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List of works by Shane Greenstein

Adjusting to Autonomous Trucking

scholarly article published in May 2018

An Honest Policy Wonk

Archetypes of Risky Decisions

scientific article published in 2022

Building and Delivering the Virtual World: Commercializing Services for Internet Access

scientific article published in May 2000

Centrino and the Restructuring of WI-FI Supply

scientific article published in August 2020

Collective Intelligence and Neutral Point of View: The Case of Wikipedia

scientific article published in June 2012

Contributing to Growth? The Role of Open Source Software for Global Startups

scholarly article published in 2024

Coordination vs. Differentiation in a Standards War: 56K Modems

Did Computer Technology Diffuse Quickly?: Best and Average Practice in Mainframe Computers, 1968-1983

scientific article published in February 1994

Differentiation Strategy and Market Deregulation: Local Telecommunication Entry in the Late 1990s

scientific article published in June 2003

Digital Dark Matter and the Economic Contribution of Apache

scientific article published in October 2013

Digital Dispersion: An Industrial and Geographic Census of Commerical Internet Use

article published in 2002

Digitization and Value Creation

scientific article published in 2010

Do Experts or Crowd-Based Models Produce More Bias? Evidence from Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia

scientific article published on 3 March 2018

Dynamic Modeling of the Product Life Cycle in the Commercial Mainframe Computer Market, 1968-1982

scientific article published in August 1997

Economic Dependencies in Integrated Circuits

scientific article published in 2021

Economic Experiments and Neutrality in Internet Access

article published in 2007

Estimating the Welfare Effects of Digital Infrastructure

scientific article published in September 1996

Evidence of Decreasing Internet Entropy: The Lack of Redundancy in DNS Resolution by Major Websites and Services

scientific article published in February 2018

Evidence of a Modest Price Decline in US Broadband Services

scientific article published in July 2010

Free Software without a Free Lunch or Free Beer

scientific article published in 2018

From Superminis to Supercomputers: Estimating Surplus in the Computing Market

scientific article published in October 1994

Hidden software and veiled value creation: Illustrations from server software usage

scientific article published on 11 August 2021

How Much Apache?

scientific article published in 2013

How Much Better is Bigger, Faster & Cheaper? Buyer Benefits from Innovation in Mainframe Computers in the 1980s

scientific article published in May 1995

How did Location Affect Adoption of the Commercial Internet? Global Village, Urban Density, and Industry Composition

scientific article published in September 2003

Ideological Segregation among Online Collaborators: Evidence from Wikipedians

scientific article (publication date: October 2016)

Ideology and Composition Among an Online Crowd: Evidence from Wikipedians

scientific article published in 2021

Information Technology and the Distribution of Inventive Activity

scientific article published in April 2014

Is Wikipedia Biased?

article published in 2012

Measuring the Performance of a Protected Infant Industry: The Case of Brazilian Microcomputers


Misapplied metaphors in AI policy

scientific article published on 08 May 2019

Net Neutrality: A Fast Lane to Understanding the Trade-offs

scientific article published in February 2016

Nurturing the Accumulation of Innovations: Lessons from the Internet

scientific article published in April 2010

Open Content, Linus’ Law, and Neutral Point of View

scientific article published in 2016

Organized for Cycles of Change

scholarly article

Pandemics and the Dismal Technology Economy

scientific article published on 25 May 2020

Six Infrastructure Trends

scholarly article

Tape Story Tapestry: Historical Research with Inaccessible Digital Information Technologies

journal article from 'The Midwestern Archivist' published in 1990

Technological Leadership (de)Concentration: Causes in ICTE

Technological leadership (de)concentration: causes in information and communication technology equipment

scholarly article

Technology Adoption In and Out of Major Urban Areas: When Do Internal Firm Resources Matter Most?

scientific article published in September 2005

The Aftermath of the Dyn DDOS Attack

scholarly article

The Broadband Bonus: Accounting for Broadband Internet's Impact on U.S. GDP

scientific article published in February 2009

The Competitive Crash in Large-Scale Commercial Computing

scientific article published in October 1994

The Diffusion of the Internet and the Geography of the Digital Divide in the United States

scientific article published in May 2006

The Economics of Confrontational Conversation

scientific article published in 2021

The Emerging Internet Retailing Market as a Nested Diffusion Process

scientific article

The Empirical Economics of Online Attention

scientific article published in July 2016

The Evolution of Advanced Large Scale Information Infrastructure in the United States

The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on Internet Interconnection

scientific article published in November 2019

The Internet and Local Wages: Convergence or Divergence?

scientific article published in February 2009

The Range of Linus' Law

scientific article published on 03 February 2012

The Silent Majority Fallacy of the Elzinga-Hogarty Criteria: A Critique and New Approach to Analyzing Hospital Mergers

scientific article published in April 2001

The Trillion Dollar Conundrum: Complementarities and Health Information Technology

scientific article published in August 2012

The need for speed in emerging communications markets: upgrades to advanced technology at Internet Service Providers

scholarly article

The persistence of broadband user behavior: Implications for universal service and competition policy

scholarly article

The reference wars:Encyclopaedia Britannica'sdecline and Encarta's emergence

scientific article (publication date: August 2016)

Triumph of the Commons: Wikia and the Commercialization of Open-Source Communities in 2009

scientific article published in 2017

Universal Service in the Digital Age: The Commercialization and Geography of U.S. Internet Access

scientific article published in March 1998

Wagging Wikipedia's long tail

scientific article published on 22 August 2007

Wikipedia in the Spotlight

scientific article published on 13 March 2017