandford, Cambridgeshire

Orton Hall Farm: A Roman and Early Anglo-Saxon Farmstead

Puckeridge-Braughing, Hertfordshire: The Ermine Street Excavations, 1971-1972. The Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement

Roman Farm Buildings in Italy. By J. J. Rossiter. (B.A.R. International Series, 52.) 29·4 × 20·8 cm. Pp. 81 + 15 figs. + 2 pls. + 2 maps. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1978. £2·00

book review published in 1980

Romans in North-West England. Excavations at the Roman forts of Ravenglass, Watercrook and Bowness on Solway

book published in 1979

Scavi a Mola di Monte Gelato presso Mazzano Romano : Etruria meridionale : primo rapporto preliminare

scientific article published in 1988

Settlement archaeology in Iron-age Latium. TOBIAS FISCHER-HANSEN (con la collaborazione di Gregers Algreen-Ussing e con un contributo di Carlo Pavolini)

Some Reflections on the Archaeology of Southern Etruria

scientific article published in January 1981

Studies in the Romano-British Villa

The Canterbury Late Roman Treasure

article by C. M. Johns & T. W. Potter published September 1985 in Antiquaries Journal

The Changing Landscape of South Etruria

scientific article published in December 1982

The Fenland Project, Number 2: Fenland Landscapes and Settlement between Peterborough and March

The North African Stones Speak. By Mackendrick P.. 430 pages. Croom Helm, London, 1980. Price £10.95 hardback

scientific article published in 1982

The Roman Occupation of the Central Fenland

scientific article published in 1981

The Roman road station of Aquaviva, southern Etruria

The Roman site of Stonea, Cambridgeshire

The Romanization of Britain. An Essay in Archaeological Interpretation. By Martin Millett. 255 × 179mm. Pp. xvi + 255, 95 ills., 32 tables. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. ISBN 0-521-36084-6. £30·00

book review by T. W. Potter published in March 1990

The Romans in North-West England: excavations at the Roman forts of Ravenglass, Watercrook and Bowness-on-Solway

article published in 1979

The Silchester Amphitheatre. Excavations 1979-85. By Michael Fulford. 297 × 209mm. Pp. xxiii + 197, 84 figs., 40 pls., 7 tables. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (Britannia Monograph Series, 10), 1989. ISBN 0-907764-12-6. £18·00

book review by T. W. Potter published in 1990 in Antiquaries Journal

The Victoria History of the Counties of England. A History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Vol. vii. Roman Cambridgeshire (by D. M. Browne). Edited by J. J. Wilkes and C. R. Elrington. 31 × 22 cm. Pp. xvi + 98 + 17 pls. + 11 figs. London: Oxf


Towns and territories in southern Etruria

Valesio. History of an Apulian Settlement from the Iron Age to the Late Roman Period. By J. Boersma and D. Yntema. 305 × 205mm. Pp. 158, 66 figs., 33 pls. Fasano di Puglia: privately published by Società Montedipe, 1987

Valleys and settlement: Some new evidence
