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List of works by Jose Rodrigo Miró Recasens

A viscoplastic constitutive model with strain rate variables for asphalt mixtures—numerical simulation

Acoustic field evaluation of asphalt mixtures with crumb rubber

Ageing and temperature effect on the fatigue performance of bituminous mixtures

Analysing the potential use of a low-grade magnesium carbonate by-product as a filler in hot asphalt mixtures

Analysis of cracking resistance of bituminous mixtures using Fenix test

Analysis of the mechanical behaviour of bituminous mixtures at low temperatures

Analysis of the thixotropic behavior and the deterioration process of bitumen in fatigue tests


Application of a strain sweep test to assess fatigue behavior of asphalt binders

Approach to fatigue performance using Fénix test for asphalt mixtures

Damage and Thixotropy in Asphalt Mixture and Binder Fatigue Tests

Differentiating between damage and thixotropy in asphalt binder’s fatigue tests

Efecto de la tenacidad del asfalto en la resistencia a fatiga de las mezclas asfálticas

Effect of Calcareous Fillers on Bituminous Mix Aging

Effect of Crumb Rubber Bituminous Mixes on Functional Characteristics of Road Pavements

Effect of Thermal Stresses on Fatigue Behavior in Bituminous Mixes

Effect of ageing and temperature on the fatigue behaviour of bitumens

Effect of compaction temperature and procedure on the design of asphalt mixtures using Marshall and gyratory compactors

Effect of the physical properties of aggregates on aggregate-asphalt bond measured using the UCL method

Effect of the use of Marpol waste as a partial replacement of the binder for the manufacture of more sustainable bituminous mixtures

Evaluating the Role of Aggregate Gradation on Cracking Performance of Asphalt Concrete for Thin Overlays

Evaluation of high modulus mixture behaviour with high reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) percentages for sustainable road construction

Experimental study of recycled asphalt mixtures with high percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)

Fénix Test

Relationship between Binder and Mixture Damage Resistance at Intermediate and Low Temperatures

Road pavement rehabilitation using a binder with a high content of crumb rubber: Influence on noise reduction

Spanish Experience with Gyratory Compactor and Indirect Tensile Test in Design and Control of Cold Recycled Asphalt Pavement

Temperature and Loading Rate Susceptibility of Bituminous Mixtures on Monotonic Testing

The Effect of Temperature, Rest Periods and Ageing on the Response of Bituminous Materials in Fatigue Tests: Considerations and Proposals on Analytical Dimensioning Models

The influence of temperature on the fatigue behaviour of bituminous materials for pavement rehabilitation