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List of works by Isobel Smith

"Excavations at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells, 1954 - 1956: Appendix B. The Pottery"

article published 1960 in Sussex Archaeological Collections

A Bronze Age Urn Cemetery at Kimpton, Hampshire

scientific article published in December 1981

A Leatherworker’s Grave from North Wiltshire

A stone axe from Huish

article published in 1974

Avebury: the northern inner circle

article published in 1964

Durrington Walls: Excavations 1966-68, by G. J. Wainwright with I. H. Longworth. Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of the Antiquaries of London, No. XXIX, 1971 (distributed by Thames and Hudson). Pp. xiv +421, 138 figs., 13 pls. £8.00.

book review published in 1973

Excavation of Three Long Barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire

scientific article published in December 1979

Excavation of Two Long Barrows in North Wiltshire

article by Isobel Smith & J.G. Evans published June 1968 in Antiquity

Excavation of a Round Barrow on Overton Hill, North Wiltshire

scientific article published in December 1966

Excavation of a bell barrow, Avebury G.55

article published in 1965

Excavation of three Roman tombs and a prehistoric pit on Overton Down

article published in 1964

Excavations at Cherhill, North Wiltshire, 1967

scholarly article by J. G. Evans published in January 1983

Figsbury Rings. A reconsideration of the inner enclosure

article published in 1982

La préhistoire française. Tome II. Les civilisations neolithiques et protohistoriques de la France. Sous la direction de Jean Guilaine. (Publié à 1'occasion du IXe Congrès de l'U.I.S.P.P., Nice, 1976.) 30 × 21·5 cm. Pp. xii + 912 + 373 figs, a


Neolithic pottery from Rybury Camp

article published in 1965

New Neolithic Sites in Dorset and Bedfordshire, with a Note on the Distribution of Neolithic Storage-Pits in Britain

scientific article published in December 1964

Radio-Carbon Dates from Windmill Hill

scholarly article by Isobel Smith published in September 1960

Round barrows Wilsford cum Lake G51-G54: excavations by Ernest Greenfield in 1958

article published in 1991

Sarsen Stones in Wessex: The Society's First Investigations in the Evolution of the Landscape Project

The Bronze Age Round Barrow in Britain. By Paul Ashbee. 9⅝ × 7. Pp. 222 + 35 pls. + 61 figs. London: Phoenix House, 1960. 50s.

The Date of the Windmill Hill Long Barrow

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in December 1966

The Excavation of a Ring-Ditch at Tye Field, Lawford, Essex

scientific article published in January 1985

The Prehistoric Peoples of Scotland. Edited by Stuart Piggott. 9¼ × 6¼. Pp. ix + 165 + 8 pls. + 16 figs. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962. 40s


The Roman Fort at Nanstallon, Cornwall

article published in 1972

The petrological identification of stone implements from South-Western England: Fifth Report of the Sub-Committee of the South-Western Federation of Museums and Art Galleries


Wessex, by P. J. Fowler, Pp. 88, 45 figs., frontispiece map. Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1967, 16s.

book review published in 1968

Windmill and Avebury, excavations by Alexander Keiller, 1925-1939

Book written by Isobel Smith