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List of works by Scott Handcock

73 Yards

episode of Doctor Who

A First Breath

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

A Handful of Dust

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

A Kill to a View

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

A Mother's Son

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

A Quiet Night In

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Afterwards They Came

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Aliens Next Door

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

All-Consuming Fire

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

An Extraterrestrial Werewolf in Belgium

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

Another Man's Shoes

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Art Decadence

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Asking for a Friend

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

At Her Majesty's Pleasure

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Auf Wiedersehen

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Bad Habits

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Beneath the Viscoid

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Big Dig

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Big Society

Radio Drama episode of Big Finish series Vienna


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Brand Management

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Braxiatel in Love

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Burrowed Time

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

By Royal Appointment

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Call for the Dead

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Celestial Intervention

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Changes Everything

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Clear History

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Colin Alone

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Comeback of the Scorchies

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Conflict Theory

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Corpse Day

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Dark Side

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

Dark Side of the Moon

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Darker Purposes

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Darkness and Light

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Day Zero

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Dead Man's Switch

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Dead and Breakfast

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Deadbeat Escape

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Death Will Not Part Us

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Desperate Measures

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Dinner and a Show

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Dinner for Yvonne

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Driving Miss Wells

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Echoes of Extinction

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Empire of Shadows

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Empress of the Drahvins

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

End Game

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Enemy Lines

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Escape Room

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Escape from Nebazz

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Ever After Happy

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Every Dark Thought

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Everybody Loves Irving

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Everybody Loves Reagan

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Ex Machina

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Eye of the Storm

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Fall to Earth


Fear of Flying

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Flight 405

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Forgotten Lives

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

From the Flames

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Future Pain

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Ghost Mission

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

Good Night, Sweet Ladies

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Goodbye Piccadilly

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

HMS Surprise

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Have I Told You Lately?

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

He Who Wins

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Herald of the Dawn

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

High Spirits

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

His Close Companions

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Hostile Environment

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

I, Rorius

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Identity Check

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

In Living Memory

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

In Remembrance

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Inside Story

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Interstitial / Feast of Fear

Audio Drama based on Doctor Who

Intervention Earth

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Lease of Life

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Less Majesty

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Life Experience

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Looking for a Friend

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

Love Rat

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Madam, I'm

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Made You Look

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Mandeville Walks

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who serial The War Master

Many Happy Returns

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Meet Mr Lyme

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Messages from the Dead

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Mighty and Despair

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Mind of the Hodiac

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Misty Eyes

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Month 25

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

More Than This

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Mother Tongue

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Moving Target

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Murder at the Abbey

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

Mutually Assured Destruction

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

My Guest Tonight

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Night Watch

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Night of the Fendahl

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Nightmare of the Daleks

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Now You Know

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Now is the Time for All Good Men

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

O Little Town of Ashenden

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

One Enchanted Evening

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Oracle of the Supermarket

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Paradise Frost

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Peach Blossom Heights

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Piece of Mind

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Planet X

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Poker Face

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Pride of the Lampian

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Queen of Rhodia

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Random Ghosts

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Retribution - Part 1

Radio Drama episode of Big Finish series Vienna

Retribution - Part 2

Radio Drama episode of Big Finish series Vienna

Retribution - Part 3

Radio Drama episode of Big Finish series Vienna

Rhys & Ianto's Excellent Barbecue

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Rivers of Blood

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Rogue State

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Secret Diary of a Rhodian Prince

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

See No Evil

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Self Improvement

Radio Drama episode of Big Finish series Vienna


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Shades of Gray

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who serial The War Master

Signal and I'll Come to You

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Silver Medal

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

Sins of the Father

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Soldier Obscura

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Superiority Complex

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Sweet Nothings

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Table for Two, Dinner for One

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Audio Drama based on Doctor Who

Tell Me You Love Me

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Adventure of the Deceased Doctor

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Angel of History

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Black Knight

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Brimstone Kid

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Castle of Kurnos 5

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The City and the Clock

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Cognition Shift

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Coney Island Chameleon

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Conspiracy


The Creeper

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Curse of Fenman

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Dead Hand

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Death of Captain Jack

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Devil You Know

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Dread of Night

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Dying Room

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Edge of Redemption

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Emporium at the End

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Empty Hand

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Enemy of my Enemy

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Eye of Horus

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Five People You Kill in Middlesbrough

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Forest of Penitence

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Foxglove Cylinders

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Frequency

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Galois Group

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Ghost Wall

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Glittering Prize

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Glowing Warrior

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

The Good Master

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Green Life

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Grel Invasion of Earth

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Headless Ones

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Heavenly Paradigm

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Highest Science

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Hope

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Hour of the Hollow Man

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Jabari Countdown

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Kicker

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Last Beacon

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Last Diner

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

The Last King of Camelot

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

The Last Line

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Last Line of Defence

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Liberty of Norton Folgate

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Library in the Body

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Life and Loves of Mr Alexander Bennett

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Lights of Skaro

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Long Despair

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Lost Resort

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Lovecraft Invasion

Audio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Man from Room 13

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Master of Dorian Gray

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Master's Dalek Plan

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Missing Link

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Mould

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The National Health

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Office of Never Was

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Once and Future Nurse

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

The Orphan

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Perils of Nellie Bly

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Persistence of Dreams

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Players

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Pyramid of Sutekh

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Red List

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Restored

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Revenant's Carnival

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Revolution

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Rising Night

book by Scott Handcock

The Scaramancer

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Shadow Master

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Shadow People

book by Scott Handcock

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Sitter

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Sky Man

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Slots of Giza

Radio Drama episode of Iris Wildthyme

The Soers' Ditch

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Spread

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Sublime Porte

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Survivor

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Taken

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Tears of Isis

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Three Flames

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Three Monkeys

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Threshold

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Torchwood Archive


The Trial of a Time Machine

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The True Saviour of the Universe

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Undying Truth

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Unwilling Assassin

Radio Drama set in The Worlds of Doctor Who

The Vanity Trap

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Vaults of Osiris

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Very Dark Thing

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Victorian Age

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

The Walls of Absence

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The War Master - Part 1

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The War Master - Part 2

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The War Master - Part 3

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Winning Side

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

The Wrath of Medusa

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

The Year After I Died

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Theatre of War

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Thin Time / Madquake

Audio Drama based on Doctor Who

Thoughts and Prayers

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Time Flies

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Seascapes 4

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Unfinished Business

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Vesuvius Falling

Radio Drama based on Bernice Summerfield

Visiting Hours

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Warzone / Conversion

Audio Drama based on Doctor Who

We Always Get Out Alive

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood

Wednesdays For Beginners

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

What Have I Done?

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who


Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Zero Hour

Radio Drama based on Doctor Who

Zone 10

Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood


Monthly Adventure of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood